Saturday, January 21, 2023

War in Ukraine and the war on the Bible


Warning: the stuff of this post cannot make you a better person, nor it is able to make you more acceptable to God if, in your heart,  you put the content of it before the blood of Christ, before His cross, before His living word. And if you you are not yet saved, I have to warn you: only the blood of Christ can save you, and only the knowledge of the Bible shows you who is Christ. The Devil can well use also the words you'll read below to keep you condemned to Hell, if you will use them as an alibi or distraction to not face the truth:  you are already condemned to Hell (John 3:18) and the only remedy is to put your faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus (Romans 3:25, 5:8-9). 

*   *   *

Introductory notes

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

OK, here we are. Mixing the war in Ukraine with the AV 1611 - KJV. 

You know that the heads of the Beast can represent both kings as well kingdoms (see Daniel for a confirmation).

As seen in other posts, it could be that one of those heads - in particular: the wounded one, is the  Constantinian empire. It received a first light wound with the political division in an East-West Catho-Roman empire ( 4° century AD), then was killed by the religious Schism of 1054. 

That the eastern guys are the ones to be submitted to the western boss, is clear from the Bible (at least if you accept this dispensational interpretation). The Whore, the chieftain of this band, is Rome,  not Costantinople. It is well confirmed that there's only one city in the world that fits Revelation 17:9:

Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

(I know, in Wikipedia there's an entire section dedicated to all the towns in the world "sitting on seven mountains", but in the world there are also millions of four-wheeled carts, and just few of them have a price tag of 5 millions $s and have the name "Bugatti" on them. In another post I'll show how the identification with Rome is a fact in the Bible).

Therefore the eastern churches are submitted to Rome. There's room for only one Whore, with capital "w", in the world.

In the fifteenth century,  the Catholic church and the Byzantine church tried to end the Schism (to heal the deadly wound?) with the Council of Florence. The Council condemned the anti-pope Felix V (yes, his name was "Cat 5°"; I recall Dr. Ruckman about cats and Latin words ending in "X", as an allegory of the antichrist; a "straw" antichrist like Putin today?). 

Cat 5°, pardon, I mean Felix V, was accused to divide the body of Christ:

".......Since Christ suffered for the church and since the church is the body of Christ, without doubt the person who divides the church is convicted of lacerating the body of Christ. ....."

Taken from:

Following the idea already stated in the blog  Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans (0), an hypothetical Russian military catastrophe could be presented to the Russian people as "punishment of the mother of God" (the "mother of harlots and abominations") for having divided the body of Christ. 

The Catholic "body of Christ" is not the true body of Christ. If you are able to tear apart the body of Christ, as the Council of Florence affirmed,  it means that this is NOT the body of Christ, but a body building created with human hands. No one has the power to take away a member of the body of Christ. The born again Christians, cannot do anything to go back in the previous fallen state. Once borne, you cannot go back in the unborn state.

Once saved, you are 'condemned' to be saved for the eternity. 

Then I had something that the Holy Ghost inspired in my mind. I realized that if you cannot do anything to change your eternal destiny, you are not under the power of any man or being. After that, I remembered something I read in a  Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans post (3):

"The name of the anti-JEHOVAH game of gnosticism was control and manipulation. The desert fathers were mad in their desire not only for self control but the control of others.... " 

The Gnostics hate souls who are out of their control. A soul eternally saved, with an irrevocable decree of God, is something that denies both human as well satanic control on the destiny of that soul. It is an open derision of the Gnostic attempt to persuade man that he can be a god, without any interference from any other imaginable being. 

After having denied any form of control on the true body of Christ by the living God of the Bible, the Gnostic pseudo-Christian cult of ancient Rome fabricated a fake body where to freeze souls and keep them out of the power of God. 

Summary: if the Catholic body of Christ can be severed by man, it means that it is a man's construction, not a creation of Christ. And if not Christ's, it's the Devil's. Clear?

Above image - the fake "body of the Christ", a Catho-Orthodox interpretation of Scripture

Well, let's go back to the Council of Florence and the Bible. But not before having observed Dr Ruckman exposing an ancient perverted versions of the Bible, where "by" is replaced with a "in" in Colossians 1:16 

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for hi

Exactly in the right place where the Devil would be able to transform the body of Christ/the church, in a receptacle of devils, Satan and un-regenerated souls: his body, the world. And, lo and behold, this is the Catho+Orthodox "body of Christ", pardon, of antichrist:

"....But our bungling “brethren” are not through yet trying to inject their private opinions into the text and usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit as the interpreter (Luke 24:45). By changing “For BY him were all things created...” to “IN him” (Amplified, RV, ASV, RSV, New RSV, NEB, Dummelow, Bullinger, Moffatt, Ellicott, Lightfoot, Wordsworth, Haupt, Meyer, Wycliffe Commentary, Lange, Clarke, Pulpit Commentary, Rev. Peake, Bengel, etc.), the ridiculous doctrine is now stated that the “principalities and powers” (vs. 16) were made IN Christ. The intelligent reader can see at once that the “principalities and powers” are the Satanic and demoniac dominions of Ephesians 1:21 and 6:12. (If they were created IN Christ, they must have fallen out of Him, or else Ethelbert Bullinger was right in his remarks on universal restoration [Eph. 1:10]!) The lame alibi for this perversion of truth is (again!) “accuracy.” The Greek word “en” has been translated as “in,” following the Papal dictates of the Jesuits from 1582 (Rheims). (The same Roman Catholic stunt was pulled in 1 Corinthians 12:13, since all Roman Catholics depend on WATER for the New Birth instead of the Holy Spirit.)....".

The corrupt Catholic bible of Jerome, completed around 420 AD, has the same reading of the modern "conservative fundamentalist scholars, substituting "by" with "in". Here Jerome's perverted Catho-bible:

quia in ipso condita sunt universa in caelis et in terra visibilia et invisibilia sive throni sive dominationes sive principatus sive potestates omnia per ipsum et in ipso creata sunt

For in him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers. All things were created by him and in him.


You may well ask yourself how much this evangelical, fundamentalist, conservative, separated (and self righteous) christian world, is indebted to the Jesuits for their "up to date" bibles. And the Jesuits are indebted to Jerome. And Jerome to.... Origen.

Origen (184-254 AD) didn't believe in a real Hell, he believed in a sort of final restoration of the whole creation of God in Christ (I remember that we talked about  Origen already eight/nine years ago in my and in the Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans blogs).  Therefore he believed that the Serpent will be restored from the curse and will live forever side-by-side with Jesus in the New Creation. This is what is behind the change of that "by" in an "in". He changed the time of Colossians 1:16, eradicating from the past to plant it in the future.

You surely know that Satan wants to be above all (Isaiah 14:14), he hates the division. He knows that he can stay afloat only if his body, the world, remains stuck to the body of Christ. But God of the Bible is a God of division(Luke 12:51). He divided the light from darkness, His physical people from the rest of humanity, His spiritual people from... the un-regenerated humanity. Satan and his body on earth, the world, are deemed to sink in the eternal flames. Desperately, he tries to grasp the body of Christ in order to stay afloat and to not sink. He hates God but he needs His power.

The Devil knows that the machete able to cut his pawns from the body is the Bible. You know that Jesus the same compared His word and the Holy Ghost with a sword (Matthew 10:34); in Hebrew 4:12 we have a perfect description of this wondrous blade:

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

My point is this. Since Westcott and Hort (second half of 1800s), two pieces of garbage have been presented to the world as "the most reliable and ancient bibles!". They are the "Sinaiticus and Vaticanus" manuscripts, believed to be able to "correct" the text of the AV 1611.   This couple of "bible version"  are so reliable that they disagree well 3,000 times only in the four Gospels! Recently one of them, Sinaiticus, has been exposed as a fraud by David W. Daniels of Chick Publications. But his buddy, Vaticanus?

I remember that once I read on an online source that Erasmus, author of the first or second "Textus Receptus" - T.R., considered the Vaticanus a fake. Well, it could have been plausible that in the Council of Florence, in order to persuade the Byzantines to give up their text, (which is an ally of Erasmus' T. R. and an enemy of the Alexandrian text type of the Jerome's Vulgate), a fake "ancient bible manuscript" could have been exhibited to the reluctant Orthodox envoys as a "proof" that, when the empire was still united, the text of Rome, not the Byzantine one, was used in the imperial church.

Of course this is a conjecture because the Byzantines were not lacking of ancient manuscripts. But Rome could have tried to slip in the works of the council a Gnostic text in order to balance the Greek manuscripts and trying in this way to reach an agreement erasing many verses about the deity of Jesus.

Then, I found another source, which I could not yet recover from the web. It was a source exposing the textual criticism of the Bible as corrupted lie. This source claimed that the Orthodox envoys and the Roman Catholic failed to agree on which text to use for a common bible, Catho Orthodox bible. Evidently the Byzantines refused to compromise their text, coming from Antiochia, with the higly corrupted and gnostic Alexandrian text of the Roman bibles.

The only information I could gather, reports that the Council of Florence agreed only with the Coptic church on which books, not the text, to be contained in the bible: 66 + 7 apocrypha:

"....In the Bull of Union with the Copts, a declaration of faith was prepared to explain what the Church held. It included a section on Scripture, listing (by name) each of the 73 Books of the Catholic Bible as canonical......"


End of the introduction - now we apply the above material on the contemporary events

We go back to the war in Ukraine. there was a battle which echoed in the media, and was surnamed the battle to control the P 66 regional road:

"....The P66 is a key supply route for the northern section of russia's Donbas front from the Belgorod region of russia, 

January 2, 2023......."

From :

Now observe this fact: first the Stilianov's photo collage of the Ukrainian map with superimposed  boat of Ra, then the map of Ukraine where the road P66 is located in the same place of the snake of egyptian painting

Above image - Ukraine as georeligious scene of a gnostic global tragic-comedy. The boat of Ra facing the "evil forces of the serpent Putin/Apep

Above image - the map of Ukraine with the regional road P66, around which furious fighting are engaged because of its strategical importance for the outcome of this war

Above image - original Stilianov's posted image of Ra's boat and Apep (1); notice the position of the serpent related to the boat - compare it with the location of the P66 road on the Ukrainian map

Above image - another ancient painting of the boat of Ra and his "global alliance" fighting the evil snake (I added this picture in order to make sure the boat/snake orientation of the other image are not random); notice the position of the serpent related to the boat - compare it with the location of the P66 road on the Ukrainian map

We have discovered that the regional road P66 of south-east Ukraine, is located in an area corresponding to the area of the ancient Egyptian fresco where the serpent Apep has been drawn (compare with the image where the Egyptian painting is superimposed to the Ukrainian map).

The reader has already guessed that the road P66 has a potential allegory in the 66 books of the Bible. 

In Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc. (1), the alphabet letter "Z" has been definitively connected  to her allegorical significance

In the Cyrillic numeral system, Zemlja had a value of 7... 

(...)...However, in Greek Z represents Zemia (very close phonetically to Zemlia) which means both penalty and punishment and refers to disparate sentencing practices from fines to death.

Above image - "Z" marks on Russian infantry armoured vehicles; the related Wikipedia (2) page gives various reasons of the choice by the Russian MOD, all related to practical necessities or to trivial propaganda; but all such motives don't exclude the gnostic purpose of the "Z" symbol, rather, they conceal it to the mass of spectators keeping it below the radar of the awareness.

Now read this excerpt from Wikipedia (I added the numbers):

"........The Eastern Orthodox synod, the Synod of Jerusalem, held in 1672 receive as its canon the books found in the Septuagint, and in the Patristic, Byzantine, and liturgical tradition. The Synod declared the Eastern Orthodox canon as follows:

...'specifically, [1] "The Wisdom of Solomon," [2] "Judith," [3] "Tobit," [4]  "The History of the Dragon" [Bel and the Dragon], [5] "The History of Susanna," [6] "The Maccabees," and [7] "The Wisdom of Sirach." For we judge these also to be with the other genuine Books of Divine Scripture genuine parts of Scripture. For ancient custom, or rather the Catholic Church, which has delivered to us as genuine the Sacred Gospels and the other Books of Scripture, has undoubtedly delivered these also as parts of Scripture,'....".


Still "no entiendo"?... The Russian "Z" on their military gear and personnel represent the # 7, now do a little of math:

regional road P66 + 7 = 73

In another fashion, so you'll understand better:

P(ython)66 + Z(emlja)7 = 73 books bible of Council of Florence

(The author of Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc. surely has already noticed that "7 X 3 = 21"  aka  "7 + 7 + 7"  or   "ZZZ" )

Scroll back again to read the quote referring to the number of apocryphal books agreed between the Romish and Coptic churches in the Council of Florence: 

"......It included a section on Scripture, listing (by name) each of the 73 Books of the Catholic Bible as canonical......"

BOTH the church of Rome today as well the Orthodox ones add to the 66 book of the Bible other seven books, the apocripha. Here a list of these not inspired books in the Roman Catholic pseudo-bible:

"....Based in this first canon, Saint Jerome compiled and translated the 73 books of the Bible into Latin, later known as the Vulgate Bible version,...(...)...

The deuterocanonical texts held as canonical for the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church are:[13]





1 Maccabees

2 Maccabees



The Catho-Orthodox church, restored Costantinian empire of Eurasia, at least agrees on 7 (seven) extra books to be inserted in the bible, with 73 (66 + 7) being the number of books common from East to the West. 

In other words, the Bible plus....

...7  knives???

Another excerpt from Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc., 

"....One of the ways to handle Apep was to "nail" him with many knives. This corresponds to a scene in the Equalizer where Mcall kills Nikolai, one of Pushkin's henchmen that was sent to the USA, with a nail gun, literally nailing him while he drags on the ground as a snake:..."

As the author pointed out, this gnostic allegory of a pierced serpent is referring to the one "whom they have pierced" (Zachariah 12:10; Revelation 1:7):

"...An effigy of Apep was taken into the temple and imbued with all of the evil of the land. ..... (...).... Some who is imbued with all the evil of the land? An effigy? Well, that is the sin-eater. The true sin-eater is Christ, who drank the cup of Gods wrath and satisfied His justice for our sins. ...(...).... For the neo-Egyptian priesthood and their spawn, the gnostics, however, the man Jesus of Nazaret was only another incarnation of Apep, the eternal enemy who wants to destroy the world....(....).....For these workers of darkness light is darkness...". [From: Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc., URL: see above]

The Life-giver, the Redeemer and King of kings had to be pierced:

Above image - here we see only 5 knives piercing the sin-eater, and Redeemer of souls (from Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, etc., ), but we can find other interesting pictures...

 ...where, if you need two more knives, you'll get them:

Above image - an Apep kept by seven knives on the bottom of the see.... "The Bible, that serpent, now he is tamed!!!".  Notice: these seven knives are not threatening the boat and her crew, just look at the direction of the head of the serpent... Buried in the water.

Leviathan, the Noah's Flood, and especially the burial in the water of water baptism (Romans 7:4, Colossians 2:12).

The seven Egyptian knives seems to be connected to the seven apocrypha on which there's a general agreement among the two branches of the Whore. 

They have to be pierced in the Book in order  to "neutralize" the word of God who created such an havoc among the pagans. A sort of ash stake for the Bible:

Above image - Jerome, ready to neutralize the Bible with seven apocrypha; 

"...Based in this first canon, Saint Jerome compiled and translated the 73 books of the Bible into Latin, later known as the Vulgate Bible version, which has been considered during many centuries as one of the official Bible translations of the Catholic Church... (....)...The Roman Catholic Council of Florence (1442) confirmed the first canon too,[70] while the Council of Trent (1546) elevated the first canon to dogma.[89]..." [Wikipedia - link: see above]

I reserved the 'coupe de grace' for the end. But, before to present it, the words of the author of Pachomius, the inventor of secret societies? (3): 

"...And there it is. Pachomius created the first Greek-lettered secret societies, much like the jesuits created freemasonry with all its codes and symbols and the university "fraternities/sororities" (Alpha Kappa Alpha etc etc) as a potential cadre preparatory step before true "enlightenment". 


the jesuits - would disdain the autonomy of the pope and kings, and would do anything to usurp them. However, they still joined them in their quest to acquire total power. And the price was ... opening the gates of hell....much the same way jesuit-led Liberals are doing today, which is the topic of the next installment....

Here they are, Apep-Pachomius-Jesuits.  David W. Daniels quoting Jacopo Leoni on the Jesuits "...the Bible, that serpent.....":

"...Then the Bible, that serpent which, with head erect and eyes flashing fire, threatens us with its venom whilst it trails along the ground, shall be changed again into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it; and what wounds we will not inflict with it upon these hardened pharaohs and their cunning magicians! What miracles we will not work by its means! Oh, then, mysterious rod! We will not  again suffer thee to escape from our hands, and fall to the earth! For you know but too well that, for three centuries past, this cruel asp has left us no repose; you well know with what folds it entwines us, and with what fangs it gnaws us!"(from 11:37 to 12:25)

You can watch the video in that time-interval: 

Jesuits, Part 2: What They Said in Secret, by David W. Daniels of Chick Publications - URL:

...or just read, or download it it from the web

Above image - a screenshot of page 98 of Jacopo Leone's memories about the Jesuits reporting the tirade against the Bible. 

As the famous Russian dolls, there are more layers of allegory in the Satanic government of the world. Inside the war on Putin/Apep, there's a war to heal the wounded to death head of the Beast and to neutralize the two edged sword of the Lord.  In the meanwhile NATO and the "Z", are confusing the world with the war on the serpent Putin/Apep. A possible future scenario? The serpent is killed  and all the "sins and transgression" against the East-West unity of the body of the Whore will be imputed to him (if you have a dispensational interpretation of the book of Revelation) :

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Revelation 17:9-11 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.



(0) Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans

(1) вторник, 28 юни 2022 г.

Triple Z and the apocalyptic Zmej, Putin (preventing the Apocalypse by simulating it?)

(2) Z (military symbol)

(3) From: четвъртък, 5 януари 2023 г. Satan's new testament - the Egyptian connection - pt 2 Pachomius, the inventor of secret societies? 



  1. Outstanding exposition of the church workings of the western part of that "frankenstein's" body of serpents (serpent nest). Just today I realized something about the number 7 as well - I have attached it as a short post just now.

    1. your superimposition of the Egyptian painting with the Ukrainian map is the central point, I think the Holy Ghost wanted you to expose those evil works! I would have never discovered the serpent's section/P66 road, the Council of Florence with the 73 books 'bible', the knives/apocrypha, and put all together with the textual manipulations without that composed picture!

      BTW, in Slovenian (and think general Slovane languages) "evil" is "zlo", with "Z", and "drake", "dragon" is "zmaj" (the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljiana, has a "zmaj" as standard);

      I remember this summer a person wearing a T-shirt, black, with an enormous white number "7" on it, I immediately confused it with a Russian army's "Z", but then discovered the lacking of the inferior base "_", and I pondered, if that # 7 was rather a way to praise the Putin's Z, without to be blamed for.

      Then MH37 of the plate/missing airplane, again 3 & 7 aka 3 X 7, 21 or "777"

    2. To be honest, I had left all of this stuff and bumped into it purely accidentally (it was all God's doing) through a movie that presents the sin eater concept - "the Order" which is full of gnostic propaganda and symbolism. I then realized that the gnostic änti-god is a snake just like the snake on Moses's staff. Then i researched the purely evil Egyptian snake gods and voila.

    3. Now we know why God uses the number 7 throughout Revelation. And why Chrysostom and the cappadocian fathers hated it, even as Egyptian(!) Athanasius included it in the canon. Funny thing is Athanasius for all his bad influence from Alexandria and monasticism was more solid on the Bible and the Lord's supper than these gnostics.

      "Further, despite the fact that St. Athanasius includes Revelation on his list of texts in the Paschal Letter, when Ss. Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom gives lists of New Testament texts in the following generation, Revelation is notably absent.

      The strongest evidence that the book of Revelation is not canonical in the Orthodox Church is that it is not publicly read in the Orthodox Church"

    4. Recall also the seven sorrows of Mary, which are represented artistically as seven words piercing her heart. Of course seven nails would be impossible to fit in the crucifixion scheme, because if you put 2 nails on every hand and leg it would come to 8, so this remained the option. Poor So... Isi....I mean Mary.

  2. "....In the Bull of Union with the Copts, a declaration of faith was prepared to explain what the Church held. It included a section on Scripture, listing (by name) each of the 73 Books of the Catholic Bible as canonical......"

    This and the pope "cat" have escaped my attention. Naturally the Devil is preoccupied with the Word more than anything. Today I saw news that Denmark is preparing a new translation of the Bible which does not follow Lutheran tradition. It is to come out in 2036 (666). Coincidentally, Denmark promised Ukraine ALL of its modern howitzers - killing tradition and the traditional enemy at once?

  3. Actually even in the 15th century we can see how the papacy was in "damage" control. Nothing but the longsuffering of God permitted them to exist a little longer. They will always be of the same spirit with his nail-ers.

  4. More on Apophis:

    "Being completely outside of the natural world, he was believed to require no nourishment other than to "breathe" his own shouts. "

    For the gnostics God talks only for his own personal enjoyment. That is, he only enjoys "listening to his own voice". He didn't talk for our salvation.

  5. Some alchemical formulas I will include in my future post about Dendera, Hathor and Alchemy:

    Mary the Jewess:

    "Join the male and the female, and you will find what is sought."

    (corresponding also to the post about the feminization/neutering of Jesus and the Bible")

  6. Exactly in the right place where the Devil would be able to transform the body of Christ/the church, in a receptacle of devils, Satan and un-regenerated souls: his body, the world. And, lo and behold, this is the Catho+Orthodox "body of Christ", pardon, of antichrist:

    "....But our bungling “brethren” are not through yet trying to inject their private opinions into the text and usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit as the interpreter (Luke 24:45). By changing “For BY him were all things created...” to “IN him” (Amplified, RV, ASV, RSV, New RSV, NEB, Dummelow, Bullinger, Moffatt, Ellicott, Lightfoot, Wordsworth, Haupt, Meyer, Wycliffe Commentary, Lange, Clarke, Pulpit Commentary, Rev. Peake, Bengel, etc.), the ridiculous doctrine is now stated that the “principalities and powers” (vs. 16) were made IN Christ. The intelligent reader can see at once that the “principalities and powers” are the Satanic and demoniac dominions of Ephesians 1:21 and 6:12. (If they were created IN Christ, they must have fallen out of Him, or else Ethelbert Bullinger was right in his remarks on universal restoration [Eph. 1:10]!) The lame alibi for this perversion of truth is (again!) “accuracy.” The Greek word “en” has been translated as “in,” following the Papal dictates of the Jesuits from 1582 (Rheims). (The same Roman Catholic stunt was pulled in 1 Corinthians 12:13, since all Roman Catholics depend on WATER for the New Birth instead of the Holy Spirit.)....".

    Now check out this Alchemical quote about how everything must be unified into one. The RCCs identity is the black hole to sink everything outside of God into hell....while they think, like the ancient Egyptians that unity in the barque of Ra is equal to eternity. If the world is not unified there will be no eternity, the otherworldy snake will destroy it....

    ""One is the Serpent which has its poison according to two compositions, and One is All and through it is All, and by it is All, and if you have not All, All is Nothing. """"

    - Cleoptra the Alchemist

  7. In this article even Florence is mentioned in connection to Alchemy. The article is called: "Ouroboros The Ancient Egyptian Myth of the Journey of the Sun by Jan Assmann"


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