Please notice the relevant allegorical facts regarding these times which significantly point to an imminent rapture of the church and the beginning of the last 7 years of the nation of Israel as in Daniel 9:
The end of the USA-Europe marriage can be hinting to the fact that being the body of Christ fallen in such Laodicean depravity (think to the millions of saved born again Christians enthusiast of little devil Trump) God now is disgusted of it at such a level that if He will not soon take away from earth the Bride of the Son, He would kill her in Hell.
(Notice the increasing violence in the world against women.)
The US/EU Schism is a spiritual allegory on how God considers His church on earth. On the brink of a divorce, avoided only by the RAPTURE.
In Revelation 17 we have a MYSTERY Babylon, who is the church of Rome. But see here how everything fits.
We have now a bicephalous ROMAN empire, Moscow and Washington DC. Why? But a whore, to be such, like the woman in John 4, needs at least two husbands (which then will multiply: emperors, Caesars, etc.).
Adultery & whoredom are not compatible with only one partner. Being the Roman Catholic church an adulterous whore, no one knows if the kid on her knees is Moscow's or Washington's. Eastern Roman empire and Western Roman empire.
Now the world is controlled by 3 big empires: Moscow USA and China.
2 of them are nominally Christian, 1 is atheist.
You surely know this nice biblical Apocalyptic math:
2 X 3 = 6
2/3 = 0.6666666666666.....
So an infinite repetition of "6"
Which can be written:
An infinite sequence of Antichrist's number or triplets.
[Six represents man, and three "6" is man in image of Satan, anti-body, anti-soul, anti-spirit, 666]
Well, after the fall man is with a dead spirit, is 2/3 of his perfect state: only body + soul.
Therefore these 3 empires are the image of fallen man: 2 still a "living" body + soul ("Christian US & Russia"), one "dead", or atheist China.
The corrupted body and soul, after calling upon the devils to help, offering in sacrifice Ukraine and maybe all Europe to appease the Dragon, will try to infuse their corrupted life to the dead spirit China, maybe with a sudden 180° turn/backstab of Russia against Beijing, to collapse the centralized government and let the Christo Fascism enter in the still virgin soul of China.
Wasn't the pious Berlusconi a great friend of Putin in order to take away Russia from China? Aren't many voices today ready to justify Trump's betrayal of historical friendships with an attempt to join Russia and together make war against China?
Interestingly we have also three little kingdoms/empires:
North Korea
All great persecutors of Christ.
Like in the Johannine comma: three above, three below.
The Devil, the greatest counterfeiter.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Trum - (PX) - utiN
Monday, March 3, 2025
UKRAINE as victim of a collective human sacrifice. High priest: Fr. Francis S.J. aka "the pope"; assistant priests: Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump
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