Monday, August 5, 2024

APPENDIX TO THE PREVIOUS POST "....also Trump supports the Two States Solution" (2SS); America is now r.i.p., welcome to EURO-AMERICA.


Of course one can say, in order to comfort himself, that Mr Trump is cheating, i.e. just in order to get the Arab and pro-Palestinian votes in the next election vote, he is able to make them think that he is on their side, but once he will gain the presidency, he will deny the 2SS for the Muslims now living on Jesus Christ's land.

Yes, I admit, this can be possible, maybe it's 80% of robability: Trump still secretly hating the 2SS and he let out that news ("I support secretly the 2SS") in order only to gain votes. This is common among politicians. But, putting aside the fact  that to lie is a sin (anyway, if any born again,  not an unsaved soul, says that he never lies, he is a liar, and this is not hypothetical, but real.... bye bye Calvin - See 1 John first chapter....), this shows that in order to get votes, AMERICA IS NO MORE THE SAME AMERICA OF ONLY TEN YEARS AGO, AND I CALL THIS NEW AMERICA, EUROAMERICA.

Monday, August 5, 2024

INCREDIBLE!!!!!!...... it's just been a day since I wrote that also the Republican party will be compelled to support the encircling of Israel (in order to force the Jews to a peace trety),... that i stumbled on this article ------->

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