Saturday, January 14, 2023

Why I closed some blogs of mine, others are frozen (instructions before beginning to reprove the works of darkness)


I speak now about the conspiracy labour of a Christian, referring prevalently to my person and to his faults.

When dealing with matters involving secret societies and their evil deeds, a Christian should always  keep in mind and heart - at least - these two verses:

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them

1 Corinthians 8:1 Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

As part of the body of Christ, a Christian is a member of the Word, because the eternal name of our Lord is "Word" (1 John 1). 

And as the word is the "light", and Jesus is "that Light" (John 1:7-9; noticed the triple mention of the Light?), we, who are part of the Light because "members of His body ("now ye are light in the Lord", Eph 5:8), are compelled to shed the light of the word on the works of darkness:

Ephesians 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

But there's a peril always waiting in ambush ready to shred your fellowship with Him, because you (I speak to myself) often don't pay attention to such a danger when you forget the lesson of 1 Corinthians ch. 8. 

Now the problem is that you often overlook Ephesians 5:8, and you think that that "light" is the Bible, is your "pious knowledge" of the word of God, your "great discernment" of the works of darkness and such a stuff.

Well, that's wrong. Not in itself, but because is lacking something. To tell it in truth, all those good things are not the only one to be "light", the most important light you ought to consider is yourself. Read again:

Ephesians 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

YOU are the light, and you are compelled to behave as light:

Matthew 5:14-16 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

This is really universal. Hyperdispensationalists (or "dry cleaners" as dr. Ruckman labelled them) have an hard time with that. You can fully apply it to the age of the Law as well in our age of grace for grace. When your light begins to shine, it start to shine around you first, with unabated brightness, and then, after the path you are walking is so bright that it cannot have any shadow in it, your light can go further away, exposing also the works of darkness in the evil fields, your feet will never trample on, but that the Holy Ghost commanded you to expose to the light.

Let me shed light so you can have a better understanding of what I mean about you to be a true light. An excerpt from dr. Ruckman commentary on Ephesians:

"...Peter Cartwright knew how to apply verses 11–13. At a barn dance in Kentucky, the itinerant circuit-rider put some “light” on the works and workers of darkness that E. Schuyler English, Gaebelein, Thieme, and Wuest couldn’t find. 

When Peter entered the barn during a driving rainstorm, a young snip came up to him and invited him to dance with her. (Peter in his early manhood was a handsome, dark-eyed, dark-haired giant.) He responded by seizing her hand in a grip like a vise and saying very loudly: “Ah would be glad to accept this here dance with you, young woman, but ah makes it a practice nevah to do anything without first seekin’ the Lord’s blessing on it!” Whereupon he knelt-in the middle of the dance floor, and in a voice like thunder, he prayed one of those old circuit-riding, camp-meeting prayers that are now considered to be “in extremely bad taste” by the faculty members of Bob Jones, Tennessee Temple, Southeastern, Southwestern, Dallas, Fuller, Biola, Columbia Bible College, Philadelphia, Pillsbury, and Union Theological Seminary. 

“Oh, God, have mercy on these poor, Hell-bound...!” The young lady struggled like a hooked eel to get away, but to no avail. The dancing stopped, the music stopped, several of the musicians dropped their instruments and “absquattulated,” and several professing Christians by the “refreshment stand” began to look around like they were trying to find their family Bible. 

Peter Cartwright arose from the floor and preached 40 minutes. There were 14 people saved and a church was started in the barn. 

(That is what verses 11–13 mean, and any interpretation that doesn’t put that kind of a construction on the passage is a nonentity.) Verse 14, as 1 Corinthians 15:34, is speaking of dead CHRISTIANS, not sinners “dead in trespasses and sins.” Dead Christians are characterized by great faith in science, philosophy, scholarship, linguists, education, and tradition —and no FRUIT. Our text tells them to wake up (vs. 14), or they will blow up (vs. 16; cf. Gal. 1:4; Rom. 13:11; Col. 4:5)...."

Above image - just to have a picture of that  "candle", so you can imagine the above episode as watching it in a Western movie: old-styled Methodist, circuit-rider Peter Cartwright. (A Burt Lancaster in Valdez is coming would fit; but Hollywood would not agree :-D).

That guy, was a real light of the Lord. Not like you (and again, I speak to myself), who am only a twilight figure staggering in this world, whose only light is a flashlight in my hand, I always point on others far, far from me, and far from the ones near me, to not hurt them, and am very careful to never point to myself (the light may render you blind and crazy, seeing how long your eyes are accustomed to stay in darkness). 

It is for this reason (the other is a lack of time) that I choose - from a side - to close some of my blogs and, from the other side,  to avoid to waste my time in the remaining blogs (see Eph 5:16).  Don't waste the time given to you by Him, spending it in the Devil's "body-of-pride-building" gym!  

And never use the wisdom from above (James 3:17) to feed your "pride of life" (1 John 2:16)

Above image - taken from my Novus Ordo Seclorum blog

But it remained another reason which compelled me to stop the amateurish profession of "biblical conspiracy truth seeker": the potential risk to stir up attacks against my person and my darlings, attacks coming from the human entities touched by my expository activity.

Perhaps this was the most influent factor which convinced me to cease my online activity, and in my unregenerated condition I presented the whole to myself as a sort of "vow of chastity" to God to have in exchange His favor in my troubled life (see?... How Catholic rotten roots remains deeply anchored in the heart of an unregenerated sinner, and often, in lesser degree, also after he is born again??... Everything, E X C E P T repentance & humbleness).

The exposition of the evil works of darkness is an important task of the born again Christian, but first he must grow from the condition of a baby, in order to take on himself the whole armour of a Christian soldier and start to use it in the real world. 

The immature baby in Christ could easily be distracted by the taste of conspiratorial stuff, and his still unbridled flesh could (could??,... Can!) suggest him that the time of the sincere milk is over, and now is arrived the time fit to eat pork & tabasco. Hard to find a worse backslidden Christian, than a baby believing to be a mature man!... Have you present those teens smoking, spitting, cursing, molesting old people?? And  wearing their clamorous rags as to say: "...see?... I am STILL a boy but I am MORE adult than you!!...".

God has a lot to do to correct such an immature, born again Christian. "Chastisement" is the keyword and Hebrews 12 is a must, especially verses 4-13 which fits in a backslidden Christian life no less than a brush in a dirty water closet.

God wants to remind you that, if you want to use the flashlight of the Bible, you better point it FIRST at yourself, and have some guts to watch your true person at the mirror. THEN, after you start to see the truth, before to expose the Illuminati, you ought to expose yourself. As we are the temple of the Holy Ghost, cleansing, washing and purging must always begin in our home. Jesus purged the temple at the beginning of His ministry, we should follow His example. In Ezekiel you have another encouragement:

Ezekiel 9:6 Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.

And remember to have mercy and love for the ones still in darkness, because you also were in darkness and in the dirt: and God took you out of that pit of dirt, and washed you without asking nothing, except your will to be saved:

Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

Only then you can start to apply Ephesians 5:11-13 to the principalities, mentioned in Ephesians 6:12, and to their human servants. Because God calls you to the spiritual separation from this wicked world, and you cannot separate something from another thing if you don't know what thing you have to push away from another one, naming it. Our God is a God of separation, not of integration. A God of order, not a God of confusion. A God of brightness, not a God of gray fogs. And a God that declares, not alludes.

The courage with which you expose the evil works of darkness has to be the same courage with which you confess Christ among unbelievers.  It cannot be anything else. And the power, not simply "authority", of God you use to reprove them, is the power you have been given in order to be a son of God (not simply a "child" of Him - see John 1:12-13). 

And, as a member of the body of Christ, what are we profitable for, if we don't confess our Cornerstone just when the world stumble on Him? What a royal priesthood are we, if then we never mention and reprove the idols of this world? And how could we show forth praises to Him, if then we hide the Light?

1 Peter 2:8-9 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Ephesians 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

You are light in the Lord, you are a royal priesthood, you have the power to reprove their evil works. 

*   *   *

1) Novus Ordo Seclorum, URL:


  1. "Hard to find a worse backslidden Christian, than a baby believing to be a mature man!... Have you present those teens smoking, spitting, cursing, molesting old people?? And wearing their clamorous rags as to say: "...see?... I am STILL a boy but I am MORE adult than you!!..."."

    Exactly. And this is the problem with the internet - people see a single side to your life and work and draw conclusions based on that. Further, conspiracy requires a degree of alienation from both the world, but from the conspiracies themselves, lest you become their slaves and become a partisan in the bad sense of the word where you separate yourself to enjoy your words and thoughts only (a gnostic). While we are afraid of getting proud, side tracked or distracted, we are safe. Of course most people fall into even worse traps - false leads and false conspiracies. Then they not only puff themselves but repeat pre cooked lies so that the whole thing is useless.

    However we must praise God for his ever searching light in the Spirit and that he has granted us this knowledge as a personal gemstone in our solitude. Like watchmen on a watchtower somewhere far away behind enemy lines we have been granted some insight into the works of darkness which we must strive to use as a strong confirmation of the word of God at all times. Good is simple and obvious and pleasant while evil is repulsive and hard to watch but complex and difficult to observe nonetheless. The mere fact that such a polar opposite activity exists is a very strong confirmation that we are on the right side of eternity and history when we expose it.

  2. Honestly I believe most of this is for the sake of the glory of God firstly and for our personal sake. Believing in the ultimate good AND in the ultimate evil requires faith. The effects of it can be different at different times but the lasting effect is peace and joy in the word. Because righteousness shall prevail. The King reigns and will stomp these snakes.

  3. ""God wants to remind you that, if you want to use the flashlight of the Bible, you better point it FIRST at yourself, and have some guts to watch your true person at the mirror. THEN, after you start to see the truth, before to expose the Illuminati, you ought to expose yourself. As we are the temple of the Holy Ghost, cleansing, washing and purging must always begin in our home. Jesus purged the temple at the beginning of His ministry, we should follow His example. In Ezekiel you have another encouragement:""

    This is also true. I try, by God's mercy, to constantly inspect myself in the piercing light of God's word for those things that would render me a less profitable servant. We must be careful lest we believe evil to be a wholly external thing (like the RCC and Hollywood (aliens, hidden ancient evil etc) believe).


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