Thursday, December 22, 2022

The two oldest bibles of the world, two FAKEs?? [video]


Really, I cannot understand. People attacks dispensationalism, dispensational salvations and especially the dispensational interpretation of the book of Revelation, making association with some things that a cardinal Jesuit affirmed about that. 

BUT... at the same time, the same crowd doesn't tell anything about the "modern versions of the bible", which are based on a preconceived hatred towards the King James Bible, and are using CATHOLIC manuscripts and texts....

Strange the world, isn't it? It seems rather that the attack against the "Jesuitical futurism" works as a distraction, taking your attention away from the fact that when you study your bible, you are studying from a CATHOLIC bible, no matter how much you imagine to find in it "fundamentalist", "protestant", "baptist" even "anti-Catholic" doctrines. 

If you study from an ESV, NIV, RSV, NRS, etcetera, you are studying from bibles whose text is a Catholic text. The Jesuits' plan of taking back the "protestant" flock is very simple, let the heretic study from our bible.

Below two video in which David Daniels and Christian Pinto are discussing how the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, the two "oldest bibles in the world!", believed to be written in the fourth century, are two fake bibles, one created in the 19° century, the other in the 15° century: 

Above video - CHRIS PINTO and DAVID DANIELS (Chick Publications) on Codex Sinaiticus


Above video - David Daniels Interview Part Two -- Is Codex Vaticanus a Forgery?


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  1. Outside of the KJV only dispensational baptist very few believe in the importance of texts. Sadly, many of the missionaries I know and work with are not KJVO. Some are dispensational, others not. But VERY few are KJVO. The other guys i've communicated with who didn't devour the new Bibles and bible criticism were more of a "traditionalist" type - they believed in the Byzantine family of texts (which I am a believer in too, as I have seen the Old Slavonic Bibles, and they agree almost fully with the KJB). Needless to say, christians who seek the true Scriptures appear more solid and serious than the others.

    Actually, with time I become more and more convinced that most people are willing to talk the talk but not walk the walk....they never make an important decision in their lives.... never seek purity in the texts, in the doctrine, or in their life, or the salvation of souls... which is sad but that is the weakness of the Laodicean age.

    As for dispensationalism - I stick to the historical pre-mil view with one twist - there could be a greater unfolding of prophecy in the future i.e. those interpretations I subscribe to are by no means infallible. But that will be normal and inevitable if one takes a more allegorical approach. We should be awake an cautious, like Jesus said, and must always be on the lookout for fulfilments.

    1. ".....I stick to the historical pre-mil view with one twist - there could be a greater unfolding of prophecy in the future i.e. those interpretations.....We should be awake an cautious, like Jesus said, and must always be on the lookout for fulfilments...." ------->

      Amen! (compelling: Deut 18:21-22; Eph 5:10, 15 even if the first application says don't let un-regenerated company influence you to talk filthiness, foolishly, jestings etc. & of course 1 Cor 8:1-2, "...knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth"!...)

      Your idea is near the one I heard already, but I think you never heard it, meaning that your is something more than an idea... Dr. Ruckman was talking about "progressive revelation" from the AV 1611.
      I explain it in my words: as the church age is unfolding, passages become clear in the sight of the believer asking the Holy Ghost for inspiration. For example the seven churches, they could not understand at the earlier stages that they were also referring to an allegorical prophecy of an ordained sequence of seven ages of the (saved) church. Only after the great part of ages expired, someone could match ages w/ Asian churches. The Philadelphia church is the second last and most evangelical: revivals and especially wondrous political conditions which unexpectedly helped a lot the weak "separatists" against powerful mom Rome & her daughters.

      Then with the end of the 19° cent. you have a transition to the "Laodicea church", lukewarm, full of material riches and clamorous boasting of her 'holyness', a painful picture of those modern "fundamentalists" churches & megachurches in the US you know well... Dr. Ruckman litterally 'hated' the "fundamentalists", he accused THEM, not the liberals or the Commies or the faggots, to be the cause of the decline of biblical USA.... I believe this guy was right, he focused especially on the duplicity, double tongue and hypocrisy of the "fundamentalists" who publicly profess they believe their bibles are the word of God but then they teach that only the original manuscripts were inspired.... They confess that they even don't have a true bible!

      Dr. Peter S. Ruckman drew the logical conclusion: if we believe we have the infallible perfect word of God today, in a particular Bible, this Bible can correct ALL the other bibles and manuscripts. Quite well the Textus Receptus and the Masoretic. Otherwise we ought to keep in our homes those ancient texts. But if God was able to preserve for example Isaiah in the Masoretic, why He couldn't preserve it in the early modern English of the KJV, making pissible to spread the gospel to the whole world and not only a very small bunch of scholars?

    2. The 7 churches in Asia, three layers of interpretation - remember the number 3:

      1) limited only to that age: probably those churches were the ones going astray from Paul's ministry, a fact he lamented here and there in the epistles

      2) to the whole age of the church: in every moment from 33AD to our 2022AD we can find one of those 7 church types applied to every LOCAL church in our world

      3) end time application: every Asian church represents a type of church which will be predominant in a limited period of time, until the second coming.

    3. The comment regarding fundamentalists/conservatives is true. They have made it a cultural thing where a set of fundamentals is the right "rule"of what is a NT church. Over time these fundamentals have become narrowed down to "not being liberal" so today you see fundamentalists or rather conservative christians aligning themselves to people who have nothing to do with christianity, even EOs muslims, the whole separatists crowd who want to dominate their societies and establish a monolithic religion in their own ways. But this is the result of spiritual blindness and self-righteouness/negative righteousness - you will always appear as an angel when you compare yourself to the most degraded folk (the liberals) and so the old "landmarks have been moved".

    4. Then with the end of the 19° cent. you have a transition to "the "Laodicea church", lukewarm, full of material riches and clamorous boasting of her 'holyness', a painful picture of those modern "fundamentalists" churches & megachurches in the US you know well... Dr. Ruckman litterally 'hated' the "fundamentalists", he accused THEM, not the liberals or the Commies or the faggots, to be the cause of the decline of biblical USA.... I believe this guy was right, he focused especially on the duplicity, double tongue and hypocrisy of the "fundamentalists" who publicly profess they believe their bibles are the word of God but then they teach that only the original manuscripts were inspired.... They confess that they even don't have a true bible!

      Dr. Peter S. Ruckman drew the logical conclusion: if we believe we have the infallible perfect word of God today, in a particular Bible, this Bible can correct ALL the other bibles and manuscripts. Quite well the Textus Receptus and the Masoretic. Otherwise we ought to keep in our homes those ancient texts. But if God was able to preserve for example Isaiah in the Masoretic, why He couldn't preserve it in the early modern English of the KJV, making pissible to spread the gospel to the whole world and not only a very small bunch of scholars?"

      The downfall of US christianity is that it relies on flesh and bone and the learning of the colleges, not on the Word and the Spirit. Simple faithful bible preachers are shunned and "academics" like James White who dont even believe in the text are upheld.

  2. If dispensationalism is jesuit, preterism and even some historical views are 1000 times more jesuitical because they tend to sloth and a dismissal of sobriety and attentiveness in this current age. If everything has happened in the past why watch and beware? Surely Satan would have us calm and looking at everything like a normal occurrence. Especially the calvinists with their mechanical theology that shuns spiritual warfare and tends to coldness appear to almost not believe in the supernatural or the urgency of our spiritual mission.

  3. Imagine what bible they will come up with after the successful promulgation of the ecumenical miasma concoction of scientism/feminism/ecologism and the total purgation of traditionalism and biblical separatism. They may just redact and include the gnostic gospels, or find new Essene ones, or just butcher the Bible and remove 30% of it they find offensive (dealing with apocalyptism).

    1. I m reading "Fifty years in the church of Rome" book. Chiniquy remembers when in Catholic seminary they were studying the church fathers (CF), they were told to believe the doctrines on which there was hunanimous consent of the CF. All the students resented that, because the CF agreed only on the fact that they disagreed on everything.

      I was struck by the gnostic allegory of that situation. Instead to pray in order that the Holy Ghost may explain to you a difficult verse, they were told to rely on the CF, who replaced the ministry of the Spirit. As the CF were many, suddenly came in my mind the many gods of gnosticism, archeons and all that stuff, clearly a principality of devils and evil spirits (Eph 6:12). Under the guise of CF they were offering help to the students. Guess what the job of these archeons is? To bring CONFUSION, as the one of the doctrinal chaos reigning in the seminary (1 Cor 14:33).

      But... Ta-dahhh!!!.... Suddenly Wonder,-woman (the "church", Sofia?) came to help the poor student, who was saved in the last moment from a psychiatric collapse, by her compassionate help. "Thus saith the Mother!": the doctrine of the Catholic church required an enormous faith, of course dragging it away from Jesus.

    2. They are blaming on God things they themselves are doing. The desert fathers went into states of delirium and madness and then blamed demons for tempting them when it was demons who brought them to the desert in the first place to make them mad and feed them false doctrine. Material on the desert fathers is REALLY hard to find but it is obvious they were at the core of Rome and Egypt even politically before the end of the 4th century because all the luminaries of Rome and Egypt paid their respects to them.

    3. In the gnostic hymns she is both whore and virgin, warrior and mother. So she will be whatever she is required to be and so she will have the final word. But that is all what feminism is about - äs in the movie "women talking" or "she said" (gnostic narratives of rapist archons) - SHE has the final word and will be vindicated....because HE is worse

    4. The second EVE is collective womanhood. And we are about to witness the second fall - the chasing out of God from the man-made new garden of Eden (a reversal) - the ecofeminist utopia.

  4. I have a few KJB books. I have translated some of it for the personal use of missionaries. It defies belief how people use Egyptian and Roman Bibles and not Greek and Syrian ones.


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