Thursday, November 16, 2017

Russia closes Baptist church despite recent praise of Protestants [article]

"..... Meanwhile, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is scheduled to pay a “ground-breaking visit” to Moscow on 20th November for talks with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, reports The UK’s Times newspaper. The main focus of the three-day visit will be on joint efforts to help Christians facing persecution in the Middle East, closer co-operation on social and moral issues and strengthening ecumenical links between the main denominations". 
A Baptist church has been closed down in Russia only weeks after a senior official praised the contribution Protestants had made to the country’s culture during a speech marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
The owners of the church in Tula, central Russia, were charged with “improper use of the building”, according to Asia News, and fined 10,000 rubles ($US166) each.
The church had been operating without restriction since the collapse of communism in 1991 but, since the introduction of the Yarovaya Law – dubbed an “anti-missionary law” – in 2016, it had been “subjected to prohibitions and restraints similar to Soviet times”, Asia News said.
The authorities moved against the church after it placed a sign above the door reading ‘Church of Tula CCEB’, together with timetables for worship. It was reported that the regional inspector who closed down the church also issued a warning against other religious communities, saying that the measure “was a trial run for similar confiscations throughout the region”.
Religious persecution watchdog Open Doors, which had welcomed First Deputy Chief Sergei Kiriyenko’s Reformation speech praising Protestants, went on to say at the time that “it really needs to be seen if the Kremlin includes [evangelical groups like the Baptists] in their note of approval”.
Meanwhile, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is scheduled to pay a “ground-breaking visit” to Moscow on 20th November for talks with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, reports The UK’s Times newspaper. The main focus of the three-day visit will be on joint efforts to help Christians facing persecution in the Middle East, closer co-operation on social and moral issues and strengthening ecumenical links between the main denominations.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017
RUSSIA: One year of "anti-missionary" punishments [article]

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

the reason I obscured the whole of my blogs [except the Biblical Creationist ones]

Please, if you can read one of them warn me.
It is not due to the fact that I found also many false information there, information I presented as "truth". I found still a lot of good information, not false one, in my blogs. There's a complete different reason, under the fact that I obscured the whole of my blogs except the two ones (one in Italian, one in English) devoted to spread the Gospel via Biblical Creationism and strict YEC view (Young Earth Creationism). The last article appeared on Creation Ministries International helps me very much because there are condensed the most important reason of action of closure:

"....There are some warning signs that may indicate that one’s ideology or theories may be overtaking one’s commitment to the Gospel and the truth of Scripture:
  1. Where do you get most of your information? Are you spending an inordinate amount of time in online groups that are insular and promote an antagonistic mentality, even against other Christians? Is your involvement in a particular ideology taking time away from your own church or your devotional time in Scripture?
  2. When you meet someone new, are they more likely to know first that you are a Christian, or that you don’t really believe we landed a man on the moon (to use just one possible example)? Is your passion to share the Gospel, or to share the ‘gospel’ of your alternative world?
  3. Does your ideology cause you to see people of other religions or ‘races’ as existential threats to your way of life, rather than part of a mission field? We are called to share the Gospel with all unbelievers, even those who may be hostile to us, yet some ideological views today promote the sort of division that would hinder evangelism.".
Read the entire article at:

Emulating the mind of Christ in an age of misinformation
by Lita Cosner and Dr Robert Carter
Published: 14 November 2017 (GMT+10)


Friday, November 10, 2017

Battle Cry November/December 2017 [Chick Publications]

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Gal. 4:16

Table of Contents November/December 2017
Attack on Religious Freedom May Be Turning
The new U.S. Attorney General has issued instructions to all government departments that may help protect people of faith from doing things that go against their beliefs.
World-Famous Chemist Says Peers Hide from Explaining Evolution!
Professor James M. Tour polled many of his peers in Physics and Chemistry departments about evolution. He found out what many professors won’t admit publically.
Why Don’t They Make a Sinaiticus Bible?
Why not make a Bible out of just the "world's oldest Bible" Codex Sinaiticus? Let me tell you why you haven’t, and probably never will, see one.
War Over Transgenders Heats Up
So much in our culture is based on the male-female framework. However, the transgender movement is demanding that everything be changed to accommodate the gender confused: bathrooms, dress codes, sports categories, application forms, —even pronouns!
It Worked! David Got the Gospel!
At the age of 6, Chad Bernick got saved and wanted to share Jesus with his best friend, David. He tells the story about how he did it —at public school!
Chick Tract + Kindness = Happier Street Girl
One lady tells how she used a Chick tract to help a troubled girl who was in her kitchen.
Missions Report - November
With your help, missionaries are getting Chick tracts into the hands of people worldwide. Here are some of their stories.
A special message from David W. Daniels

Chick Mail Bag