Monday, December 4, 2023

Vatican Blue Army


".......Salvini at the ultra-right summit: "Not a black construction site, but a blue wave. The government does not take risks for different alliances in the EU"

The leader of the League at the Identity and Democracy convention in Florence: "Gentiloni is already preparing the new mess between the People's Party and the Socialists. We are against it"

December 03, 2023 at 11:26 am"

Salvini is the leader of the radical right 'mainstream' political front in Italy. He is now  deputy minister of the council. He was always a staunch supporter of Putin. But he plays on both sides of the street, for example he gave solidarity with Israel. 

Now in Florence he will lead an European conference of far right wing European parties, based on CATHOLICISM first (Le Pen Front National) and the usual support to "Christian Russia". Salvini:

"...Proceed together, therefore, to express the next presidency of the European Commission, after the June elections. Yet, so far, he has only received no votes, because among his allies in Europe there are numerous parties with homophobic, pro-Nazi, anti-Euro, and above all pro-Russian positions. The proximity to Moscow of movements such as Afd or Konfederacja are a problem for the Conservatives and Popolari, not for Salvini: "Chatter", says the leader of the League, "I am more worried about the pro-Palestinians"..."

Yes I agree with him as pertain Israel. Even if he is faking his ideas, they are OK. See for example what happened to Russia, with the recent storm, which happened just after the visit of Hamas in Moscow. A warning of God to Russia,  don't touch the land of God:

Russia’s Harbor Defenses In Sevastopol In Disarray After Storm

Satellite imagery shows that much of Sevastopol’s harbor entry defenses, primarily set up to prevent sea drone attacks, have been damaged.



PUBLISHED NOV 28, 2023 3:47 PM EST

 Hamas thanks Putin for his support as it releases Russian hostage

Story by Our Foreign Staff  • 

1w[eek ago]

Hamas thanked Vladimir Putin for his support for the “Palestinian cause” as the terror group released a Russian hostage from the Gaza Strip on Sunday afternoon.

It said its release of a Russian citizen from the war-ravaged territory was made in appreciation of the position taken by Moscow’s position on the conflict with Israel.

Salvini and the Catholic church behind him, are thinking to fool good showing an apparent support to Israel. They hope to not anger God against them, but God knows their true heart. 

That "blue" of Salvini reminds me of the revelations of Alberto Romero Rivera:

Above image - page 24, a detail, from the third part of the Alberto series, Chick Publications

Is Mr Salvini talking about a "blue" wave or force as a reminder of the Vatican Blue Army? But the staunch support of Russia by Salvini prompted in my mind another historical detail of the WW2, which leads to the Catho-Orthodox empire restoration, the Vatican dream to ABSORBE several dozens of millions (200 millions) of Orthodox folks of Eurasia, to build the most large religious army of the world.

During WW2 in Slovenia the White Guard of CATHOLIC Slovenian supporters of Nazifascist forces were helped by the BLUE GUARD of ORTHODOX Serbian supporters of the same Nazifascist forces (Chetniks). 

A religious alliance between the church of Rome and the church of Moscow, is this what Salvini with his BLUE wave is alluding?

Above image - the "Plavogardisti", the Blue Guard boys from Orthodox Serbia, in Slovenia. They fought side by side with CATHOLIC White Guard

Well, we end here. Whatever the truth, the Roman Catholic church is known as the Harlot. An harlot joins with many 'husbands' and we see here the political attempts of Rome to find as much allies in the world, with the aim to subdue them in a future:

3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


Since Jesus Christ our Lord departed from this world to become our High Priest in heaven, the Devil has worked in order to create a world front to oppose His coming back on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. God knows, and for this reason He is allowing the Devil to build his world empire, on which he will rule directly the world when will possess the body of a particular person, known as "the Antichrist". 

 When Jesus will come back He wants to fight the evilness at the extreme development and power. God will demonstrate to be God when He will destroy the maximum wickedness ever seen in the world. He let Satan to increase in power because God wants to be sure and clear that no matter how much wickedness and evilness increases, He is the true sovereign Lord and He will destroy the evilness no matter how powerful.

As a born again Christian I await the Rapture before the Tribulation. I believe my God and my Saviour Jesus Christ will come back on earth to pick me up in heaven. He separated my soul from this world with His precious blood and He will never repent:

Revelation 1:5And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

6And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 

 *   *   *

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Pope asks theologians to help 'de-masculinize' the church | National Catholic Reporter (


".....Asking pardon for speaking plainly, Pope Francis told members of the International Theological Commission that "one of the great sins we have had is 'masculinizing' the church," which also can be seen by the fact that only five of the commission members are women........"

Pope asks theologians to help 'de-masculinize' the church | National Catholic Reporter (