Friday, August 2, 2024

The AV 1611 and the Visitors from Outer Space


Above image - Adam and Eve, XX century version URL:

1) God created the universe not only to be admired by man, but also to be inhabited by man. The fall blocked momentarily the project. Spiritual creatures deformed by the previous fall in sin (Lucifer's rebellion) are the momentarily tribes roaming the interstellar space especially near earth: fallen angels, devils, etc. They have found a disguise, they used man's imagination of the S.F. to dress up as professional actors of a continuing "S.F. candid camera", the "VISITORS FROM OUTER SPACE!!" drama.

2) They continue to offer the fruit of Adam and Eve, whose seeds are growing in the manure of human pride, especially the pride of life ("to be like God"). Every time an UFO is seen, it has been planned to stir the desire in man to have a divine power over the law of this universe. As God is the only legislator who created these laws, to be lord over these laws, especially the gravity law which always keeps man's feet pointed toward the center of earth which is HELL, means to be EQUAL WITH GOD (John 5 & 10). UFOs & related wonders of the alleged drivers of them, are only another fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, adapted to modern man's imagination (cult of science, tech in their pornographic version, Science Fiction/S.F.).

3) The continual screening of the drama "Alien Abductions" seems to be a psychologicla operation by the Devil, in order to prepare lost humanity to the shocking moment of the Rapture. When it will happen, the sudden disappearing of millions of born again Christians will be presented as "attack to earth from Outer Space", a lie which will be easily believed by lost souls who refused Christ and for this reason they will be even more in anger with Him when their subcounscious will tell them that they are wrong.

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