Sunday, July 21, 2024

An illustration of the previous post: Trump & India of Modi (both on the line of "God has sent me for a purpose", just read if you don't believe)


Notice: The body of Christ are all the Christians saved in Christ. Once you receive His Spirit your flesh become His flesh (you are the "temple of the Holy Ghost, of God"). Therefore you are part of His body on earth. This collective body is also called "the church", or "the bride" (why is called in the Bible "bride" if not because it has to be taken by the bridegroom?). The Devil tries to dismember this body. Religious nationalism is the machete he uses to this purpose. Russia, India, Islamic countries, Communist regimes are on the the most advanced front of this attempt of a spiritual butchery.

It is symptomatic but natural that in order to make America "Great Again", Mr Trump will bring his country in spiritual communion with the Hinduist theocracy.

‘My friend Donald Trump’

On Saturday, after a sniper positioned on a roof outside a Trump rally in Pennsylvania struck the former president with a bullet, killing another person and wounding two others, a volley of reactions tumbled in from around the world.

Among them was an X post by Modi, who condemned the attack, describing Trump as “my friend”. The two leaders had a few years ago held joint public events in Houston and the Indian city of Ahmedabad, and a senior Indian government official told this writer the Modi administration was increasingly convinced that Trump might return to power in November.

In every state under the dominance of Modi's party, there are anti-conversion laws which persecute Christians stirring legally violent and often deadly attacks on pastors and church members.

(There the police is a "little bit" more passive than the secret service which was criticized by Mr Trump)

We are now in the phase of nationalistic persecution of Christians. The Devil wants to break the bones and the flesh of the body of Christ cutting it with many nationalistic theocracies: Russia, India, China, etc. When you read the following excerpts, keep in mind the word of Mr Trump I quoted in the previous post:

"...Trump has relaunched his message in favor of an authoritarian turn. Speaking of Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping, the tycoon defined them as "intelligent and tough", leaders with an "iron fist", men who "love their country". Of the Chinese president he said, showing great consideration: "He controls 1.4 billion people using an iron fist." Xi, he added, "makes people like Biden look like children." Trump explained what, in his opinion, the secret of authoritarianism is: "We need someone to protect us. Orban was right, we need someone to protect us." [by Mr Donald Trump - see previous post]

"....Modi’s latest campaign message to supporters: ‘God has sent me’

Rhea Mogul

By Rhea Mogul, CNN

 3 minute read 

Updated 1:46 AM EDT, Tue May 28, 2024

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a new message for supporters on the campaign trail: God has chosen him.

“I’m convinced that God has sent me for a purpose, and when that purpose is finished, my work will be done,” he told local news channel NDTV in an interview last week. “This is why I have dedicated myself to God.”

Modi continued: “God doesn’t reveal his cards. He just keeps making me do things.”

Here some of the "things" done by Modi after he listened to his "God": 

‘Our partners in India report pastors beaten, churches attacked and prayer meetings disrupted at the hands of ultra-right wing Hindu militants. At the same time, a number of states in India have passed anti-conversion laws which prevent Christians from sharing their faith with Hindus.’

Release International’s partner in India provides legal assistance to many pastors. It says that in Uttar Pradesh alone more than 130 church leaders are now under arrest and facing trial, many having been refused bail. The Evangelical Fellowship of India reports a total of 440 pastors arrested over the course of 2023.

Violence has erupted in Manipur, in Northeast India, claiming 60 lives, burning and destroying 50 churches, and displacing tens of thousands of people. Most of the dead are believed to be Christians.

According to Indian media, 10,000 troops have been brought in to restore order. At the same time a hearing of India’s Supreme Court claims there is no persecution against Christians in the country.

Christians Imprisoned under Indian Anti-Conversion Law Languish Behind Bars

5/24/2024 India (International Christian Concern) — Nearly 70 Christians arrested under the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance of 2020 are languishing in jails in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) as authorities delay or deny their bail applications on flimsy grounds.

The god of this world? The pope of Rome is very happy.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Do you think I was joking when I said that the bullet was a warning of God against Trump???.... Alt-right, Trumpian fundamentalist 'Christians' in the USA are worst than the LGBTQ. At least a gay doesn't hide himself behind a "Christian value", and is not so hypocrite.


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