Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Russian yacht and the Marian temple (Eph 5:11 & Col 1:16)


And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. (Eph 5:11)

 ...that in all things he might have the preeminence. (Col 1:16)

WARNING: Before to start to read this post, make sure that you are saved. The words below have no value, are like smoke carried away by a tornado, like dust swept by the wind of the desert, they are less than nothing but pride, vanity and arrogance, if you are not saved and are not a new creature in Jesus. Jesus Christ must always be the first thing in your life, and to understand that this is the true Christ and not an unclean spirit that loves to be called "Jesus", take care that you have trusted with all your heart on His shed blood on Calvary, and that you understand with all your heart that the love of God exists, but you find it ONLY on your knees in front of His cross. If you don't admit that you are a sinner, hanging from the hands of God like a venemous insect, barely kept by His mercy and love from to fall in the eternal lake of fire, and if you don't believe that the death, burial and resurrection of His Son is the ONLY thing that can save you for the eternity, you are definitively lost, more lost than a piece of butter thrown inside the blast furnace of a steel factory. Here you see the details to avoid Hell and become a new creature: https://youtu.be/6lzaPqKf2zs (How to Get Saved and Be a REAL Bible-Believer). Then read this post, because before to watch the works of the Devil in this world, is better you make sure you are not one of his child: Why I closed some blogs of mine, others are frozen (instructions before beginning to reprove the works of darkness): https://spirithismouth.blogspot.com/2023/01/why-i-closed-some-blogs-of-mine-others.html 

[This post is a work in progress: it will be upgraded with the most old material on the top, and the new material added to the bottom: if not otherwise stated, the verses are always from the AV 1611 aka "KJV", the true preserved infallible word of God in English that you can use to correct also the Hebrew and Greek texts; do you think that God wanted you to become a professor of ancient Hebrew and Greek to understand His word??...]

For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. (Mark 4:22)

*   *   *

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Well, at the beginning of the war of invasion of Ukraine a yacht of a Russian oligarch located in the port of Trieste was seized. It is the biggest yacht of the world (and the most expensive):

Ukraine: Russian oligarch's giant yacht seized in Trieste

World's biggest sail boat belongs to Andrey Melnichenko

Redazione ANSA   ROME   14 March 2022   12:27

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 14 - A Russian oligarch's yacht, the biggest sailing yacht in the world, was seized in Trieste at the weekend as part of western sanctions on Moscow for its war in Ukraine.

    The 530 million euro Sailing Yacht A belonging to Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko had been in dry dock in the northeastern Italian port for repairs since January.

URL: https://www.ansa.it/english/news/politics/2022/03/14/ukraine-russian-oligarchs-giant-yacht-seized-in-trieste_cd423845-d2f3-42a6-b4cd-6531e6bde4db.html

Some money spent to keep the yacht in these months; the Italian authorities have to provide financially to mantain the seized boat, this is the law (and notice the numbers...):

Russian yacht seized in Trieste: so far cost the state 7 million euros

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NEWS Editorial Staff January 16, 2023

It has been ten months since the largest sailing boat in the world, the Sailing Yacht A from Russia, has been stranded in Trieste. The permanence of the megayacht worth about half a billion has so far cost Italy 7 million euros (800 thousand euros a month to keep the crew on board and all maintenance costs)


Until December the Russian yacht which was moved from the docks of the shipyards, had to be located in a central area in the Gulf of Trieste, in front of the city, with a safety area of some hundreds of meters of diameter around it, where other ships and boats have to keep out of it. One thing in particular hit my attention: the location on the sea of the Russian yacht appears to be positioned in order to be just in front of the Roman Catholic Marian temple which is situated on the edge of the Karst highland, over the coast. Give a look at the pictures:

Above image - the Russian yacht on the left, the Marian temple on the right, above.

Above image - the Russian yacht (sorry, I used my phone to take the picture, without optical zoom)

Above image - and here the detail of the Marian temple, on the edge of the Karst highland 

Before we discuss about the symbolical value of this coupling, give a look at the post about the Marian temple (in Italian):

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Marian temple of Monte Grisa in Trieste and Jeremiah 44:16-17, Ephesians 5:11

"...As can be seen from the photo, the Catholic predilection for high places and groves confirms the satanic nature of the Marian cult which corresponds to the cult of the "queen of heaven" of which we are informed in the book of Jeremiah chap. 7:..."


The Holy Ghost suggested to my mind to make a connection between the Russian yacht with the Roman Catholic temple that dominates it from the top of the rocks, through the common link of the common Catholic faith of the Constantinian empire where not Jesus, but the "holy Mary" has the preeminence.

Suddenly the corrupt religious doctrines of Rome and Byzantium appeared to my eyes in that mountain and see landscape. The three masted vessel represents the formal godhead of the Catho-Orthodox imperial church, and the Latin Marian temple overhanging the symbolical Russian Trinity down in the gulf, shows the common Byzantine and Romish cult of the "mother of God", in Greek: "theotokos", carefully watching her three masted "son" afloat in the sea. 

The Gulf of Trieste is therefore the theatrical scene where to represent the drama of the religious restoration of the Costantinian empire which could be the event referred to in the 'miraculous'  healing of the wounded head of the Beast:

Revelation 13:3 “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

The "holy" Mary is described also as "the ark" and "the house" of God:

From Jesus-Partisans-on-the-Balkans blog - Putin is Apep/Apophis/"Jesus", part 2 - CASE CLOSED:

"...AngyKreyda in concert and Hathhor, goddess of music, helper against Apep. Notice the details like the sun disk, the red light on the head of the singer and the red ribbon on the head of Hathor. Hathor, literally "the house of Horus" is the archetype and identity of Roman Catholic "Mary", touted as the "ark of the covenant" and "house of our Lord". Hathor was worshipped at Dendera..."

URL: https://jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans.blogspot.com/2022/11/putin-is-apepapophisjesus-part-2-case.html?m=0

This horrendous interpretation (edited 25/01/2023: I mean the Catho-Orthodox  interpretation of Scripture) fits very well with a vessel in the see we can see from the pictures. Of course the Bible says something totally opposite: the ark and the house of God ("tabernacle") is Jesus. We know from the Bible that God created man in His image, a trinitarian being, body, soul and spirit. Because three are the persons of God, and respectively the Father is the soul, the Son is the body, and the Holy Ghost is the spirit of God:

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: .....

1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 In the Bible the body is named also "tabernacle", and "house" (Lev 26:11-12, Rev 21:3, 2 Cor 5:1-4, Eph 2:22, etc.). The Catho-Orthodox cannibalistic gnosticism pretend that the "mother of God",  the "house of God", is one of the three part of the Godhead.

If you have noticed the Marian temple is located on the edge of the rocky Karst highland, over the coast. We have another impious twisting of Scripture, in the reference of the rock where to build the house:

Matthew 7:25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Catholicism pretends that the cult of Mary is built on a rock and this rock is Peter, because the Roman Catholicism is founded on the silly tale of Peter the founder of their church. But the same Jesus warned us, thousands of years before, of the dangers of the coming Marian blasphemy, warning anyone from the worship of His human mother:

Luke 8:20 And it was told him by certain which said, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to see thee. 21 And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.

*   *   *

Thursday, 02 February 2023

Located exactly in front of the "Aztech-shaped" Marian temple's front wall:




Above three images - 1) the Russian yacht in the Trieste gulf, located exactly in front of the "Aztech-shaped" Marian temple's front wall; 2) a detail showing the alignment; 3) the previous picture with the imaginary line perpendicular to the facade of the temple. Coincidence?

*   *   *

Thursday, 03 February 2023

Above image - this is a screenshot of a ship tracker website map, with the location of the Russian yacht in the middle of the Gulf of Trieste,  joined with a red line to the Mary's temple. The day of the screened location is about 4th January 2023 (anyway, within 6th January).

Above image - an enlarged picture in order you can appreciate the Mary's temple facade and the red line joining it with the Russian yacht: clearly face-to-face. (Compare the coastal features crossed by the imaginary line in this picture with the ones cut by the same line in the other larger picture, minimal errors aside, they coincide nearly perfectly).

Here we have the most interesting geometrical features, obtained fixing some important occult centers of angles in the middle of the city and linking them with the "floating cornerstone"/Russian yacht:

Above image - and this is the location of the yacht in the same day, in comparison to the most important geometrical figures and buildings - from the point of view of the gnostic, occult geography of the city; the white right triangle in the center of the city, to which the two "red and yellow" right triangles have their different angles, is shown in detail in another image.  

We have here two right triangles, the first red one fixes one of its angles at the san Giusto/saint Just (Catholic) cathedral of Trieste.  The yellow triangle rotates a little on the Russian yacht in order to keep the right angle and to fix its near angle in a different location, which is the "golden little Madonna" ("Madonina de oro") of Garibaldi square. Both the golden Lady of Garibaldi square as well the cathedral of saint Just are two angles of the most important triangle framing spiritually in the occult and devilish plane the whole city. 

My suspicion is that one side of the red triangle (representing the Virgo sky triangle) contained in the larger right triangle, the inferior side, is the final part of the inferior side of the yellow right triangle whose cornerstone is the floating Russian yacht (in the future I will check, for the moment there's "plenty of meat on the grill!"):

Above image - this is the white square triangle, from whose two angles in the lower part, the double square triangle are built, having the Russian yacht as cornerstone.

You can view the genesis of that triangle in the post:


Rat-lines - 1 or: The Triangle of Virgo - conclusion and new start


After you explored a little portion of the facts uncovered in my blog Novus Ordo Seclorum,  please give a look at the satanic geometry of another important city of East Europe, Sofia, as confirmation of the factual evidence of this Satanic geometry:

Above image - a perfect satanic triangle at Sofia (Bulgaria).

четвъртък, 17 юли 2014 г.

Sophia - Satanic geometry (part1)




Above 2 images -  1) a golden Lady of war in Sofia and, 2), her sister in Trieste

сряда, 8 май 2019 г.

Satanic Geometry - the "revival" and more clues

He discovereth deep things out of darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of death. Job, 12:22


What pushed me today to add the present upgrade? 

Because I was listening a BS about the 5° church mystery of the six ones given by Jesus Christ to Paul (the 7° was given to John, chapters 17 & 18 of Revelation). The mystery of iniquity.

Dealing with 2 Thessalonian 2:10-11, we know that the lies of the Devil, spread in the world by his devils and by his human servants, are the false lights which covereth their works of darkness. God will give up the reprobates and lost souls and will abandon them to his lies. 

These lines and geometrical figures are hidden by a lot of false light and we know that the Devil himself is transformed in an angel of light:

2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Another very important connection is:

1 Timothy 4:1-2 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

...which I held to be the "cornerstone" of three verses of the Bible where the importance of these super-natural actors as inspirers of the works of darkness  is confirmed without any interpretative doubt. The third of these verses being:

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

For this reason I stress continually on the sincerity about the true motivations behind the exposition of these works of darkness. You must be right with the Lord when you start to expose not so much things of flesh and blood (the Jesuits, Illuminati, Masonry, etc.), but the works of those principalities and of the rulers of darkness, who are not "flesh & blood". You cannot bear a confrontation with them, no man on earth is able to survive, except by the blood of Christ. 

2 Corinthians 13:5  Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Ephesians 5:10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

Romans 3:24-25 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

[To be continued]

*   *   *
In conclusion, after having read the latest upgrade: Why God allows these works of darkness?

Before to see it, let me a short recalling on two purposes of posts like the one you are reading : the first is self evident, to expose these things made of them in secret (Eph 5:12). Secret-societism, secret knowledge is hated by the Lord (Rev 2:6, 15; John 1:5, 9; 2 Cor 11:4; Mat 10:26). 
But the second most important purpose is to show that YOU, a common person, are in no way better than these workers of iniquity concealed in the darkness. 
Exposing things you couldn't imagine of, is more aimed at YOU than to them. It is a way to show to the lost that they have not in their hands the power to make this world and their life better. Good intentions, good will, honesty, good works, self righteousness are nothing for the Lord if you are an unregenerated soul. 

You have to constantly remember: God allows these workers of darkness to perform the plans of the Devil for two purposes: 

FIRST, He wants the evilness to thrive as much as possible to show that He is God, and no evil can stop Him. He did it already many times. For this purpose He hardened the Pharaoh's heart, and for the same purpose He let the Jesuits to put their Hitler at power in Germany, allowing that country to be the most high tech advanced country in the world (when the SS were planning to build a space plane - Sänger-Bredt (1),  to bomb the US, the rest of the world was still playing with fireworks and nothing more). 

SECOND, in allowing all these evil deeds to thrive, concealed in the darkness, and whose tip of the iceberg are the things you see in post like this, is a great warning by God Almighty to the common, "saved-by-his-good-deeds" man, that God will do exactly NOTHING to discriminate the "Illuminati" elite from the common self-righteous man when they will come to the White Throne judgement seat to face the Judge. Every man is a sinner, and if you don't trust the blood of Jesus, no matter how honest and good person you are, you'll end for the eternity side by side with child abusers and Satan worshipers in Hell. If you don't agree, I suggest to read in Luke some verses God aimed at YOU :

Luke 13:1-5  There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Do you want the same verses a little 'remixed', just to understand how they refer to you also?

Luke 13:1-5  There were present at that season some that told him of the MEMBERS OF ILLUMINATI, [whose evil deeds are exposed by truth seekers and conspiracy Youtube channels].
And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these ILLUMINATI were sinners above all the MEN, because they suffered such things?
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Or those eighteen, upon whom the [work of Alex Jones, Texe Marrs, Unhived Mind, Control Ables Blogs, etc.] fell, and slew [their secrecy], think ye that they were sinners above all [honest, good, truth seeking, having a form of godliness, etc.] men that dwelt in IN THE WORLD?
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Original AV 1611 version above).

Is it therefore a reason to stop the work of exposition of such works of darkness? Absolutely not. If God calls you to do, do it. BUT:  never forget you are serving Him in humbleness, not your self. So, if your flesh tempts your soul, keep in mind God telling you: 

"...I see no reason why I should suffer your daily sins against members of your family, of your coworkers, of your church, of your neighbor, even against yourself (how many times did you look that woman with adulterous eyes, thinking that I will discount it to you?),  more than the sins of the Illuminati elites of this world.... See?... I KILLED Adam and Eve just for having 'innocently' stolen an apple, do you think my eternal punishment for your self-righteousness will not be an eternal mocking of it, laying you in the flames side-by-side with that the same 33° Luciferian Grand Master at the orders of the Jesuits, whose works you exposed with pride in your website???... 
And if you are a born again: don't you know how easily I can take away the evil joy in this world you feel thinking you are so smart for having seen those evil works, transforming the days you pass in this world in a land of sorrow where you search me but I hide my face from you, till when I take you home in heaven, where there will be no rewards for you, seeing that, after I saved you from Hell, you served your pride and forgot Me???..... Did you already forget that what I told to my apostles, is also valid for you ?...: Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven... And how much more you than they, who were only written at home, meanwhile I have  raised you up together, and made you sit together in heavenly places in Me???...". 

Be careful in what you rejoice, the reward in this world is the joy not of the world, but of having fellowship with the Lord:

1 John 1:6-10  If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Monday, January 23, 2023

How Satan Turned America Against God (book)


Very good book of dr. William P. Grady:

Dr. William P. Grady gives a lot of material to understand the Bible as a book of human history, better: human His-story.

It deals with the US history, often interwined with the history of Israel. The enemies of USA & Israel are clearly enemies of the Bible, whose prophecies have been (partially)  perfectly fulfilled with these two countries around which the events of the world are organized.

Don't fool yourself. Today Israel & USA are the milestone of comparison to discern ethic and moral in the global geo-politic events. For supporters as well deniers of those nations.  Can you deny that?

Dr. William P. Grady says that the US has been created for two purposes: One, to continue to spread the Gospel  (Mark 13:10) as in the AV 1611, after a backsliding British empire failed to do that and transformed itself in an adversary of the AV 1611 (see Westcott & Hort); Second, to build the bridge between the diaspora and the return to the Promised Land after the betrayal of the Balfour Declaration by the same apostate empire.

The historical facts brought to the attention of the reader as proof of the sovereign power of God on human history are impressive and convincing. Especially the negative facts which led God to threaten and chastise America after the WWII for her betrayal against Israel and the Bible (AV 1611). 

To mention few, the perfect timely punishment of America for the "Madrid Peace Conference" of the nineties, where "conservative, fundamentalist defender, Christian Zionist" Bush Sr, repeatedly tried to make pressure on Israel in order to achieve the infamous "land for peace" goal which would have settled forever the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict.

Every time Bush Sr was presiding a meeting where he would advocate the "land for peace" proposal, or at every time his son would use his power to interfere heavily in the Israeli sovereign power on her territory, a catastrophe scorched the land of America, hurricanes or hearth quakes. The first in 1991, when in the exact moment Bush Sr was opening the  "Madrid Peace Conference" declaring the sick offer of an amputation of Israel's land in exchange for peace, an anomalous North Atlantic storm, one that appears only one time in a century, ravaged Bush' old family home. Exactly as he was speaking.

Years later that storm became the subject of a novel, and an Hollywood blockbuster:

Above image - don't touch the Promised Land! Genesis 12:3 still at work today (The Perfect Storm is a 2000 American biographical disaster drama film directed by Wolfgang Petersen and based on the 1997 creative non-fiction book of the same name by Sebastian Junger. - Wikipedia)

I stop here, I cannot copy the whole chapter! (for example the list of all the catastrophes flogging the American land, every time Pres. Clinton whored with Mr Arafat... you should read!). 

I want to add to the very good exposition of a biblical history of America and Israel by William P. Grady, my personal "two cents":

-------> 1°, you can understand very well the literal explosion of conspiracy culture, especially after the 911 facts: an attempt to counter the biblical narrative of the sad, infamous catastrophes involving these two nations, and I don't refer only to the natural ones (see the "HAAARP" conspiracy to "change the climate of the earth; I have few doubts that the gnostic parallel government of USA was involved in to drag away the attention from the AV 1611 as key interpreter of those catastrophes...), but also to the human ones (the wars against Saddam's Iraq for example).  If you want a biblical interpretation of 911, you can see it as both a theatrical distraction for the Christian majority of America, giving cheap, fabricated conspiracy theories to munch in the backslidden or unregenerated soul of the average American & world citizen (1),  to avoid to take awareness of the disgraces against that nation as the fruit of the backsliding of the "fundamentalists"  (first of all the abandon of the AV 1611 for the Catholic ESV, NIV, RSV, NKJV, etc.). And a further punishment for a decade long of secret war against the Promised Land under the cover of the "Christian Zionism".

-------> 2°,  the today backsliding of America and her detachment from the support to Israel is consequence of the prophecy of Revelation 13:3, about the wounded head restored to life. NATO, the Western "arrogance", the US "imperialism, have been the guns of God pointed to that head in order to keep that wound still open, until the times would have come when the Lord decides that Satan has to have full power on earth, in his incarnation in the Antichrist (God want the evilness to thrive as much as possible before to destroy it: to show that He is God? He has to show anything to anyone; it us just His nature, and if God would refrain, in this case He would exibit a false humbleness, except for love to man - see how God even stirred the hearth of the pharaoh, God doesn't like "easy victories").  The division of the Constantinian empire in an east - west dicotomy could be the "deadly wound". Now NATO and USA have to "go home", and this is the reason of the future collapse  of Putin's Russia: "No more a Russian threat - no more need of Americans on Eurasian soil, or: Putin go home = Yankee go home". For a Catho-Orthodox Eurasian empire freed from the presence of a nation born from the Baptist spirit. 

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

*  *  *
(1) my opinion is that the purpose of the material organization of the "false flag" 911 attack, was to stir the mania for conspiracy thinking to pathological levels, both in America as well in the whole world; a "conspiracy mindset" is a goal to re-build spiritually man, preparing him for the advent of Satan on earth, darkening the AV 1611 narrative with a flood of secular, deists, masonic, gnostic narratives about the true origin of the events shacking the world. In few words: for the masters of the CIA, it is better that the common people blame CIA for the evilness in the world, and not for their personal corrupt, sinful, unregenerated or backslidden nature.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

War in Ukraine and the war on the Bible


Warning: the stuff of this post cannot make you a better person, nor it is able to make you more acceptable to God if, in your heart,  you put the content of it before the blood of Christ, before His cross, before His living word. And if you you are not yet saved, I have to warn you: only the blood of Christ can save you, and only the knowledge of the Bible shows you who is Christ. The Devil can well use also the words you'll read below to keep you condemned to Hell, if you will use them as an alibi or distraction to not face the truth:  you are already condemned to Hell (John 3:18) and the only remedy is to put your faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus (Romans 3:25, 5:8-9). 

*   *   *

Introductory notes

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

OK, here we are. Mixing the war in Ukraine with the AV 1611 - KJV. 

You know that the heads of the Beast can represent both kings as well kingdoms (see Daniel for a confirmation).

As seen in other posts, it could be that one of those heads - in particular: the wounded one, is the  Constantinian empire. It received a first light wound with the political division in an East-West Catho-Roman empire ( 4° century AD), then was killed by the religious Schism of 1054. 

That the eastern guys are the ones to be submitted to the western boss, is clear from the Bible (at least if you accept this dispensational interpretation). The Whore, the chieftain of this band, is Rome,  not Costantinople. It is well confirmed that there's only one city in the world that fits Revelation 17:9:

Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

(I know, in Wikipedia there's an entire section dedicated to all the towns in the world "sitting on seven mountains", but in the world there are also millions of four-wheeled carts, and just few of them have a price tag of 5 millions $s and have the name "Bugatti" on them. In another post I'll show how the identification with Rome is a fact in the Bible).

Therefore the eastern churches are submitted to Rome. There's room for only one Whore, with capital "w", in the world.

In the fifteenth century,  the Catholic church and the Byzantine church tried to end the Schism (to heal the deadly wound?) with the Council of Florence. The Council condemned the anti-pope Felix V (yes, his name was "Cat 5°"; I recall Dr. Ruckman about cats and Latin words ending in "X", as an allegory of the antichrist; a "straw" antichrist like Putin today?). 

Cat 5°, pardon, I mean Felix V, was accused to divide the body of Christ:

".......Since Christ suffered for the church and since the church is the body of Christ, without doubt the person who divides the church is convicted of lacerating the body of Christ. ....."

Taken from: https://shamelesspopery.com/the-council-of-florence-on-the-pope-the-church-and-the-bible/

Following the idea already stated in the blog  Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans (0), an hypothetical Russian military catastrophe could be presented to the Russian people as "punishment of the mother of God" (the "mother of harlots and abominations") for having divided the body of Christ. 

The Catholic "body of Christ" is not the true body of Christ. If you are able to tear apart the body of Christ, as the Council of Florence affirmed,  it means that this is NOT the body of Christ, but a body building created with human hands. No one has the power to take away a member of the body of Christ. The born again Christians, cannot do anything to go back in the previous fallen state. Once borne, you cannot go back in the unborn state.

Once saved, you are 'condemned' to be saved for the eternity. 

Then I had something that the Holy Ghost inspired in my mind. I realized that if you cannot do anything to change your eternal destiny, you are not under the power of any man or being. After that, I remembered something I read in a  Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans post (3):

"The name of the anti-JEHOVAH game of gnosticism was control and manipulation. The desert fathers were mad in their desire not only for self control but the control of others.... " 

The Gnostics hate souls who are out of their control. A soul eternally saved, with an irrevocable decree of God, is something that denies both human as well satanic control on the destiny of that soul. It is an open derision of the Gnostic attempt to persuade man that he can be a god, without any interference from any other imaginable being. 

After having denied any form of control on the true body of Christ by the living God of the Bible, the Gnostic pseudo-Christian cult of ancient Rome fabricated a fake body where to freeze souls and keep them out of the power of God. 

Summary: if the Catholic body of Christ can be severed by man, it means that it is a man's construction, not a creation of Christ. And if not Christ's, it's the Devil's. Clear?

Above image - the fake "body of the Christ", a Catho-Orthodox interpretation of Scripture

Well, let's go back to the Council of Florence and the Bible. But not before having observed Dr Ruckman exposing an ancient perverted versions of the Bible, where "by" is replaced with a "in" in Colossians 1:16 

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for hi

Exactly in the right place where the Devil would be able to transform the body of Christ/the church, in a receptacle of devils, Satan and un-regenerated souls: his body, the world. And, lo and behold, this is the Catho+Orthodox "body of Christ", pardon, of antichrist:

"....But our bungling “brethren” are not through yet trying to inject their private opinions into the text and usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit as the interpreter (Luke 24:45). By changing “For BY him were all things created...” to “IN him” (Amplified, RV, ASV, RSV, New RSV, NEB, Dummelow, Bullinger, Moffatt, Ellicott, Lightfoot, Wordsworth, Haupt, Meyer, Wycliffe Commentary, Lange, Clarke, Pulpit Commentary, Rev. Peake, Bengel, etc.), the ridiculous doctrine is now stated that the “principalities and powers” (vs. 16) were made IN Christ. The intelligent reader can see at once that the “principalities and powers” are the Satanic and demoniac dominions of Ephesians 1:21 and 6:12. (If they were created IN Christ, they must have fallen out of Him, or else Ethelbert Bullinger was right in his remarks on universal restoration [Eph. 1:10]!) The lame alibi for this perversion of truth is (again!) “accuracy.” The Greek word “en” has been translated as “in,” following the Papal dictates of the Jesuits from 1582 (Rheims). (The same Roman Catholic stunt was pulled in 1 Corinthians 12:13, since all Roman Catholics depend on WATER for the New Birth instead of the Holy Spirit.)....".

The corrupt Catholic bible of Jerome, completed around 420 AD, has the same reading of the modern "conservative fundamentalist scholars, substituting "by" with "in". Here Jerome's perverted Catho-bible:

quia in ipso condita sunt universa in caelis et in terra visibilia et invisibilia sive throni sive dominationes sive principatus sive potestates omnia per ipsum et in ipso creata sunt

For in him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers. All things were created by him and in him.

URL: https://vulgate.org/nt/epistle/colossians_1.htm

You may well ask yourself how much this evangelical, fundamentalist, conservative, separated (and self righteous) christian world, is indebted to the Jesuits for their "up to date" bibles. And the Jesuits are indebted to Jerome. And Jerome to.... Origen.

Origen (184-254 AD) didn't believe in a real Hell, he believed in a sort of final restoration of the whole creation of God in Christ (I remember that we talked about  Origen already eight/nine years ago in my and in the Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans blogs).  Therefore he believed that the Serpent will be restored from the curse and will live forever side-by-side with Jesus in the New Creation. This is what is behind the change of that "by" in an "in". He changed the time of Colossians 1:16, eradicating from the past to plant it in the future.

You surely know that Satan wants to be above all (Isaiah 14:14), he hates the division. He knows that he can stay afloat only if his body, the world, remains stuck to the body of Christ. But God of the Bible is a God of division(Luke 12:51). He divided the light from darkness, His physical people from the rest of humanity, His spiritual people from... the un-regenerated humanity. Satan and his body on earth, the world, are deemed to sink in the eternal flames. Desperately, he tries to grasp the body of Christ in order to stay afloat and to not sink. He hates God but he needs His power.

The Devil knows that the machete able to cut his pawns from the body is the Bible. You know that Jesus the same compared His word and the Holy Ghost with a sword (Matthew 10:34); in Hebrew 4:12 we have a perfect description of this wondrous blade:

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

My point is this. Since Westcott and Hort (second half of 1800s), two pieces of garbage have been presented to the world as "the most reliable and ancient bibles!". They are the "Sinaiticus and Vaticanus" manuscripts, believed to be able to "correct" the text of the AV 1611.   This couple of "bible version"  are so reliable that they disagree well 3,000 times only in the four Gospels! Recently one of them, Sinaiticus, has been exposed as a fraud by David W. Daniels of Chick Publications. But his buddy, Vaticanus?

I remember that once I read on an online source that Erasmus, author of the first or second "Textus Receptus" - T.R., considered the Vaticanus a fake. Well, it could have been plausible that in the Council of Florence, in order to persuade the Byzantines to give up their text, (which is an ally of Erasmus' T. R. and an enemy of the Alexandrian text type of the Jerome's Vulgate), a fake "ancient bible manuscript" could have been exhibited to the reluctant Orthodox envoys as a "proof" that, when the empire was still united, the text of Rome, not the Byzantine one, was used in the imperial church.

Of course this is a conjecture because the Byzantines were not lacking of ancient manuscripts. But Rome could have tried to slip in the works of the council a Gnostic text in order to balance the Greek manuscripts and trying in this way to reach an agreement erasing many verses about the deity of Jesus.

Then, I found another source, which I could not yet recover from the web. It was a source exposing the textual criticism of the Bible as corrupted lie. This source claimed that the Orthodox envoys and the Roman Catholic failed to agree on which text to use for a common bible, Catho Orthodox bible. Evidently the Byzantines refused to compromise their text, coming from Antiochia, with the higly corrupted and gnostic Alexandrian text of the Roman bibles.

The only information I could gather, reports that the Council of Florence agreed only with the Coptic church on which books, not the text, to be contained in the bible: 66 + 7 apocrypha:

"....In the Bull of Union with the Copts, a declaration of faith was prepared to explain what the Church held. It included a section on Scripture, listing (by name) each of the 73 Books of the Catholic Bible as canonical......"

URL:  https://shamelesspopery.com/the-council-of-florence-on-the-pope-the-church-and-the-bible/

End of the introduction - now we apply the above material on the contemporary events

We go back to the war in Ukraine. there was a battle which echoed in the media, and was surnamed the battle to control the P 66 regional road:

"....The P66 is a key supply route for the northern section of russia's Donbas front from the Belgorod region of russia, 

January 2, 2023......."

From : https://en.defence-ua.com/analysis/the_uk_defense_intelligence_says_that_ukraines_control_of_p66_highway_undermine_russias_defense_of_kreminna_in_luhansk_oblast-5316.html

Now observe this fact: first the Stilianov's photo collage of the Ukrainian map with superimposed  boat of Ra, then the map of Ukraine where the road P66 is located in the same place of the snake of egyptian painting

Above image - Ukraine as georeligious scene of a gnostic global tragic-comedy. The boat of Ra facing the "evil forces of the serpent Putin/Apep

Above image - the map of Ukraine with the regional road P66, around which furious fighting are engaged because of its strategical importance for the outcome of this war

Above image - original Stilianov's posted image of Ra's boat and Apep (1); notice the position of the serpent related to the boat - compare it with the location of the P66 road on the Ukrainian map

Above image - another ancient painting of the boat of Ra and his "global alliance" fighting the evil snake (I added this picture in order to make sure the boat/snake orientation of the other image are not random); notice the position of the serpent related to the boat - compare it with the location of the P66 road on the Ukrainian map

We have discovered that the regional road P66 of south-east Ukraine, is located in an area corresponding to the area of the ancient Egyptian fresco where the serpent Apep has been drawn (compare with the image where the Egyptian painting is superimposed to the Ukrainian map).

The reader has already guessed that the road P66 has a potential allegory in the 66 books of the Bible. 

In Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc. (1), the alphabet letter "Z" has been definitively connected  to her allegorical significance

In the Cyrillic numeral system, Zemlja had a value of 7... 

(...)...However, in Greek Z represents Zemia (very close phonetically to Zemlia) which means both penalty and punishment and refers to disparate sentencing practices from fines to death.

Above image - "Z" marks on Russian infantry armoured vehicles; the related Wikipedia (2) page gives various reasons of the choice by the Russian MOD, all related to practical necessities or to trivial propaganda; but all such motives don't exclude the gnostic purpose of the "Z" symbol, rather, they conceal it to the mass of spectators keeping it below the radar of the awareness.

Now read this excerpt from Wikipedia (I added the numbers):

"........The Eastern Orthodox synod, the Synod of Jerusalem, held in 1672 receive as its canon the books found in the Septuagint, and in the Patristic, Byzantine, and liturgical tradition. The Synod declared the Eastern Orthodox canon as follows:

...'specifically, [1] "The Wisdom of Solomon," [2] "Judith," [3] "Tobit," [4]  "The History of the Dragon" [Bel and the Dragon], [5] "The History of Susanna," [6] "The Maccabees," and [7] "The Wisdom of Sirach." For we judge these also to be with the other genuine Books of Divine Scripture genuine parts of Scripture. For ancient custom, or rather the Catholic Church, which has delivered to us as genuine the Sacred Gospels and the other Books of Scripture, has undoubtedly delivered these also as parts of Scripture,'....".

URL: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deuterocanonical_books

Still "no entiendo"?... The Russian "Z" on their military gear and personnel represent the # 7, now do a little of math:

regional road P66 + 7 = 73

In another fashion, so you'll understand better:

P(ython)66 + Z(emlja)7 = 73 books bible of Council of Florence

(The author of Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc. surely has already noticed that "7 X 3 = 21"  aka  "7 + 7 + 7"  or   "ZZZ" )

Scroll back again to read the quote referring to the number of apocryphal books agreed between the Romish and Coptic churches in the Council of Florence: 

"......It included a section on Scripture, listing (by name) each of the 73 Books of the Catholic Bible as canonical......"

BOTH the church of Rome today as well the Orthodox ones add to the 66 book of the Bible other seven books, the apocripha. Here a list of these not inspired books in the Roman Catholic pseudo-bible:

"....Based in this first canon, Saint Jerome compiled and translated the 73 books of the Bible into Latin, later known as the Vulgate Bible version,...(...)...

The deuterocanonical texts held as canonical for the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church are:[13]





1 Maccabees

2 Maccabees


URL: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deuterocanonical_books

The Catho-Orthodox church, restored Costantinian empire of Eurasia, at least agrees on 7 (seven) extra books to be inserted in the bible, with 73 (66 + 7) being the number of books common from East to the West. 

In other words, the Bible plus....

...7  knives???

Another excerpt from Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc., 

"....One of the ways to handle Apep was to "nail" him with many knives. This corresponds to a scene in the Equalizer where Mcall kills Nikolai, one of Pushkin's henchmen that was sent to the USA, with a nail gun, literally nailing him while he drags on the ground as a snake:..."

As the author pointed out, this gnostic allegory of a pierced serpent is referring to the one "whom they have pierced" (Zachariah 12:10; Revelation 1:7):

"...An effigy of Apep was taken into the temple and imbued with all of the evil of the land. ..... (...).... Some who is imbued with all the evil of the land? An effigy? Well, that is the sin-eater. The true sin-eater is Christ, who drank the cup of Gods wrath and satisfied His justice for our sins. ...(...).... For the neo-Egyptian priesthood and their spawn, the gnostics, however, the man Jesus of Nazaret was only another incarnation of Apep, the eternal enemy who wants to destroy the world....(....).....For these workers of darkness light is darkness...". [From: Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc., URL: see above]

The Life-giver, the Redeemer and King of kings had to be pierced:

Above image - here we see only 5 knives piercing the sin-eater, and Redeemer of souls (from Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc., ), but we can find other interesting pictures...

 ...where, if you need two more knives, you'll get them:

Above image - an Apep kept by seven knives on the bottom of the see.... "The Bible, that serpent, now he is tamed!!!".  Notice: these seven knives are not threatening the boat and her crew, just look at the direction of the head of the serpent... Buried in the water.

Leviathan, the Noah's Flood, and especially the burial in the water of water baptism (Romans 7:4, Colossians 2:12).

The seven Egyptian knives seems to be connected to the seven apocrypha on which there's a general agreement among the two branches of the Whore. 

They have to be pierced in the Book in order  to "neutralize" the word of God who created such an havoc among the pagans. A sort of ash stake for the Bible:

Above image - Jerome, ready to neutralize the Bible with seven apocrypha; 

"...Based in this first canon, Saint Jerome compiled and translated the 73 books of the Bible into Latin, later known as the Vulgate Bible version, which has been considered during many centuries as one of the official Bible translations of the Catholic Church... (....)...The Roman Catholic Council of Florence (1442) confirmed the first canon too,[70] while the Council of Trent (1546) elevated the first canon to dogma.[89]..." [Wikipedia - link: see above]

I reserved the 'coupe de grace' for the end. But, before to present it, the words of the author of Pachomius, the inventor of secret societies? (3): 

"...And there it is. Pachomius created the first Greek-lettered secret societies, much like the jesuits created freemasonry with all its codes and symbols and the university "fraternities/sororities" (Alpha Kappa Alpha etc etc) as a potential cadre preparatory step before true "enlightenment". 


the jesuits - would disdain the autonomy of the pope and kings, and would do anything to usurp them. However, they still joined them in their quest to acquire total power. And the price was ... opening the gates of hell....much the same way jesuit-led Liberals are doing today, which is the topic of the next installment....

Here they are, Apep-Pachomius-Jesuits.  David W. Daniels quoting Jacopo Leoni on the Jesuits "...the Bible, that serpent.....":

"...Then the Bible, that serpent which, with head erect and eyes flashing fire, threatens us with its venom whilst it trails along the ground, shall be changed again into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it; and what wounds we will not inflict with it upon these hardened pharaohs and their cunning magicians! What miracles we will not work by its means! Oh, then, mysterious rod! We will not  again suffer thee to escape from our hands, and fall to the earth! For you know but too well that, for three centuries past, this cruel asp has left us no repose; you well know with what folds it entwines us, and with what fangs it gnaws us!"(from 11:37 to 12:25)

You can watch the video in that time-interval: 

Jesuits, Part 2: What They Said in Secret, by David W. Daniels of Chick Publications - URL: https://youtu.be/ftFqXSzOHzs

...or just read, or download it it from the web

Above image - a screenshot of page 98 of Jacopo Leone's memories about the Jesuits reporting the tirade against the Bible. 

As the famous Russian dolls, there are more layers of allegory in the Satanic government of the world. Inside the war on Putin/Apep, there's a war to heal the wounded to death head of the Beast and to neutralize the two edged sword of the Lord.  In the meanwhile NATO and the "Z", are confusing the world with the war on the serpent Putin/Apep. A possible future scenario? The serpent is killed  and all the "sins and transgression" against the East-West unity of the body of the Whore will be imputed to him (if you have a dispensational interpretation of the book of Revelation) :

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Revelation 17:9-11 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.



(0) Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans


(1) вторник, 28 юни 2022 г.

Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, Putin (preventing the Apocalypse by simulating it?)


(2) Z (military symbol)


(3) From: четвъртък, 5 януари 2023 г. Satan's new testament - the Egyptian connection - pt 2 Pachomius, the inventor of secret societies? 

URL:  https://jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans.blogspot.com/2023/01/satans-new-testament-egyptian.html

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Why it is better to start your prayer remembering God as Creator of everything, and His incarnation and His BLOOD shed for YOU (Acts 20:28)


Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Why it is better to start your prayer remembering God as Creator of everything, and His incarnation and His blood shed for you.

Very simple. I heard in a video of Robert Breaker, (missionary pastor, KJV-o believer and dispensationalist), once he talked with a satanist who told him that he speaks with devils/daemons, and usually these spirits manifest themselves only after they are asked to appear by men.

Then pastor Breaker asked: what is the thing that these evil spirits fear the most?

The satanist replied: the most feared thing is the shed blood of Jesus. They flee terrorized from it. And the second thing they hate the most is the King James Bible AV 1611.

The point of ptr Breaker was to refute the wrong doctrine which teaches that you can be saved asking Jesus to come in your heart.

For this purpose he asked a second question: are there evil spirits/devils/etc. who name themselves "Jesus"?

You guessed it right: the answer was YES.

Therefore two points:

1) if you have been already washed by the shed blood of Jesus (Rev 1:5) there's no danger to get possessed by a spirit of the Devil; you have no need to ask Jesus to enter in your heart, because you have already His Spirit and you are forever sealed in Him (Eph 1:13). But now you are a priest to God (Rev 1:6), and you are requested to praise Him in your prayer, not asking again and again and again what He already did for you once for all (Col 1:27);

2) if you are not yet born again and someone persuades you that, in order to be saved, you need to ask Jesus to come in your heart, it better you refrain from this petition: you can end in a possessed state, where your fake Jesus will enter in your body to preserve you for Hell, not Heaven.  You are saved not by asking something, but BELIEVING in something: believing in the shed blood of Jesus:

Romans 3:24-25 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

In conclusion, if you are born again honor God confessing your sins to Him in order to continue to have fellowship with Him. And if you are not saved by Him, repent of what you are, of your corrupt, wicked nature, and believe that His blood can wash it away forever and make you a new person. God (Jesus) will never enter in a dirty heart, therefore it is useless to ask Him to enter in it before you believe that He is able and willing to clean it. Rather: it could be very dangerous: evil spirits love dirty places... 

Be careful what you are asking for!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Why I closed some blogs of mine, others are frozen (instructions before beginning to reprove the works of darkness)


I speak now about the conspiracy labour of a Christian, referring prevalently to my person and to his faults.

When dealing with matters involving secret societies and their evil deeds, a Christian should always  keep in mind and heart - at least - these two verses:

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them

1 Corinthians 8:1 Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

As part of the body of Christ, a Christian is a member of the Word, because the eternal name of our Lord is "Word" (1 John 1). 

And as the word is the "light", and Jesus is "that Light" (John 1:7-9; noticed the triple mention of the Light?), we, who are part of the Light because "members of His body ("now ye are light in the Lord", Eph 5:8), are compelled to shed the light of the word on the works of darkness:

Ephesians 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

But there's a peril always waiting in ambush ready to shred your fellowship with Him, because you (I speak to myself) often don't pay attention to such a danger when you forget the lesson of 1 Corinthians ch. 8. 

Now the problem is that you often overlook Ephesians 5:8, and you think that that "light" is the Bible, is your "pious knowledge" of the word of God, your "great discernment" of the works of darkness and such a stuff.

Well, that's wrong. Not in itself, but because is lacking something. To tell it in truth, all those good things are not the only one to be "light", the most important light you ought to consider is yourself. Read again:

Ephesians 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

YOU are the light, and you are compelled to behave as light:

Matthew 5:14-16 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

This is really universal. Hyperdispensationalists (or "dry cleaners" as dr. Ruckman labelled them) have an hard time with that. You can fully apply it to the age of the Law as well in our age of grace for grace. When your light begins to shine, it start to shine around you first, with unabated brightness, and then, after the path you are walking is so bright that it cannot have any shadow in it, your light can go further away, exposing also the works of darkness in the evil fields, your feet will never trample on, but that the Holy Ghost commanded you to expose to the light.

Let me shed light so you can have a better understanding of what I mean about you to be a true light. An excerpt from dr. Ruckman commentary on Ephesians:

"...Peter Cartwright knew how to apply verses 11–13. At a barn dance in Kentucky, the itinerant circuit-rider put some “light” on the works and workers of darkness that E. Schuyler English, Gaebelein, Thieme, and Wuest couldn’t find. 

When Peter entered the barn during a driving rainstorm, a young snip came up to him and invited him to dance with her. (Peter in his early manhood was a handsome, dark-eyed, dark-haired giant.) He responded by seizing her hand in a grip like a vise and saying very loudly: “Ah would be glad to accept this here dance with you, young woman, but ah makes it a practice nevah to do anything without first seekin’ the Lord’s blessing on it!” Whereupon he knelt-in the middle of the dance floor, and in a voice like thunder, he prayed one of those old circuit-riding, camp-meeting prayers that are now considered to be “in extremely bad taste” by the faculty members of Bob Jones, Tennessee Temple, Southeastern, Southwestern, Dallas, Fuller, Biola, Columbia Bible College, Philadelphia, Pillsbury, and Union Theological Seminary. 

“Oh, God, have mercy on these poor, Hell-bound...!” The young lady struggled like a hooked eel to get away, but to no avail. The dancing stopped, the music stopped, several of the musicians dropped their instruments and “absquattulated,” and several professing Christians by the “refreshment stand” began to look around like they were trying to find their family Bible. 

Peter Cartwright arose from the floor and preached 40 minutes. There were 14 people saved and a church was started in the barn. 

(That is what verses 11–13 mean, and any interpretation that doesn’t put that kind of a construction on the passage is a nonentity.) Verse 14, as 1 Corinthians 15:34, is speaking of dead CHRISTIANS, not sinners “dead in trespasses and sins.” Dead Christians are characterized by great faith in science, philosophy, scholarship, linguists, education, and tradition —and no FRUIT. Our text tells them to wake up (vs. 14), or they will blow up (vs. 16; cf. Gal. 1:4; Rom. 13:11; Col. 4:5)...."

Above image - just to have a picture of that  "candle", so you can imagine the above episode as watching it in a Western movie: old-styled Methodist, circuit-rider Peter Cartwright. (A Burt Lancaster in Valdez is coming would fit; but Hollywood would not agree :-D).

That guy, was a real light of the Lord. Not like you (and again, I speak to myself), who am only a twilight figure staggering in this world, whose only light is a flashlight in my hand, I always point on others far, far from me, and far from the ones near me, to not hurt them, and am very careful to never point to myself (the light may render you blind and crazy, seeing how long your eyes are accustomed to stay in darkness). 

It is for this reason (the other is a lack of time) that I choose - from a side - to close some of my blogs and, from the other side,  to avoid to waste my time in the remaining blogs (see Eph 5:16).  Don't waste the time given to you by Him, spending it in the Devil's "body-of-pride-building" gym!  

And never use the wisdom from above (James 3:17) to feed your "pride of life" (1 John 2:16)

Above image - taken from my Novus Ordo Seclorum blog

But it remained another reason which compelled me to stop the amateurish profession of "biblical conspiracy truth seeker": the potential risk to stir up attacks against my person and my darlings, attacks coming from the human entities touched by my expository activity.

Perhaps this was the most influent factor which convinced me to cease my online activity, and in my unregenerated condition I presented the whole to myself as a sort of "vow of chastity" to God to have in exchange His favor in my troubled life (see?... How Catholic rotten roots remains deeply anchored in the heart of an unregenerated sinner, and often, in lesser degree, also after he is born again??... Everything, E X C E P T repentance & humbleness).

The exposition of the evil works of darkness is an important task of the born again Christian, but first he must grow from the condition of a baby, in order to take on himself the whole armour of a Christian soldier and start to use it in the real world. 

The immature baby in Christ could easily be distracted by the taste of conspiratorial stuff, and his still unbridled flesh could (could??,... Can!) suggest him that the time of the sincere milk is over, and now is arrived the time fit to eat pork & tabasco. Hard to find a worse backslidden Christian, than a baby believing to be a mature man!... Have you present those teens smoking, spitting, cursing, molesting old people?? And  wearing their clamorous rags as to say: "...see?... I am STILL a boy but I am MORE adult than you!!...".

God has a lot to do to correct such an immature, born again Christian. "Chastisement" is the keyword and Hebrews 12 is a must, especially verses 4-13 which fits in a backslidden Christian life no less than a brush in a dirty water closet.

God wants to remind you that, if you want to use the flashlight of the Bible, you better point it FIRST at yourself, and have some guts to watch your true person at the mirror. THEN, after you start to see the truth, before to expose the Illuminati, you ought to expose yourself. As we are the temple of the Holy Ghost, cleansing, washing and purging must always begin in our home. Jesus purged the temple at the beginning of His ministry, we should follow His example. In Ezekiel you have another encouragement:

Ezekiel 9:6 Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.

And remember to have mercy and love for the ones still in darkness, because you also were in darkness and in the dirt: and God took you out of that pit of dirt, and washed you without asking nothing, except your will to be saved:

Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

Only then you can start to apply Ephesians 5:11-13 to the principalities, mentioned in Ephesians 6:12, and to their human servants. Because God calls you to the spiritual separation from this wicked world, and you cannot separate something from another thing if you don't know what thing you have to push away from another one, naming it. Our God is a God of separation, not of integration. A God of order, not a God of confusion. A God of brightness, not a God of gray fogs. And a God that declares, not alludes.

The courage with which you expose the evil works of darkness has to be the same courage with which you confess Christ among unbelievers.  It cannot be anything else. And the power, not simply "authority", of God you use to reprove them, is the power you have been given in order to be a son of God (not simply a "child" of Him - see John 1:12-13). 

And, as a member of the body of Christ, what are we profitable for, if we don't confess our Cornerstone just when the world stumble on Him? What a royal priesthood are we, if then we never mention and reprove the idols of this world? And how could we show forth praises to Him, if then we hide the Light?

1 Peter 2:8-9 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Ephesians 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

You are light in the Lord, you are a royal priesthood, you have the power to reprove their evil works. 

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1) Novus Ordo Seclorum, URL: https://novoordoseclorum.blogspot.com/?m=1