Monday, January 23, 2023

How Satan Turned America Against God (book)


Very good book of dr. William P. Grady:

Dr. William P. Grady gives a lot of material to understand the Bible as a book of human history, better: human His-story.

It deals with the US history, often interwined with the history of Israel. The enemies of USA & Israel are clearly enemies of the Bible, whose prophecies have been (partially)  perfectly fulfilled with these two countries around which the events of the world are organized.

Don't fool yourself. Today Israel & USA are the milestone of comparison to discern ethic and moral in the global geo-politic events. For supporters as well deniers of those nations.  Can you deny that?

Dr. William P. Grady says that the US has been created for two purposes: One, to continue to spread the Gospel  (Mark 13:10) as in the AV 1611, after a backsliding British empire failed to do that and transformed itself in an adversary of the AV 1611 (see Westcott & Hort); Second, to build the bridge between the diaspora and the return to the Promised Land after the betrayal of the Balfour Declaration by the same apostate empire.

The historical facts brought to the attention of the reader as proof of the sovereign power of God on human history are impressive and convincing. Especially the negative facts which led God to threaten and chastise America after the WWII for her betrayal against Israel and the Bible (AV 1611). 

To mention few, the perfect timely punishment of America for the "Madrid Peace Conference" of the nineties, where "conservative, fundamentalist defender, Christian Zionist" Bush Sr, repeatedly tried to make pressure on Israel in order to achieve the infamous "land for peace" goal which would have settled forever the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict.

Every time Bush Sr was presiding a meeting where he would advocate the "land for peace" proposal, or at every time his son would use his power to interfere heavily in the Israeli sovereign power on her territory, a catastrophe scorched the land of America, hurricanes or hearth quakes. The first in 1991, when in the exact moment Bush Sr was opening the  "Madrid Peace Conference" declaring the sick offer of an amputation of Israel's land in exchange for peace, an anomalous North Atlantic storm, one that appears only one time in a century, ravaged Bush' old family home. Exactly as he was speaking.

Years later that storm became the subject of a novel, and an Hollywood blockbuster:

Above image - don't touch the Promised Land! Genesis 12:3 still at work today (The Perfect Storm is a 2000 American biographical disaster drama film directed by Wolfgang Petersen and based on the 1997 creative non-fiction book of the same name by Sebastian Junger. - Wikipedia)

I stop here, I cannot copy the whole chapter! (for example the list of all the catastrophes flogging the American land, every time Pres. Clinton whored with Mr Arafat... you should read!). 

I want to add to the very good exposition of a biblical history of America and Israel by William P. Grady, my personal "two cents":

-------> 1°, you can understand very well the literal explosion of conspiracy culture, especially after the 911 facts: an attempt to counter the biblical narrative of the sad, infamous catastrophes involving these two nations, and I don't refer only to the natural ones (see the "HAAARP" conspiracy to "change the climate of the earth; I have few doubts that the gnostic parallel government of USA was involved in to drag away the attention from the AV 1611 as key interpreter of those catastrophes...), but also to the human ones (the wars against Saddam's Iraq for example).  If you want a biblical interpretation of 911, you can see it as both a theatrical distraction for the Christian majority of America, giving cheap, fabricated conspiracy theories to munch in the backslidden or unregenerated soul of the average American & world citizen (1),  to avoid to take awareness of the disgraces against that nation as the fruit of the backsliding of the "fundamentalists"  (first of all the abandon of the AV 1611 for the Catholic ESV, NIV, RSV, NKJV, etc.). And a further punishment for a decade long of secret war against the Promised Land under the cover of the "Christian Zionism".

-------> 2°,  the today backsliding of America and her detachment from the support to Israel is consequence of the prophecy of Revelation 13:3, about the wounded head restored to life. NATO, the Western "arrogance", the US "imperialism, have been the guns of God pointed to that head in order to keep that wound still open, until the times would have come when the Lord decides that Satan has to have full power on earth, in his incarnation in the Antichrist (God want the evilness to thrive as much as possible before to destroy it: to show that He is God? He has to show anything to anyone; it us just His nature, and if God would refrain, in this case He would exibit a false humbleness, except for love to man - see how God even stirred the hearth of the pharaoh, God doesn't like "easy victories").  The division of the Constantinian empire in an east - west dicotomy could be the "deadly wound". Now NATO and USA have to "go home", and this is the reason of the future collapse  of Putin's Russia: "No more a Russian threat - no more need of Americans on Eurasian soil, or: Putin go home = Yankee go home". For a Catho-Orthodox Eurasian empire freed from the presence of a nation born from the Baptist spirit. 

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

*  *  *
(1) my opinion is that the purpose of the material organization of the "false flag" 911 attack, was to stir the mania for conspiracy thinking to pathological levels, both in America as well in the whole world; a "conspiracy mindset" is a goal to re-build spiritually man, preparing him for the advent of Satan on earth, darkening the AV 1611 narrative with a flood of secular, deists, masonic, gnostic narratives about the true origin of the events shacking the world. In few words: for the masters of the CIA, it is better that the common people blame CIA for the evilness in the world, and not for their personal corrupt, sinful, unregenerated or backslidden nature.

1 comment:

  1. EDITED: I added a reference:
    (1) my opinion is that the purpose of the material organization of the "false flag" 911 attack, was to stir the mania for conspiracy thinking to pathological levels, both in America as well in the whole world; a "conspiracy mindset" is a goal to re-build spiritually man, preparing him for the advent of Satan on earth, darkening the AV 1611 narrative with a flood of secular, deists, masonic, gnostic narratives about the true origin of the events shacking the wirld. In few words: for the masters of the CIA, it is better that the common people blame CIA for the evilness in the world, and not for their personal corrupt, sinful, unregenerated or backslidden nature.


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