Wednesday, December 7, 2022

How the Land of the Serpent Became the Land of the Bible


Extremly interesting video about the history of America. But first a glimpse on the central characters of this history, the Anabaptists, Moravian Brethren, Baptists, Separatist Puritans (Pilgrims), also the Lutheran Pietists, etc. 

Think: the Moravian brethren were so zealous and had such an heart to save souls that in the extreme cases some of them even sold themselves as slaves in order to be able to enter in the plantations in order to let some of those African slaves to know Jesus and avoid to go to Hell!

You have to mind that, for example,  in South Africa the white, Cold Protestants forbade the "niggers" to enter or to listen to the sermons in their churches.... For the Moravian brethren this was inconceivable! Indeed, once entered in the plantations or the surrounding area, problems came also from the white "Christian" owners who tried to boycott the missionary work of the brethren:

Above video: History of Deadly Assassins, Jesuit & Moravian Missions |Intermediate Discipleship #87 Dr. Gene Kim

Second and third video

Here the second video, about the biblical history of America, together with a third one. The name comes not from Amerigo Vespucci, but from Ameru, the Peruvian name of the Serpent, and Ameruca, literally "the Land of the Serpent". Ameruca = America. Just one wovel. 

One of the first settlers were the Rosicrucian, see Francis Bacon, Walter Raleigh, all gnostic people, related to the gnostic utopia of another Bacon, Roger.  Then arrived Rome and her daughters, the Catholics and the Cold Protestant denominations, Calvinists, Lutherans, Puritans, Anglicans, etc. Cold because they persisted to reform the church of Rome or Anglican, but you cannot reform what is rotten. They wanted the power of these church-state, and the Spirit of Christ was already dead in them. They went for power and were moved by the force of cold, dead ritual formalism.

Then we have a second "front". Anabaptists, Moravian brethren, Baptists, Pilgrims, all separatist denominations, whose zeal for soul, whose love for their Saviour unabated moved them to search land where to bring the light of Jesus. And they were also persecuted by the Catholic system and the Cold Protestant in the Old Continent. 

The third video shows how the history of the colonization in America confirms the Bible.  Here dr. Gene Kim reads from the book of dr. William P. Grady. The first flux of colonies underwent a serious sequence of problems: devastating climate adversities, attack from the savage tribes of natives, and on and on. But the second stream, the separatists, enjoyed the best conditions. Puritans, who persecuted the separatists (search about the persecution on Baptists) had a hard life, but the Pilgrims, notwithstanding the terrible winter, were welcomed by the "Indians". One of them even knew the English language and helped the Pilgrims to survive what others could not afford: his name was Squanto.

Above image: How Satan Turned America Against God (Understanding the Times), the book of dr. W. P. Grady.

Dr Grady, in his book (a Pastor now coming from US purchased a copy for me), righteously identifies the hand of God respectively in the misfortunes occurred to the "gnostic" colonizers (Rosicrucian groups, "New Atlantis", the various state churches, reformed or Catholic ones, etc.) and in the providential help from the Lord for the separatists. The Massachusetts of the Puritans saw a great increase of Baptists, God knows how to be ironic.

Therefore we have two Americas: one is the "Land of the Serpent" (Lucifer, Satan), which attracted the "Cold", both nominally "Christian" as well openly Gnostic front. The other is the America of the separatists. God used the separatists, taking away the North part of the Land of the Serpent from the power of the Devil which supported the Rosicrucian and the state-churches, and developed it and transformed it in the greatest country in the world to use and send in all the world the King James Bible AV 1611. In doing this God replaced a British Empire which became the hotbed of the gnostic versions of the Bible (Westcott & Hort).  Great Britain, the cradle of the word of God in the AV 1611, was deemed by the Almighty no more worthy of the honor to publish and send the King James Bible in the whole world with her empire. The honor was transferred to the former "Land of the Serpent", now Land of the word of God (USA).

So the hand of God took away that name (Ameruca) from the Devil. That name, America, became synonym with Christian missionary zeal, and a symbol of the Bible.  Isn't great the sovereign power of Almighty God in this world? A great blow to the pride of the Leviathan.

Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace in the world, but sword and division. The Satanists of the Old Continent together with their church-state, wanted to unite the Land of the Serpent with Europe, God said NO and protected the separatists. We Christians, born again Christians, are, cause our (new) nature, separatists. Jesus with His circumcision separated our soul from the body. And circumcised us from the world. We don't follow the Lamb "whithersoever he goeth". We are PART of the Lamb, we are the BODY OF CHRIST. And there's nothing in this world that can separate us from Him, forever, nor the Devil, nor the Rosicrucian or the Masons, nor the Cold Protestants or the Jesuits nor the Aliens. The blood of Jesus covered us forever, and will burn the evil spirits, their Devil and the lost damned souls forever in Hell. 

Don't be a fool, ask Jesus for His precious blood when there's still time, before the America of the Bible will be drowned in the Ameruca of the Rosicrucian, the One World Kingdom of the Antichrist, the Devil incarnate; Jesus loves you, He will never abandon you, He will NEVER betray you:

Above video: History of the 30 Years War & America's Origins |Intermediate Discipleship #88 Dr. Gene Kim

Here in the third video dr. Gene Kim explains the history and the name America as a biblical truth:

Above video: History of The Pilgrims and The First Baptists | Intermediate Discipleship #89 | Dr. Gene Kim

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