Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How God is blessing Ukraine with the sharing of the Gospel


The description of Ukraine as a country where now you have the greatest religious freedom matches with my expectations about the true goal of the Russian attack to Ukraine, to pursue the final destruction of the "Bible belt of the Soviet Union".

Remember, in Russia you cannot preach the Gospel, in Ukraine yes. There's more difficulty to preach the Gospel and to give Bibles in school in the US than in Ukraine! Pray for Russia to be opened to the preaching of the Gospel :

Bible Study on Ukraine, Gog and Magog | Minister Ed Keough

1 comment:

  1. My contacts in Romania (who are visiting me soon, God willing, on the 22nd of June) keep in touch with pastors in the Ukraine. We actually have a realistic picture with constant updates of what is going on over there. Indeed, Ukraine is the baptist capital of Europe. German and not US preachers are very popular there and in Romania. . . most of them have problematic doctrines, but a more than a few are sound. I would say maybe 1% are saved. Not a small number of people.

    Peace in Christ


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