Monday, July 15, 2024

OPEN LETTER TO DONALD TRUMP (from above, intergalactic mail service of God)


Above image - the restoration of the Costantinian empire, Revelation 13:3 & Revelation chapter 17 ???...

Dear Donald, 

I decided that you will be the next President of the States, because there aren't many other candidates with the energy fitted for the challenges of the Devil in this world. 

But I want it clear, when you will deal with Mr Putin, take care on how you will treat my Ukraine. There I have many who worship me righteously and share my Gospel to the lost souls. Especially the ones who believe in Me through my Word that they call "KJV". 

But in the Kremlin and St. Basil church many hate them and would destroy them from the face of MY earth. Therefore don't even minimally think to sell my remnant there, in Ukraine, to those evil guys allowing them to destroy MY Ukraine in order to increase your glory. 

Remember, Don: I have created you for MY glory, not yours. Your wealth is only crumbles I mercyfully allowed you to gather from my banquet.  And keep it in mind my dear: in order that you don't forget what I am telling you, I made to you a present, a little artistical scar on your right ear. You know.... I AM that Guy who loves to say "...He that hath ears to hear, let him hear...."... 

Understand, Don?

So every time you will be tempted to increase your glory at the expenses of MY glory, just touch that piercing, and I will assure you I will give you immediately peace and sobriety and clean thoughts in your heart.

Your Faithfully

the LORD almighty

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Assassination attempt to Trump - now observe the "conspirologists" how they react. You have the Bible (AV 1611) and the Holy Ghost, not the goddess of the knowledge. This was a WARNING OF GOD!

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