Tuesday, July 9, 2024

"sixteen knights - sixteen minutes": what happened in history on the 7th July (AND on the previous day).

[this post is a work in progress, bear with me, God sent to me many troubles in my life to refine, discipline, correct me, I have the life filled with daily problems (usual daily life) and very few time outside Bible study, to dedicate to biblical dispensational (AV 1611 KJV) conspiracy studies, and I feel guilty only for having wasted His time he granted me, with this miserable post.]

....having a bitter struggle with the time I am stealing from the Lord's grace (He owns our time, we have to use it for His glory), I will do this post in a very sparse manner. But this post is intended to show to you how much we are near the second coming of our Lord. The god of this world is going to give power to his Whore, a city on seven hills, exactly as prophesied in the 17th chapter of Revelation. What are you seeing here is nothing else than this process of unification, between 'mom' (Rome) and her daughters (various Christian churches, the mainstream Christianity, many nations, secualar powers, cities, all born from her womb in these 1700 years, for example the 'seven hill' built-on Meccah.... Costantinople/Istanbul, Orthodoxies, Reformed Protestants, etc.)...

I have a stone on my heart: that all this "conspirology" you see here will not be useful for the Lord. I hope and believe that the things I discovered, are not discovered by me but GIVEN to me by the Holy Ghost. In order that many NOT saved souls, could see with their eyes, be convinced and then been COMPELLED to give glory to the Lord of lords, and soon to be King of kings: Christ Jesus. 

There's only one way to give glory: admitting that no good intention, will, work of yours can lead you to avoid the eternal flames of the Lake of fire, only one work, done by one person, the Son, can save you:  

9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

If you will continue to read these things given as grace from above, like they were an "exciting" moment of adrenalinic entertainment, or as food for your vain intellectual, ideological pride,  my mission assigned to me by my master Jesus, would be vain and useless. Think to this: you CANNOT fight these forces. God is showing this to you to show the POWER of the PHARAOH. In Exodux 9:18 God said that he rised up the pharaoh in order to show in him His power. What God meant is that the biggest, tallest you are, the most deafening is the sound of your fall, and in that deafening sound the glory of God is exalted. Do you really think to pull down the pharaoh of this world with your miserable pride of "wanna-know-it-all"? With your poor net of "conspiracy source of information"? With your "Make America (this world) Great Again"????.... Oh poor soul!.... Whent God said to Jeremiah to tell Zedekiah to NOT resist the Babylonians, do you think Jeremiah was a "covert agent" of Nabuchadnezzar, or rather announcing a divine punishment to be not resisted against???

There's only one way to escape/win the and on the Pharaoh or Nebuchadnezzar: TO LET YOUR LORD TO TAKE YOU AWAY AND/OR TO PROTECT YOU FROM HIM.

The Exodus of the nation of Israel, what else was than a picture of the coming Rapture? And the protection of the Lord to His REMNANT, from the army of the Babylonians, what else was if not the future protection of the repented nation of Israel, when Jesus will destroy the armies of the Antichrist around Jerusalem??.... Therefore, be keen. Be smart. Don't try to fight with your poor and polluted hands or your "intelligence" the Pharaoh or the Nebuchadnezzar at the front of you door. Surrender to Christ, HE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU.

Well, the idolatry of a man (pontifex maximus) what is else than the idolatry of the proper self? Remember, God is not mocked.... For all men have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

7th July 2024

"Vatican publishes Pope Francis' schedule for Trieste

The Holy See Press Office has released Pope Francis' schedule for his one-day pastoral visit to the northern Italian city of Trieste for the 50th Italian Catholic Social Week.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

After having made pastoral visits to Venice and Verona recently, and with an imminent stopover in Bari next week to address the G7, Pope Francis will make his next pastoral trip on 7 July, visiting the northeastern Italian city of Trieste."


When the pope left the city, from where the helicopter took off?

"At the end of the Eucharistic Celebration, in which around 8,500 faithful took part, after the words of thanks from the Bishop of Trieste, H.E. Mons. Enrico Trevisi, the Pope led the recitation of the Angelus. Once the final blessing was pronounced, Pope Francis took leave of the civil and religious authorities and, at 12.16 pm, left by helicopter from Molo Audace in Trieste to return to Rome. The Holy Father landed in the Vatican at 1.57 pm and returned to Casa Santa Marta."


Molo Audace.

Is just in front of the location of the Russian yacht in the Gulf of Trieste:

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Russian yacht and the Marian temple (Eph 5:11 & Col 1:16)




URL: https://youtu.be/bx5-XnhjfmE?si=tiq28NNcA7Q9vgIT

Notice on how the 'holy' helicopter was beginning to climb to approach the "Marian sanctuary", the zoom of the camera went back depriving the spectator of the images of the pope flying his temple of the Lady of War meanwhile the speaker and the studio's journalist were saying "...the helicopter is overflying the sanctuary...", "....wonderful image!, wonderful image!" replied the journalist from the studio, with a very funny and comical effect!

Above image - the "heli-pope" taking off from MOLO AUDACE (see above references), at 12:16.

7th July 2016

".....This week in Christian history: Russia passes anti-missionary law, Mexican bishops suspend worship

By Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church Editor Sunday, July 07, 2024Twitter

Putin signs anti-evangelism law – July 7, 2016

This week marks the anniversary of when Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that greatly restricted when religious groups, including Evangelicals, could preach or evangelize.

An anti-terrorism measure commonly called the “Yarovaya law,” after one of its sponsors, Irina Yarovaya, the proposal came in part to help the Russian Orthodox Church, which viewed non-Orthodox Christian missionaries as a concern.


6th July 1799

The day before in Trieste.... On their way to RUSSIA, the knights, from Malta, go in TRIESTE and there they sign something:

[keep in mind the hour of departure of the "heli-pope" from the Molo Audace dock: 12:16]

".....In the meantime, having escaped from Malta, von Hompesch had taken refuge in Trieste, followed by only sixteen Knights. It is here that, on 6 July 1799, he signed the act of abdication, recommending the fate of the Order to the Emperor, 70th Grand Master".


"Pastoral Visit of the Holy Father Francis to Trieste on the occasion of the 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy - Celebration of the Holy Mass and recitation of the Angelus in Piazza Unità d'Italia, 07.07.2024"


Monday, July 8, 2024

"Z" like "zouaves of the pope"??... (based on John 3:8, AV 1611)


Friday, April 26, 2024

Rejoyce, you are living very interesting times, and be prepared for the Rapture, repent, believe Jesus is God, admit He died and bled for your sins, and confess that to the Father and you will judge with Christ the world and angels


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