Thursday, January 12, 2023



Above image - a cluster of very young primordial galaxies, just some hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang (courtesy: NASA, James Webb space telescope).

Just a creationist break. 

The "high scholarship" continues to dream about the "original inspired autographs" no human ever saw (after they disappeared of course), making out of them a "solid" figment of their imagination, on which to build a sandy castle of countless modern versions, eternally "improving" the "reconstruction" of the  "original inspired" piece of nothing (they are still digging in the desert to find the crumbs of the first 10 commandments tables and to prove that they were only 9). 

All they do is under the slogan: "God is not able to preserve His words without us, scribes, wise men, princes of the world, philosophers and prudents!!!... Down with 1 Corinthian 1:25-29!!!...".

As a powerful gravitational wave of a supernova exploding and collapsing in a Black Hole, the revenge of the scribes offended by 1 Corinthian 1:25-29 furiously encroached other fields of human knowledge. The dreadful vision of an immense sky with countless stars (Psalm 19:1) had to be tamed by the high school of textual criticism, and an "original inspired autograph" had to be found in the imagination, which would have been able to confirm all the galactic manuscripts written by the "high schools of the natural sciences": the Big Bang.

But Someone loves to take "...the wise in their own craftiness", and laughs as He watches the rebels tied in their same bands and ropes. As they the same admit, there's no trace of early young chaotic primordial galaxies which would confirm "the critical text of the modern astrophysics". The wished "original, inspired, inerrant" Big Bang seems to be another figment of their imagination:



As the James Webb Space Telescope views swaths of sky spotted with distant galaxies, multiple teams have found that the earliest stellar metropolises are more mature and more numerous than expected. The results may end up changing what we know about how the first galaxies formed........"


"........The Big Bang didn't happen

What do the James Webb images really show?

11th August 2022

Eric J. Lerner | President and Chief Scientist of LPPFusion. He is the author of The Big Bang Never Happened.

The Big Bang Hypothesis - which states the universe has been expanding since it began 14 billion years ago in a hot and dense state - is contradicted by the new James Webb Space Telescope images, writes Eric Lerner...."


".....and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong" (Job, 5:13).

Above image - a dynamical equivalence translation of Psalm 2:4 (AV 1611) in modern internet "meta-language".

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1 comment:

  1. Everything they throw at the Bibles is becoming more absurd and laughable...yet more and more people believe it. The mountain of lies will one day crumble


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