Monday, July 15, 2024

Elon Trump and the tree of life of Mars (just food for thought)


Musk is donating $45 million a month to pro-Trump PAC in shooting’s aftermath

The full-throaded support marks a new milestone in the tech billionaire’s years-long journey from ‘centrist’ to red-pilled crusader

San Francisco

3 hours ago


Neural Implants: Should We Become One with AI?

As Christians, we must prioritize thinking theologically about emerging technologies.


JANUARY 3, 2024

Elon Musk, owner of Tesla and SpaceX, is working with his new startup, Neuralink, to develop neuroprosthetic devices—tiny electrodes implanted into human brains that can connect us to computers and artificial intelligence (AI).

SpaceX Mars colonization program (also referred to as Occupy Mars) is an ambition of the company SpaceX and particularly of its founder Elon Musk to colonize Mars. The main element of this is the plan to establish a self-sustained large scale settlement on Mars and claim political self-determination on Mars.[1] Musk believes settlement of Mars is important for the long-term survival of the human species.[2]

Food or "neural implants" for thought: A plain simple, not involving even deep dispensationalist doctrine, shows that the AI has the goal to dismantle God as creator of life and free will. If man can create 'consciousness' with silicon devices or quantum computing, it will demonstrate that God is not the author of man. But it will demonstrate that man is still a creation of someone anyway. If not God, maybe the Devil?

Of course rebranded with other names. "Ancient Astronaut"? "Universal Consciousness"?

It is interesting that atheism and materialism are not intended as plain denial of any kind of super-natural world. Often believed to be such, atheism is only the "zero point" in a process. From believing in a super-natural world as exposed by the Bible (AV 1611, sorry if you don't share my KJV Onlyism, you have many other Alexandrian blogs & sources if you want), you first need to destroy the concept of "super-natural" in its entirety, before to introduce the Devil's super-natural world. Therefore atheism is only an instant, a passage, from the super-natural of the Bible, to the super-natural of the Devil. 

Indeed soon the void of a super-natural idea in the minds of man attract, exactly like the void of a vessel, the 'spiritual air' from around, and the void, once filled by cultural at least, references to the super natural of the Bible, is filled now with the super natural of the anti-God: Oriental phylosophies, spiritism, pantheism, mediums, visitors and abductors from outer space/universe, and on and on and on.

On another side, the space colonization rises intriguing thoughts from a biblical perspective. Of course NASA exists first to show that Genesis chapters 1° and 2° are only balooney and life comes from chaos as per Charles Darwin and Evolutionism. 

BUT the Bible says that the Universe is void of biological intelligent life (of course full of spirits, able to create wonders to be then rebranded as "UFOs" etc. Wait for Genesis 12° to see them land on earth....). The purpose of the Universe is to be inhabited by man. Only the fall of man in sin stopped momentarily the divine project. Sinful man, being rebellious, is rebelling to God and wants anyway to take possession of the God's possessions: star and galaxies. But there's another interesting side of the matter: why to colonize another planet, and to live from food there grown and cultivated?

17And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

I think they are unaware. But I heard somewhere that we die in consequence of the decree of God as punishment for the fall of Adam and Eve (but also as a form of deliverance from the world of sin), and the decree of God is executed by eating things from the dust of this world. Cursing the ground, He cursed our body: didn't we came from the dust and our body go back to the dust together with the unsaved, un-reborn soul???....

Maybe someone believe that God cursed only the ground of the earth, and if one could be able to eat lattuce or chicken born from the dust of Mars, he could live forever.

 (Just food for thought).


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