Sunday, October 13, 2024

Calvi-nuts 2 ( ... the rapture, 2 Thessalonian 2)


That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled” (vs. 2).

The reason for this admonition is that someone has been telling them that the

first resurrection was SPIRITUAL, so they have missed it. It was “Hymenaeus

and Alexander” in 1 Timothy 1:20 who taught this heresy (2 Tim. 2:17). All

five-point Calvinists from 1600–1950 taught it, and most of them still do today.

We call these heretics “Amillennialists.” Amillennialism means “no 1,000-year

reign of Christ on earth,” though it is mentioned six times in one chapter (Rev.


The idea is that Revelation 20:1–7 is not literal; therefore, the REIGNING

on THRONES is not literal. “The first resurrection,” according to all of these

apostates was the SPIRITUAL resurrection found in Ephesians 2:5–6.

Now, along with this heresy would come the heresy that the Second Advent

is about to take place (“at hand”), so they have missed the Rapture, which Paul

described to them in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18.

We call this heresy the “post-Tribulation Rapture heresy,” which confounds

the rapture of Tribulation saints in Matthew 24:31; Psalm 50:2–5; Isaiah 26:19–

21; and Revelation 11:15 with the Rapture of the Body of Christ (1 Thess. 4; 1

Cor. 15). Rosenthal fell sucker for this “pitch” and stuffed the Body of Christ

into the Great Tribulation, but not “all the way”—just twenty-two months in, out

of forty-two. He called his hobby horse “fancy” the “Pre-Wrath Rapture.” It left

no time for the Judgment Seat of Christ or the Wedding of the Lamb (1 Cor. 3;

Rev. 19) and, eventually, caused him to erase the entire Millennial reign of

Revelation 20, for he equated “the day of the Lord” in 2 Peter 3:10 with the

Second Advent (Armageddon) instead of the White Throne Judgment, which

takes place AFTER the Millennium.

See how that Book is written? It is a “HOLY” Book. You cannot mess with

it without “cuttin’ yo’self to de bone.”

The source of all the weeping, wailing, division, diversity of expositions, and

plain ignorance is one simple little phrase of four words, “the DAY of Christ.

That will “do the job.”

Those four words are enough to sidetrack ten generations of Christian

scholars so they become absolutely “incoherent” when they try to exegete the


So before attempting to do anything with the “falling away” and the “man

of sin” and when he is to be revealed, let us do something novel and

revolutionary, if not downright shocking. Let us take a look at the verses in a

King James 1611 Authorized Version.

Here is the first “missing link.”

The term “day of the Lord,” as Paul’s “THAT day” (2 Tim. 4:8, 1:18), is a

reference to seven different periods of time in the Old Testament which are 3,800

years apart......"

2 Timothy 2:15

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

[excerpt from 1 and 2 THESSALONIANS,


By Peter S. Ruckman

B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D.

President and Founder of Pensacola Bible Institute

Copyright © 2005 by Peter S. Ruckman

All rights reserved

(PRINT) ISBN 1-58026-059-4


P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534]

Friday, September 6, 2024

17 & 27

 > Caution! It may blow your mind!

17 &  27

Above video - URGENT! New Discovery in FIRST and LAST Verses of the King James Bible! [2023]


Friday, August 30, 2024

Malwarebytes blocks website exposing Russia as anti-Christian nation.


Above image - I had to remove Malwarebytes in order to be able to reach the website 

Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Faith Under Siege: Russians Destroyed All Protestant Churches in Melitopol, Ukraine" (video)

Monday, August 26, 2024

REMAINDER - 1 the United Nations, the "Palestinian nation" and the starving masses of the world


Well, why UN is very friendly with the Islamic world? For example with the Muslims of Gaza? But simply because UN is the already in Zephaniah 3:8

8Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

....gather the NATIONS, ASSEMBLE the kingdoms, the UNITED NATIONS.

ISLAM is the greatest religious opponent to the SON of God. The worst sin in Islamic creed is to believe that God has a Son. Therefore the UN will coordinate nations and the One World Religion under the control of the Whore (Rome, Rev. ch.17) in order to try to oppose the Second Advent of Christ and the enthronement of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem, and to slaughter messianic Jews and Christians.

This was the religious core of the United Nations.

Then there's the strategy used to gather most of the poorest nations. Many agencies to "fight hunger and poverty" has been created by the UN and governments. Their aim is to create a countless army of Christian haters, especially in Africa. From a side Satan using his right hand, through the world he controls, keeps in extreme poverty these people, in order to fed them with his left hand, the UN and similar sub-organizations which will indoctrinate the starving but now physically saved people in to hate MESSIANIC Jews and Christians. 

It is not a mystery that the UN not only is polluted by atheism and anti-Christian sentiments, but also with many organizations and churches which are the DAUGHTERS of Babylon the Great, Rome, who are anti-messianic in their nature.

The poor starving children of Sahel of today has to become tomorrow the bloody murderer of Jews and Christians, and during the seven years of Tribulation the murderer of Jews. Also these "charitable" organizations, even if they hide themselves behind an firewall of "good works" "good intentions" "good sentiments", are more or less indirectly or directly addressed by the soon to become King of kings and Lord of Lords:

42And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Jesus mentioned 70 X 7 times in the odd books NT and 70 X 7 in the even books NT - EXACTLY. Jesus + Christ mentioned 777 + 777 times. AV 1611 KJV is the BOOK OF THE LORD (Isaiah 34)


Jesus + Christ + Moses = 

2401 = 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 times


the title page I noticed they have uh the law was given by Moses on the left side representing the Old Testament but


Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ on the right side representing the New Testament so just historically that


verse has been used so we have Moses Jesus and Christ showing up 7 time 7


time 7 time seven times in the Bible and what's really interesting is that the exact middle mention out of


those 2,41 mentions which would be 1,21


there would be 1,200 mentions on one side and 1,200 mentions mentions on the


other side the middle mention is Moses right here in this verse John 117 this is the only verse to


mention Moses and Jesus and Christ and it just so happens representing the the


Old and New Testament the middle mention shows up in the middle of those 7 time 7 time 7 * 7


mentions which is completely just mindblowing okay so here's the


proof the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of Earth



Bible just by accident how the most printed Bible in


history reaching the most people in history is it has this this is how the


Bible ended up in its complete form forget about the originals because


God knows all things he knew his Bible would end up like this so did it end up


like this by his Sovereign will by his omnipotence or was it just an accident


that his the most important person in the Bible so perfectly ended up in this


Try, Russian, Bulgarian, German, Italian, Slovenian, Spanish Bibles, NIV, NKJV, ASV, NASV, ESV, TLB, XYZ, ABCDU, etc. etc., if they have such patterns as discovered in the AV 1611, the true word of God. 

One day you will be judged by the AV 1611:

Video above - How many times "Jesus" shows up in the Bible... MIRACULOUS!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Calvi-nuts - 1


"....My Calvinistic professor in Theology at BJU

told us that we had no business asking any sinner

“when” he was saved, because if he was lost he

couldn’t tell you, and if he were one of the “elect,”

he was saved before Genesis chapter 1 (Unconditional

Election, second point in TULIP). Strangely

enough, the same joker told us that out in eternity,

before Genesis chapter 1, there were “DAYS” on

which someone could be “begotten ” of God because

Christ was begotten of God on “THIS DAY”

(Psa. 2:7), and that was in eternity, before Genesis

chapter 1. Do you reckon the Lord Jesus Christ

knew what day “THIS DAY” was?

My Calvinistic professor in Biblical Archaeology

said the Judgment Seat of Christ (Rom.

14:10) and the White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20)

were the same judgment. Then he claimed the Judgment

of the Nations (Matt. 25) was ALSO the same

judgment. He didn’t have a brain in his head. His

name was Barton Payne. He graduated from Princeton

and the University of Southern California with

a grade average of 98.5, and served on the NASV

and NIV committees. I never met a bigger Bible

blockhead in forty-seven years in the ministry. You

couldn’t have found a more dishonest, naive, inexperienced,

bungling perverter of Scripture if you

had searched the Sahara Desert, the Arctic Tundra,

the Russian Steppes, and the Okeefenokee Swamp.

My Calvinist Language professor (Dr. Brokenshire)

said that Luke chapter 16 was a parable and

the name of the rich man was “Dives.” Brokenshire

was a five-point, Presbyterian Calvinist who

believed in sprinkling babies to regenerate them.

His church creeds gave Acts 2:38 as the means for

regeneration, along with John 3:5. Dr. Charles Brokenshire

willed me his Kittel’s Hebrew Old Testament

before he died. I have had it for more than

thirty-three years. It is right here on my bookshelf.

Now, the problem that none of the “Hardshells”

like to talk about is, “How did ‘Ruckman’ endure

six school years at BJU under a solidly Calvinistic-

ASV-Hort-Nestle-NASV-Schaff faculty, and

come out believing the AV was the Scriptures and

that John Calvin was as blind a spiritual guide as

ever led 100,000 dead orthodox theologians into a

ditch?” They all know this happened, but how on

earth did it happen? WHO WAS PRESENT WITH



SIDE OF THE COIN? Remarkable phenomenon,

wouldn’t you say?

Now, I will show you why I am a “one-point

Calvinist.” I subscribe only to the “Perseverance

of the Saints” (Point 5 in TULIP), with the clear

understanding that if you convert this to “Predestination”

you are talking about the predestination of

a SAVED Christian who has already voluntarily

received Jesus Christ (John 1:12-13) as his Saviour.

No new birth (“the irresistible force”) comes

to any “dead” man (Eph. 2:1-5) until the “dead”

man does something (John 1:12). Note those verses

carefully. If a dead man can be held responsible

for rejecting Jesus Christ (and thousands of them

do), then he can be held responsible for receiving

Jesus Christ: the “will of God” does not automatically

regenerate any “elect.” Note: “He came unto

his own a n d .....” And “his own” (“the children

of the kingdom,” Matt. 8:12), and “his own” (see

Heb. 10:30) wind up in Hell (Matt. 8:29).

The rich man in Hell says: “FATHER Abraham,”

and Father Abraham replies “SON” (Luke

16:25). An elect (John 8:39) son of Abraham in


By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman on "Calvinism", see:

Sunday, August 4, 2024

"Calvinistic predestiantionism" is another vomit from Hell emerged in Eurasia and aimed to overwhelm the New World. Thanks God it was repelled but the conspicuous traces are still boiling in the lost souls and are gaining momentum especially among the spiritual corpses of decaying American society. A spiritual parasitic disease?