Evolutionist Scientist openly worship the goddes Shiva. Watch in the latest CP video of David W. Daniels. Truly, nothing new under the sun after the fall 6000 years ago.
Never like today, since 2000 years, Christianity is under attack. Heathenism tries the last desperate attempt to come back to the once "glorious" past. But the Lord blocked that forever. The old "Order from Chaos" heathen philosophy is only the Devil's carpet under which he hides his abominations. The Evolutionist delusion will be something too much strong to bear, for the lost ones who believe to be children of mud and sons of nothing - Pls, hide yourself in Jesus because then, when His day comes, you'll have any hole to hide in:
Above video: The Mandela conCERN- URL: https://youtu.be/8QLD3lo20L4
Note: Mandela Effect: A false memory is the psychological phenomenon where a person recalls something that did not happen. (Wikipedia).
They (heathens, God-haters, etc.) say that the Bible is built with the Mandela Effect, false memory of uncertain events. Significantly those Bible-negationists, boast to have a steely memory, as among many things they say could be "false memory", they always remember perfectly only one: to attack the Scripture and the Gospel. Of that, they will never forget, therefore they the same are a refutation of their the same "Mandela" theories.
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Are You a Hater? [Chick Publications]
URL: http://www.chick.com/bc/2017/are-you-a-hater.asp
Are You a Hater?
Issue Date: September/October 2017
Chick countered that it was not “hateful” to warn precious Roman Catholics that a wafer god and the Virgin Mary goddess could not guarantee eternity in heaven.
Today, Chick is not alone. The Devil has kicked up a storm of false accusations that threatens many efforts to stand for Truth. One organization originally established to counter racial discrimination has morphed into a self styled authority on “hate groups.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) maintains an interactive US “hate map” showing the location and details about hundreds of organizations it considers purveyors of “hate.” Listed are obvious groups such as skinheads and anti-Semitics. But to show how far the SPLC has become a tool of the enemy, Chick Publications also has its own dot on the map at Ontario, California. It is listed in a category of “general hate.” Fortunately, their extremism has landed the SPLC in court over their inclusion of other widely known, highly respected organizations.
Unfortunately, when a deranged man stormed into the offices of Family Research Council with a gun, only to be stopped by a security guard, his motivation was traced back to FRC‘s listing on SPLC’s map.
For over 200 years, the freedom of speech and freedom of religion guaranteed by the US constitution was respected. Today, that security is being eroded by godless leaders of organizations such as the SPLC and in public and government schools.
Facebook is currently being pressured to censor some posts. They are struggling to determine whose criteria to use. In a world with no moral standards it becomes a shouting match. As more and more sins become legal and accepted, God’s Word will be painted as “hate literature.”
Many now believe that those freedoms are doomed. But that doesn’t cancel the Great Commission. Jesus came into a world far more hostile than we live in. Yet he never hesitated offering eternal life to anyone who would listen —and some who wouldn’t. Should we do any less?
If we give just three tracts out a day, in a year over 1000 people will have been exposed to the good news. Some will scream, “hate literature,” but they will be without excuse on judgement day if they ignore it.
See also the previous post:
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Genesi del Carso #1 [Genesis of the Karst # 1]
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