Sunday, August 4, 2024

"Calvinistic predestiantionism" is another vomit from Hell emerged in Eurasia and aimed to overwhelm the New World. Thanks God it was repelled but the conspicuous traces are still boiling in the lost souls and are gaining momentum especially among the spiritual corpses of decaying American society. A spiritual parasitic disease?


8Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Due is mine to clarly rebutt parasitic trolls of the Calvinism and Panslavism,  covert agents of the Whore of Rome. Their hatred towards the 'muricans (& Jews) is the best document which show that their ancestry and their mom is that city labelled "of the seven hills", (and 1900 years ago, there was ONLY one city labelled as such by Pliny or Livy in the known world. So don't try to use excuses). 

Doctrines and ideologies of Hell, even if bitter and sour mutual enemies one to each other (example: Hitler & Stalin, as they allied to quarter Poland), soon or later will flock together.

 I remember, in 2014, when yet unsaved (I believed to be, but I was wrong), a Calvinist troll from Bulgaria reporting on how the "gentle", "romantic" Slavic souls of Putin & Kirill were still labelling the Baptists of the East Ukraine (not that the American ones were exempted, but they focused only in that area in that moment...*), as "EVIL SPIRITS". 

I don't need confirmation. Because an "heretic US missionary", "who brings among us 'mericans heresies and pornographies & despicable freewillism", told me how in Kazhahistan (former USSR member and heavily influenced by Russia), Baptists can be heard as accused of the same heinous crime the Nazis accused the Jews, "kidnapping children to suck their blood".

"Evil spirits" seems, in comparison, a very light thing.

Therefore I suggest to the Calvinist comrades to read a little book they surely will find online as e-book at cheap price (anyway, don't they love "culture & books"? No joking, a Calvinist is synonimous of Philosopher and Intellectual, see how they twist and bend the text of the AV 1611 using their intellectual and academic apparatus).

BTW I observed on how such trolls they parasite the foreign missionaries crawling inside their churches, masking themselves as "baptists" etc., but their heart is far from Jesus. They parasite them whom they hate and this is a perfect way to operate of the Devil. Once exposed they usually retreat in a "humble mode", but as soon they have been forgotten in the shadow, they start again their poisonous works of sowing doubts and Eurasian philosophy.

I know an antidote to them. My wife used it very succesfully against aswangs, tikbalang, human robbers, etc.: call upon the name of the Lord in repentance for your pride, and He'll save you from all the parasites (devils or human they can be) of Hell.

So, d'you love books? Here one, that exposes the spiritual deadly poison of "Calvinism":

*) Notice on how, meanwhile one of the double tongue of the "gentle spirit of the pious Christians of Slavdom's leader Russia" was alluring the 'murican "Protestants" to praise Putin [and I remember that in 2015, the year before the Yarovaya law against the foreign missionaries, the circus of Bill Graham was still planning a "world council of families" in Meshech (Moscow)]..... there were already years in which the other side of that "pious tongue of God" of the "gentle Christianity of Slav's defender Russia" was haunting Baptists  labelling them "evil spirits".... This just for a token on how falsity, double tongue, deception can emulate a "pious Christian soul" whose hidden hand has a bottle of poison that will slowly poison your soul.

Saturday, August 3, 2024
Calvinistic madness or hypocrisy?

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