Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Why it is better to start your prayer remembering God as Creator of everything, and His incarnation and His BLOOD shed for YOU (Acts 20:28)


Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Why it is better to start your prayer remembering God as Creator of everything, and His incarnation and His blood shed for you.

Very simple. I heard in a video of Robert Breaker, (missionary pastor, KJV-o believer and dispensationalist), once he talked with a satanist who told him that he speaks with devils/daemons, and usually these spirits manifest themselves only after they are asked to appear by men.

Then pastor Breaker asked: what is the thing that these evil spirits fear the most?

The satanist replied: the most feared thing is the shed blood of Jesus. They flee terrorized from it. And the second thing they hate the most is the King James Bible AV 1611.

The point of ptr Breaker was to refute the wrong doctrine which teaches that you can be saved asking Jesus to come in your heart.

For this purpose he asked a second question: are there evil spirits/devils/etc. who name themselves "Jesus"?

You guessed it right: the answer was YES.

Therefore two points:

1) if you have been already washed by the shed blood of Jesus (Rev 1:5) there's no danger to get possessed by a spirit of the Devil; you have no need to ask Jesus to enter in your heart, because you have already His Spirit and you are forever sealed in Him (Eph 1:13). But now you are a priest to God (Rev 1:6), and you are requested to praise Him in your prayer, not asking again and again and again what He already did for you once for all (Col 1:27);

2) if you are not yet born again and someone persuades you that, in order to be saved, you need to ask Jesus to come in your heart, it better you refrain from this petition: you can end in a possessed state, where your fake Jesus will enter in your body to preserve you for Hell, not Heaven.  You are saved not by asking something, but BELIEVING in something: believing in the shed blood of Jesus:

Romans 3:24-25 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

In conclusion, if you are born again honor God confessing your sins to Him in order to continue to have fellowship with Him. And if you are not saved by Him, repent of what you are, of your corrupt, wicked nature, and believe that His blood can wash it away forever and make you a new person. God (Jesus) will never enter in a dirty heart, therefore it is useless to ask Him to enter in it before you believe that He is able and willing to clean it. Rather: it could be very dangerous: evil spirits love dirty places... 

Be careful what you are asking for!

1 comment:

  1. This method is straight out of hell; I have witnessed its application numerous times in the gypsy churches. It is also a form of works salvation


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