Saturday, August 3, 2024

Calvinistic madness or hypocrisy?


Above screenshot - "Decisional regeneration has sent millions to hell,"

Huh?.... Really??.... I thought that in Calvinism, God is the one who DECIDES to send "millions to hell".   

Not "decisional regeneration".

I don't know if these Calvinist guys are idiots, mentally insane, or hypocrite.

(Or possessed by a devil).

Evidently they know that their "God" who "predestinates" someone to Hell or Heaven is only a figment of the imagination of Satan. This is why they don't dare to use His name when they accuse the "...'muricans heretics" to send "millions to Hell". Again, are the "muricans" the true God? .... Because, hasn't God 'predestinated' millions to Hell?.... "....Nooooo!.... You cannot say that in public!.... Say that only in exposition of general doctrine.... When you refer to real people or situation, use other terms, instead "God", for example, use "decisional regeneration" or "free-willism", or "American heresies", but never name "God"!.... You know, your interlocutor could be predestinated to punch your nose... Isn't humiliating, when you receive punches in your face, and then admit that "God predestinated me to be punched in the nose"?.....

But they will never admit that. They use free-will, but they punches everyone who admit that God gave free-will.

This is why they deny free-will. Because is given by God. They exercise it but deny it to others. And they deny that it exists, because it can be given only by God. But as they cannot stop God from giving free will..... they deny the existence of it! Because, being they like their father, they want to be God. To be able then to deny the free-will to the others!... Therefore they cannot admit that free-will exists, otherwise they'll admit the existence of the true God. To whom they have to submit to. And they don't want. Exercising their free will which they deny the existence thereof.

Aren't they children of Satan?


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