Friday, January 6, 2023

Video: History of Freemasons & America's Origins | Intermediate Discipleship #93 | Dr. Gene Kim


Finally a video about the involvement of the Jesuits and masonry in the war of independence from a biblical perspective. Pastor Gene Kim seems to understand the basic reason of the American history: a biblical war. But as regard contemporary times, he has not yet grasped how the Jesuit Masonic net is fully controlling both political parties. Donald Trump was a perfect "enemy" of the Jesuits' goal: with his lunacy he helped a lot to drag away from the conservatives the moderate's electoral consensus. To put a "crazy man" on the top of power is the best service for his adversary party. 

Beside this, it is a duty to mention also the constant infiltration in the colleges, universities, schools, churches,  with the Jesuits' allies, the deniers of the King James Bible of the year 1611 as preserved infallible final word of God, to be substituted with the "word of the textual criticism". In this way, since the latter half of the nineteenth century, the Jesuits were sowing doubts in the biblical text, making it more easy to weaken the faith of the masses and lowering the alert level when Catholicism would arrive in the land.  Westcott & Hort, Aland-Nestlè, and hundreds of many other "enlightened" and "blessed" scholars were doing the Jesuits' job from inside the Christian camp erasing or doubting thousands of verses containing vital doctrines.  It is not a coincidence that the year when the baleful ASV was published in America, 1901, is the year of the first recorded phenomenon of "glossalia", or speaking-in-tongue(s) of the Pentecostal heresy.

Are the occult societies and the Jesuit order a tool of the "Jewish conspiracy"?

When it comes to the interference of the Jesuits and Freemasons during and after the American Revolution, many, disturbed by the historical evidence and the news, try to change the subject by resorting to the "Jewish conspiracy".  This is not a surprise because the "conspiracy" mindset always worked and works today (just check YouTube, and thousands of websites in the fourth corner of the world's languages) in order to put away the guilty of the  havoc, caused by the Jesuit Order and their free-masonic minions, away from Rome, and to blame for it the Jews. The theorists of the Jewish conspiracy will always take out from their hat the bunny of the Jews as "true founders of the Jesuit Order", believing in this way to have deprived you of all the arguments. Replying that the Jesuits and the Vatican took a 'providential' aid in to disseminate their evil organizations with apostate and subjugated Jews who will receive the blame protecting their masters in Rome, is to tell a truth, but not the definitive truth that smashes down all such "conspiracy theories". Only a Bible believer can expose the works of darkness of such "truth-seekers", because the same Bible exposes them. 

How can an organization, the Jesuit Order, to work for an hidden Jewish agenda, when the essence of that order is the denial of existence of Israel and the Jewish identity?.... Yes, the pope of Rome today has good relations with the modern state of Israel, but the goodness of these relations is directly proportional to the apostasy of the Jewish state and to the denial of the prophetic future fulfillment of the prophecies.... 

The theological foundations of Catholicism are based on the assumption that God definitively gave up the nation of Israel disannulling hundreds of promises to restore His nation after the second coming of the Messiah Jesus. Furthermore, the Catholic church pretends to be "the New Israel", the tombstone burying forever the  nation of Israel. This is the theology of the "replacement" and the Jesuits are the "SS" created to preserve the core of the Catholic theology of which the replacement is a founding pillar.

 How can the Jesuits be used by a "Jewish conspiracy", if not for the opposite purpose, i.e. to promote and/or further arise hatred against the Jews and instill discredit of the Bible prophecies??...

Above video - History of Freemasons & America's Origins | Intermediate Discipleship #93 | Dr. Gene Kim  URL:

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  1. "It is not a coincidence that the year when the baleful ASV was published in America, 1901, is the year of the first recorded phenomenon of "glossalia", or speaking-in-tongue(s) of the Pentecostal heresy."

    Never thought of that. I have witnessed the catastrophic effects of pentecostalism and charismatism on gypsy communities. Pastors at funerals attemptint to resurrect dead babies etc. I know that in the 1800s the first Bulgarian evangelists (after Ottoman rule) were already being corrupted by Bible criticism by the British and American missionaries. In the beginning of the 1900s their children were shifting toward Boston jesuit trained agent - false prophet Petar Danov (who lived in the same house as the future Bulgarian communist dictator, friend of Stalin Georgi Dimitrov!). This Danov almost verbatim repeated the words of "saint" M. Kolbe about the "cleansing of Europe." And so today pentecostalism and danovism are outposts of hell on our land. And the Bibles are getting worse

    1. "....false prophet Petar Danov (who lived in the same house as the future Bulgarian communist dictator, friend of Stalin Georgi Dimitrov!). This Danov almost verbatim repeated the words of "saint" M. Kolbe about the "cleansing of Europe." And so today pentecostalism and danovism are outposts of hell on our land. And the Bibles are getting worse....."

      Very interesting, did you dedicate a post about it?

      "glossalia", or speaking-in-tongue(s) of the Pentecostal heresy."
      Never thought of that."

      Think: you surely agree - I believe - that speaking in tongue, healing, casting out devils etc. were sign given in the early church age to confirm the word before the Bible was.
      Today the Bible, AV 1611, is disappearing replaced by "a-gnostic" bibles (as says Will Kinney), and the "signs" are reappearing again ...

    2. Yes, that is correct. The charismatic movement and pentecostalism are the marinade to prepare the world for the coming system. They are massively popular in the poorer parts of the world, not just in the US. Entire Africa and Eastern Europe are infected with them. I use the term, bouillon to describe these modernistic, liberal, sensory experience based evangelical churches. Because there is nothing solid in them.

    3. Danov has about 100 000 folowers, he is a gnostic occultist educated in Boston by the jesuits. The logo of his "white brotherhood" is the jesuit sun. He makes false occult prophecies about slavdom. The quote in particular is found in a speech that i think was made in 1939. Danov also talked about how the basis of the future new age religion is the "new bread". This is a loose translation:

      "Mary is the woman who passes by, destroys and cleanses..... she wants to uproot, to destroy, to plant something new....her child needed to go to Egypt to learn... those who don't have this child (in the new world) will be condemned to death"

    4. In other words he was a Hathorian/Gnostic acolyte who believed in this warrior/mother female entity. When I have time I must make another Satanic architecture post about all the enemies of Sophia/Hathor lined up on the Maria Louisa boulevard here in Sofia. Garibaldi square, the gov buildings....the Tsar statues, the Mosque, the Eastern Orthodox cathedral ..... all opposite the "lady of war". Only the Catholic temple and the jewish synagogue behind her back.

    5. "The main goal of christianity is the elevation/exaltation of the woman.... you must give birth to your own Savior in your soul..... if you take the words literally that will be only the woman bears children" - Petar Danov/Deunov


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