Sunday, August 4, 2024

Observe Israel to be ready for the rapture


This article confirms the Bible (AV 1611). 

 The second advent will be at the end of seven years of utter destruction of the world and related lost humanity. The beginning of these seven years of sorrows will be announced by at least three things: 

1) the rapture of the church and end of the church age marked by grace only salvation, to be replaced by works & faith as only mean of salvation;

2) the building of the Third temple: everything is already prepared to start the construction in Israel;

3) finally, and this is related to the core of the article, Israel compelled to a peace treaty with the surrounding nations. The global, planetary climate of hatred against the Zionist state is preparing Israel to accept such a treaty as only viable solution for political and territorial survival. The new UK govt. is aligning with this biblical trend. And a victory of the pro-Zionist Republican party in the US could be not decisive to break the encircling of the whole world but helping to mask it with a sort of honorable compromise or force the same  US to accept the same treaty. Remember that the US and Israel are an allegory of Israel (Israel) and the church of Christ (USA) or the "righteous nations" judged by Christ at His second advent.

Indeed, I took note of the remarkable increase of anti-semitism in the US alt-right, now exploiting the Zionist Trump as a Troy horse, who could be set aside (another shooting? but this time the Madonna watching on the other side?), and replaced by someone else.

The free world is in an acute crisis, as shown by its reaction to terrorists’ deaths

Opinion: The reactions of many countries and organizations to the death of Ismail Haniyeh meant to uphold the values of freedom show that the free world is in deep decay and that the world crisis has become acute

Dan Zamansky | published:08.02.24 | 22:37

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