Saturday, August 3, 2024

I dissociate myself totally from the last post appeared on Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans


I dissociate myself totally from the last post appeared on Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans:

.....full of hatred and bitterness and anti-Christian racism. Moreover with open denial of the love of God, because a God who doesn't allow a free will cannot love, is a selfish monster who builds only puppets obeying his whims. Predestinationism is not a Christian doctrine but a phylosophy, and ideology fitted to create an army of slaves without the ability to use greatest gift of God, the free will.

Moreover, such hatred and bitterness is a further fulfillment of Revelation 13:3, the restoration of the Costantinian empire (wounded by a deadly wound, the 1054 Schism) which is the political body of the Whore of Revelation 17. Rome wants to unify under her filthy skirts all her daughters, and the Muscovite daughter is the most preferred child. 

Their hatred for the nations who were based on the AV 1611 is the Devil's hate. When they claim that the obedience to the king on earth is obedience to the king of heaven, they deceive you. You must know that the Devil is also known as "king", especially in:

34He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.

Therefore also human kings are subject to another king, Leviathan, the king of the children of pride.

God took away a portion of the British empire because he knew that that empire would turn the back to Him. As it did, with the betrayal of the Jewish people and of the Word of God, the AV 1611.

Such posts are a good sign: they announce that the armies of the Antichrist are gatherin together just little before the rapture and the tribulation. Many lost souls are showing their true heart, and if they claimed to have been born again, don't believe them. They are of their father, the Devil, who is the father of lies


четвъртък, 1 август 2024 г.

Americans - fools destroyed by prosperity

Proverbs 1:32

For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

As the USA is slowly turning into a mix of atheistic and catholic Latin America,  over time it has dawned upon me that most Americans are irredeemable, but more importantly dangerous idiots - a nation that demonstrates to the utmost both the sinfulness but also the stupidity of human nature. A nation that was begotten in a godless revolution, sponsored by god-hating France. Now we can understand that the American revolution is just like the French, only a protracted version of it. The spirit of rebellion can't be contained and isn't selective. If you rebel against your earthly king, you will eventually rebel against the family and against God, your Heavenly king. They also rejected and abandoned the word of the Heavenly king, the KJB. Therefore, it is no surprise that the main export of America are all kinds of heresies, including the damnable doctrine of free will that deludes men into thinking they have made a decision for Christ and are thus saved. Decisional regeneration has sent millions to hell, just like democracy has deceived millions into thinking they are masters of their own fate (even the dumbest European knows that politics is a scam. well, at least after WW2.).

The illusion of autonomy and freedom, and the inclusion of reprobates in churches after emotionalist and santimentalist "revivals" has turned America into a circus, a certified roadshow of freaks and hypocrites. Americans are people who simply can't look outside themselves to learn, and inside themselves to critique, and thus live in ignorance and arrogance. On the internet, they only spew hatred and bile, acting and typing like 13 year olds. They hate rebuke and knowledge (every kind of knowledge), and the feeling of superiority can be sensed in the portentous and loud tone of their voices.

The hypocrisy of Americans is mind bending for a variety of reasons but a couple of instances from my personal life struck me the most: I remember how one of the great American missionaries attacked me for "having too many books and wanting to appear a wise guy" when he saw the bookshelves in my home. Apparently, being unread and ignorant is a virtue. Everyone who learns from them, becomes like them - an insufferable fool. The missionaries who came to Bulgaria took issue with the erotic images of women in lingerie on billboards while in their own "enlightened" country good christian women film orgies with black men and kill their babies with pride. Their married women with "Jesus" banners on their profiles drool and put sexual comments under articles about movie stars. Maybe before going out in the world and preaching a watered down gospel of  "Jesus loves all" (a statement with no basis in the Word or in reality, as we can see) they should have stayed home and preached a little more repentance and humility. The funny thing is that these "Jesus loves all" types are the most hateful members of online communities, who go on witch hunts for democrats, transgenders, liberals etc, threatening them with murder and wishing death upon them. The result = God is being hated more and more every day. That is what we call pulling the Devil by the tail, and it will soon lead to truly restrictive legislation against bible believers.

Now their famous singers sing about genitalia and show it on stage, while they have erected the golden pig called Trump as a representative of the incomparable glorious Lord Jesus, and wave about guns foaming at the mouth like islamic fundamentalists, supporting the dictatorial regimes over the world. I thank every day that my salvation has nothing to do with these people, because of whom "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles".The best I can do is pray for them. Although, it seems the hand of the Lord will be against them very, very soon. As for slavdom - almost every slav christian I've known is a man with the fear of God. Whatever happens, God has not sent the demonic spirits of heresy and hubris among the slavs. Every trial only strengthens our faith in God.

Публикувано от Христо Стилиянов в 5:04 

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Етикети: the final legacy of america

3 коментара:

avles2 август 2024 г. в 22:46

Wait a moment!.... Are you telling that Slavdom is the concrete, realized, perfect Kingdom of God?... A sort of "new Israel"?...



avles2 август 2024 г. в 23:43

Anyway, dear bro, I have to give a bad news to you, what you are saying here (except some "panslavistic"/"elected spiritual race" flavor) is pretty much the same with what Dr. Ruckman was telling about his fellow "fundamentalist" Americans, but the difference is that he held the right doctrine, without free will God cannot apply His love ("what kind of love is this if I love only my friends/my human robots I programmed to be my friends"?).


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