Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Just to remember how this world is the Devil's kingdom: how Christians (& doesn't matter if they are Catholic or Baptist) are living among Muslims


Don't bet they will treat you differently just because you don't have the idolatry and the luciferian doctrine of the church of Rome rather, they'll kill you more happily (just see in Gaza how many biblical Christians survived the government of Hamas and how many daughters of the Whore have planted their churches there tolerated by Hamas).

Imprisonment of Two Christian Teenagers Approaches Five Year Mark

6/17/2024 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) — Sunny Mushtaq and Noman Asghar, both Christians, were arrested on June 29, 2019, in Pakistan on blasphemy charges for receiving cartoon drawings of the Prophet Muhammad on the popular messaging app WhatsApp. 

Five years on, the two cousins, both teenagers at the time of their arrests, remain imprisoned on charges of insulting Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Mushtaq is still awaiting sentencing, while his cousin, Asghar, on May 30, 2023, was sentenced to death for his perceived crimes by a Pakistani court in Bahawalpur. 

International Christian Concern (ICC) previously reported that a Muslim sent the images to the men but was not detained. Pakistani authorities did, however, arrest Mushtaq and Asghar after Mushtaq allegedly printed out the WhatsApp drawings for others to see.  

Attorney Aneeqa Maria Anthony, who is representing the men, expressed disappointment at Asghar’s death sentence. 

“The magistrate ignored all the procedures and dismissed all the evidence in favor of the accused,” Anthony stated. “He only wanted to complete his ‘sacred duty’ to punish an alleged blasphemer. We expect the same fate for Sunny Mushtaq. They were arrested for a teenage game. Their families are suffering greatly.” 

Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, which include offending or insulting Muhammad, carry extreme penalties of life imprisonment or death. According to The New York Times, the laws “are often used to settle personal scores or persecute minorities.” 

In a recent interview with American Family News, ICC President Jeff King stated that it is unlikely that Christians living in Pakistan would break the nation’s blasphemy laws. 

“Pakistan is very hostile towards Christians,” King said. “They live as third-class citizens, and no Christian is ever going to touch anything or get involved in anything that would be deemed blasphemous. It’s equivalent to pouring gasoline all over your house, leaving a pile of dynamite at the front door, and playing with matches at your front door.” 

Asghar’s father, Asghar Masih, explained that his family has remained steadfast in their faith despite the grim sentence given to his son.  

“[His] mother and I yearn for him every day,” Masih said. “Our hearts broke today when our counsel informed us about the death verdict. But our faith in Christ has not waivered, and we trust God that He will rescue us from this suffering.” 

To read more news stories, visit the ICC Newsroom. For interviews, please email 


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How God is blessing Ukraine with the sharing of the Gospel


The description of Ukraine as a country where now you have the greatest religious freedom matches with my expectations about the true goal of the Russian attack to Ukraine, to pursue the final destruction of the "Bible belt of the Soviet Union".

Remember, in Russia you cannot preach the Gospel, in Ukraine yes. There's more difficulty to preach the Gospel and to give Bibles in school in the US than in Ukraine! Pray for Russia to be opened to the preaching of the Gospel :

Bible Study on Ukraine, Gog and Magog | Minister Ed Keough

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Only Jesus saves


It is not a nation, nor a state, neither two-state solutions nor the international recognition that will save you.

I have been saved only by the death of a man 2,000 years ago, will you?

Saturday, June 1, 2024
Be persecuted for sharing the Gospel, not right-wing nationalism and Christo-paganism

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Be persecuted for sharing the Gospel, not right-wing nationalism and Christo-paganism


KNIFE HORROR Major health update on far-right activist stabbed in knife attack at Mannheim anti-Islam rally as he shares message

A cop who was stabbed in the head and neck is reportedly fighting for his life

Ellie Doughty, Foreign News Reporter

Published: 8:46, 1 Jun 2024Updated: 13:52, 1 Jun 2024 

A great amount of fuel is added to the agenda of the new right-wing movements and parties in Europe after the stabbing of radical right wing people at a gathering in Germany.

Does God see as precius the death of .... Christo-pagans???

No, your persecution is not acceptable by God just because you are persecuted. If you died in Treblinka's gas chambers your death was not precious to Him just because you died there. What if you were sent there just to fulfil Deuteronomy 28:63?

In Italy they bring great crucifixes to commemorations of the members of the X Mas, the legion who fought "for Christ" side by side with the SS. Are those dead soldiers precious in the eyes of God for having defended a "Christ" perpetually in a condition of a retarded handicapped child eternally on the knees of His mother who keeps an hand on Him and whose crown of course is greater than His???

No, you are no precious when you die for the sake of the Queen of Heaven (read, read Jeremiah chapters 7. and especially 44.), and to rebrand her as "Holy Mother of Jesus our Lady of Nations" is to no avail with God. God is not mocked.....

If you believe to be the "new Israel", you have to understand that you have to be submitted also to the warnings of God to the "old Israel". The Old Israel (just speaking like those "new Jews" of the right wing nationalism) was destroyed cause their worship to the Queen of Heaven. The New Israel, the nations for which the X Mas and today the new right wing nationalism of Eurasia and US are fighting, will be punished heavily for their idolatry of man (nationalism aka idolatry of the nation, which is another form of humanism or to put man as the measure of all things).   

Never learn from history?

What if Islam is a punishment, a warning from God to the godless Western countries? The West is Christless, without Christ, against Christ, following many false Christs. To punish you, God send another people who are too against Christ like you are.... You tell me you believe in Christ and you go at the rallies of your little right wing formation with an huge crucifix???..... You are a religionist, you believe in works and actions to gain from God fleshy blessings in this world, God will punish you with another people who are too working hard to get from their god fleshy blessings in this world.... ISLAM.

Matthew 24:24

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

The many Christs of the Christo-pagan nationalism, for example. They are not yet those of Matthew 24:24 who is referred to the Tribulation, but they are a good "snippet" of those.

It is like the time of the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Didn't God tell to Jeremiah to warn the king from to resist the invaders? Isn't Leviticus telling you, the "new Israel", that if you refuse to hear His warnings and punishments, He will march against you seven times more angry?.... Or the "new Israel" is dispensed from to be submitted to the "new Leviticus"????

Are you hypocrites, aren't you???

So learn from the chronicle about the persecution of Christians around the world:

5/25/2024 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) — Around 7 a.m., an angry mob attacked an elderly Christian man after claims that he had burned pages from a Quran circulated throughout the Mujahid colony in Gillwala, a predominantly Christian community in Sargodha, Pakistan.

Members of the large mob, which quickly filled the street, brutally beat Nazir Masih, repeatedly kicking him as he lay bleeding on the ground. Masih remains in critical condition at an area hospital.

5/31/2024 Malaysia (International Christian Concern) — The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) recently reposted a petition on the social media site X demanding answers from the Malaysian government on Pastor Raymond Koh’s whereabouts. After nearly two months, the petition has acquired 29,115 signatures.

5/19/2023 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) — The Fulani militants who killed 42 Christians during a night attack earlier this week in north-central Nigeria continued their killing spree despite a curfew imposed by the government. 

Witnesses have told International Christian Concern (ICC) staffers that at least 100 Christians were killed this week in 16 villages in the Mangu district of Plateau State.  

5/24/2024 India (International Christian Concern) — Nearly 70 Christians arrested under the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance of 2020 are languishing in jails in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) as authorities delay or deny their bail applications on flimsy grounds. 

According to Pastor Bishnoi, who has helped free detained Christians, the most common reason to deny a believer’s bail is to complete the formalities for bail under various pretexts.  


Just few daily examples from a website which is ecumenical with the Catholic church. But it doesn't matter, this is to what Christ called us, to die or at least suffer for sharing the Gospel not an humanist agenda.

Don't be surprised, if you share the Gospel in your city you soon or later will be stabbed or beaten NOT by an angry Muslim, but by your fellow countrymen.

16Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

17These things I command you, that ye love one another.

18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

20Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

21But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.