Saturday, August 17, 2024

Even deeper the reasons of the Russia's war on Ukraine: even more biblical than you could think or imagine (think for example "BORN AGAIN"...)

 > Warning: previously in a post I praised (even if saturated with heresies and apostasies of the daughters of Rome) the slavic soul of many rural areas of Eurasia for being really Chrstian and "...targeted openly by both anti-Christian West (pro-LGBTQ) and secretly anti-Christian Russia (with the doctrine of Rome)". WRONG. I retake back that my thought, because I share it no more.

Always overlooked history of Ukraine, I remember only from Continuing Counter Reformation (D. Willinger's blog) about the "poles" among founder of Kyiv etc., still fleshy worldly arguments i.e. "nation against nation", "ethnic against ethnic", also "religion against religion" (for example the P.L. Commonwealth and its too strong Protestant parts who were an obstacle to the Catho-Orthodox reunification).

In short: I read the Cossacks' history, and how they are the founders of today's Ukraine, even more than Russia's empire. They were a melting pot of various groups, they began with the Tatars, and ended to be filled with Russians (also Poles, etc.). A sort of "foreign legion". 

A feature of them I stumble upon was (is?) a typical cup of Devils: to join them you had to be willing to defend the Orthodox faith, a religion coming from Rome. At the same time they were dedicated also to magic arts ("Kharakternyks")

All this kind of mixing the meal of the Devil with the bread of God is perfectly represented today by the Alexander  Dugin's theology of the "blut und boden" of Slavic flavor, where the "blut" is more spiritual than material, as did the Nazis (for this reason Russia is more Fascist than Nazi, because Italian Fascism always resented the "biologicity" of  Nazism, putting at the core the "spirituality").

In short as promised: Ukraine, in being "infected" by the Western world, wants to be emancipated from this evil spiritual heritage, to which Russia still praises herself. The lovers of supernaturalism, that crossing over between ethno nationalism and folk culture made by myths and occultism, hates the lack of spiritualism of the Western world (because this lack of spititualism deride them in their devilish practices and heart beliefs), and want you to think that they are attacked by the West when they defend the "tradition of the church". This is why they are simply occultists and shamans of the Devil, who needs to be disguised as "Christians" (typical example: Alexander Dugin). This is the reason of the obsession of Russia for the "family" and defense against  the "LGBTQ": they are two very cheap baits to buy the gullible average Christian of the West, in his turn brainwashed by the sophistication of phylosophy, critique and science (three pillars of Evolutionism and especially of the Bible denial). And being so deceived, our poor "Christian" western soul, searches someone in whom to believe (of course no Christ, substituted by an academic textual critic in the West), falling in the mouth of the "new prophets" of the new "spiritual races" who are "destined" to free the world from "Americanism and Western liberal culture"!.... Guess where they find it? You know why Russia is so widely spread in the hearts and mouths of the lost damned souls of the Western world.

Therefore Ukraine, in becoming the "Bible belt of the USSR", is DEAD from her fleshy body of being part of that "slavic spiritual soul" who loves fornication and adultery with the Devil. God later used even the liberal Western culture to kill the old body of "Cossack multiface culture", that cup of Devils keeping Ukraine part of the Russian world. LGBTQ and other liberal issues were not an "attack" deliberately brought by the Devil, BUT A CONSEQUENCE OF THAT OBSCURE, HIDDEN DARK SATANISM OF THE "SLAVIC SOUL", THAT PRIDE TO BE CONSIDERED "UNIQUE", THAT FILTHY MIXING BETWEEN THINGS OF THE LORD AND EARTHLY THINGS OF THE DEVIL.

You pay for that, this is sure. Russians are still slaves of the cup of Devils. Russia surely will soon or later win, because is the Bible AV 1611 to tell it so. Jerusalem must be surrounded and an independent Ukrain must go to let this planned prophecy. But we know that the Lord will come back and show the fasity of all the ones who believe their soul is special because they are born from a particular race:

9And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

This is also the reason of the hatred against "free-willism", for example from the author of Jesus Partisans in the Balkans. A reaction which exhalt Calvinistic poison or another Rome's poison, the tradition of the "church", Orthodox one. 

Ukraine is a picture of the born again Christian soul. The nation's biological and physical body dies ("we don't want to be Russians!"), and the soul of it is inhabited by the Spirit. But after an individual is being born again there's no guarantee that the new creature mantains himself a perfect one free from sin. The body remain with its fleshy devilish pulsions, and the newly born soul must fight regularly against three: his flesh, the world, Satan.

In separating from Russia, Ukraine pictured another great picture of the Bible (AV 1611): the separation of the soul from the old body of flesh of sin, and the separation from the world and Satan. Exactly the same picture of the Hebrews who separated themselves from Egypt (= the world and the lust of the flesh and mind).

You know why independentseparated  Ukraine (and "Baptist" is synonim of "independency", even if the adjective has been added to the name because of the backsliding of many baptists...), is hated, both from the East as well from the spoiled, hungry of false (coming from east) spiritualism West.

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