Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wife of chosen VP of candidate President Trump, JD Vance, is an HINDUIST.....


"....Trump, defender of Christianity & blessed by Jesus".......?????????

Read, read,.... 

‘We bless her’: Indian village prays for Usha Vance’s historic role as US first non-white second lady

Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 3:18 PM MYT

VADLURU, July 24 — Every day in a simple temple in an Indian village, Hindu priest Subhramanya Sharma prays to his god for JD Vance to become vice-president of the United States.

Bowing before a silver cloth-wrapped idol of Sai Baba, a 19th-century guru revered as a deity by his followers, the priest seeks blessings for the Republican politician and his wife, Usha.

Vadluru, a quiet village on the banks of a canal deep in the verdant countryside of Andhra Pradesh, is the ancestral home of Vance’s wife, who will become the US Second Lady — and the first who is not white — if Donald Trump is elected again.

“We bless her,” said the priest, whose temple is in a building once owned by Usha’s family, the Chilukuris.

“She should get higher positions in her life. We priests offer special prayers for Usha and her husband.”

Usha’s great-grandfather moved out of Vadluru, but her ancestors are respected in the village as academic highflyers and well-versed in Hindu scriptures.

Her father Chilukuri Radhakrishnan — a PhD holder — was brought up in Chennai and went on to study in the United States. He returned to India before the couple moved back across the Pacific, and Usha was brought up in suburban San Diego.

She met Vance at Yale Law School and the couple married in 2014. They have three children.

Hillbilly Elegy

Usha Vance has never visited the village, but the priest said her father last came around three years ago and checked on temple’s condition.

Little is known about Radhakrishnan’s initial years in the United States, but the film of Vance’s memoirs, Hillbilly Elegy, refers to him coming to the country with “nothing”.

Usha’s character, played by Indian actor Freida Pinto, says in the 2020 movie now streaming on Netflix that her father had to “find his way”.

Usha is a practising Hindu and told Fox News in a recent interview that the faith made her mother and father “good parents... really good people”.

Houses in Vadluru have “Jai Sri Ram” — “Victory to Lord Ram” written in red on their walls.

Villagers now follow the couple’s campaign on YouTube and Facebook, said resident Venkata Ramanayya, 70.

“We feel very happy and proud,” he said.

US migration

Millions of Indians have made similar journeys as the Chilukuris, and according to the most recent US census, Indians have become the country’s second-largest Asian ethnicity, growing 50 per cent to 4.8 million in the decade to 2020.

Trump’s opponent in the November election is Kamala Harris, whose maternal grandfather hailed from Thulasendrapuram, a village surrounded by paddy fields deep in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

Harris’ maternal grandfather PV Gopalan left the village decades ago, but residents say the family has maintained close links and has regularly donated to the village temple’s upkeep.

Around 600 kilometres away from Vadluru, Usha’s great-grandaunt Chilukuri Santhamma sat hunched over a pile of papers as she called on her relative to urge others not to follow in her family’s footsteps.

Another of the family academics, at 96 she is hailed in local media as the country’s oldest active professor.

She is related to Usha through her husband, an academic himself who was associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a far-right Hindu nationalist group.

Usha should use her position and legal knowledge to stop the “drain” of Indians into the United States, Santhamma said.

“They can go for education, they can go for training, all this they can do but there is a limitation. They have to stay there for known time and come back,” she said.

She believes Usha has a tough life, despite being married to a “great person”.

“To become the wife of a great person is the fortune,” she said, but has “taken politics as her subject”.

“That is a very tough one,” she said. — AFP

Apparently the "Hinduization" of America seems to be a counter-move to oppose the "sinicization" of America; Chinese agents entered - in the last decade, in the most delicate sectors of the US government and military industrial complex (see for example the alleged theft of technical data of the F-35 then used to build the Chinese counter-part, the J-20). 

But on this in the next post. 

Let's see the complexity of the spiritual warfare to erase the blood of Christ from India. I claim that the Devil uses also the Laodicean Christianity for this purpose, to arise hate then to be used against churches which are fundamentally based on the true Scripture, the KJV (and we are in India, where English is the second common language of the nation!): 

In the state of Andhra Pradesh the most widely professed religion is Hinduism, with significant Muslim communities. According to 2011 Census of India figures, Hindus (~90.89%), Muslims (~7.30%) and Christians (1.34%) form the three largest religious groups in the total population of the state. Jains (0.06%) and Buddhists (0.04%) are the minority religious groups of the state.,total%20population%20of%20the%20state.

Below, two very interesting articles about the attitude of the right wing nationalist party of MODI, (the 'friend' of Trump), towards Christians - surely there's something of a truth inside, because we are in the Laodicean age and Christianity is at the utmost corruption, especially with money. 

But soon you arrive at a point, where you have to decide: at the table of the Lord or of the Devil? Pastor Praveen has chosen, kicking the idols from out of the Hindu's villages - he doesn't hide his preaching at least. But the Devil's wrath is strong and fierce and is stirring the Hindus against Christians. 

QUESTION: Will Mr Trump and his VP's wife help the Devil in India? (rethorical question):

It’s a bit of an open secret now that a vast majority of SC/STs in Andhra Pradesh have converted to Christianity in the last couple of decades. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Andhra Pradesh lists its membership on its website as 3,000,000. That’s over 6% of the entire population of the state, listed as members of a single church. CM Jagan’s recent extending of monetary help to pastors in AP showed that there were nearly 30,000 pastors in AP, which seems to corroborate the suspicion that there are many more Christians in the state than official estimates might have us believe.


A popular evangelical in AP, one “Pastor Praveen” (who has been arrested recently) was seen in a video boasting about having converted 600,000 people to Christianity in 2015 alone and claimed to have destroyed “tree” and “rock” images as “false gods” with the approval of locals. In a bid to raise funding abroad, he also admitted to having created 700 “Christ Villages”, where the entire village has been converted to Christianity. A frightening example of Christian intolerance to idolatry, which at least on the surface, seems to be manifesting itself today in the attacks on Hindu dharmasthalas across Andhra.


"A frightening example of Christian intolerance to idolatry, which at least on the surface, seems to be manifesting itself today in the attacks on Hindu dharmasthalas across Andhra."

I am very curious how the political stand of a future "pro-Christian" Trump presidency & vice-presidency, will behave in front of the rage of the Hindus, who are facing God's wrath for their idolatry.... Will be the "annointed by the biblical God" Pres. Trump, help those idolaters of India to to crush biblical and messianic Christians???.... [rethorical question]

Pastor Praveen's church (I noticed a KJV verse quoted on the header of it):

Therefore the Christians in Andra Pradesh are more much more than the number quoted in Wikipedia (which has an anti-Christian bias and is interested to present Christianity in a false, defeated, weak light).

I was telling about my idea, how the Devil uses the corrupted by money (1 Tim 6:10) churches. The above mentioned church seemed to me an 'healty' church, but below we maybe have an example of a church using the MONEY, not the Gospel, to get 'converts', not born again Christians. Is it true? To you the decision:

Last month, the Jagan government hiked the financial assistance, which was being given to Christian pilgrims going to Jerusalem, from Rs 40,000 to Rs 60,000 for those with an annual income up to Rs 3 lakh. While the assistance money for those earning over Rs 3 lakh per annum has been kept at Rs 30,000, previously, the assistance money for this group was Rs 20,000. Earlier this year in August, Jagan’s government announced that they would provide an honorarium of Rs 5,000 per month to pastors. As per sources, his government is also working to launch housing schemes and financial assistance for the poorer sections of the Christian community.

Chandra Mohan, a BJP leader from Andhra Pradesh, alleged that the freebies given by the Jagan government would give rise to conversion activities in Andhra. “Most of the decisions of the Jagan government are proving to be anti-Hindu and his spree of freebies is nothing but promotional programmes for encouraging conversion. If this is not checked soon, the issue may turn the state into clash zones between the majority and minority communities,” Chandra Mohan added.


17Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

18I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 


Conclusion: I believe this is the Laodicean Christianity, based on money. Satan uses it in order to stir the envy of the poor Hindu heathen who then sees the Christians as "economic oppressors" from abroad (like in Russia and former Warsaw Pact countries today), envy transformed in rage and then used to create a theocratic nationalist governmnet (Baratja Janata party) who will wipe away the blood of Jesus and true churche from India. 

Trump, his VP (+ wife), the Jesuitical democrats, are further pieces of the chess in his hands (wait for the next post, I hope in 30 minutes is ready).

Above article quoted from:

Saturday, July 27, 2024

" Trump was attacked, and [the god] Jagannath returned the favour by saving him" (article)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

An illustration of the previous post: Trump & India of Modi (both on the line of "God has sent me for a purpose", just read if you don't believe)

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