Friday, January 4, 2019

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Cor 2:11)

[post could be edited from errors, surely will be translated for the Italian blog; I just want you read it as soon it possible]

I reject what I have written, my thoughts and the ones of a Bulgarian blogger years ago were right (a part some other doctrinal questions which dived us):

Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Io prego per Donald Trump [I pray for Donald Trump]

I cannot pray anymor for President Trump, except in the form of the typical prayer you use when you are under a tyrant, in order God could soften his heel over you.

This news is what compelled me to this 180° turn:

A remote 800-year-old hilltop religious retreat in Italy is to become the latest in a wave of right-wing academies attempting to shape the next generation of populist leaders in Europe.
The Trisulti monastery, about a two-hour drive southeast of Rome, is being converted by Benjamin Harnwell, a conservative Catholic ideologue from Leicestershire, who told The Times that he was determined to “defend the Judeo-Christian roots of society”.
Boasting connections at senior levels in the Vatican, Mr Harnwell, 42, is also backed by Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist who has recently taken up the causes of European nationalism and populism.
Taken from THE TIMES UK, url:

I obscured my Control-avles-blogs blog, and will not re-open it just for this post. It is sufficient I recall you the there posts which were exposing the Devil's trick in to destroy anything not-Catholic in the Western world, starting from the 'sects' as  the anti-Scriptural JWs, to go along more biblical-sounding denominations like the one I use to mark myself, Independent Baptists (knowing they are just only human labels useful to individuate a particular set of doctrine and way of living the body of Christ. Well, see? A KJV is not sufficient to assure you the way of heaven. Despite this,  it remains the preserved Word of God in English language).

So, what was I telling/writing there, in good accordance with the Bulgarian blogger? A very very simple concept, idea, prophecy if you want:

That the Islamic threat, the Sodomite threat, the Immigration Invasion threat and similar threats are manured by Satan in order to create a common threat against some basic tenets of the most different Christian churches, doctrines, denominations, etc. All this with the aim to push all the Christian groups to eliminate their doctrinal differences among themselves in order to create a common world front to fight those existencial threats. Working on the exact blueprint of the Popular Fronts that Stalin was supporting in the Europe of the 30s, this global religious front shall bless the creation of political, secular ideologies and movements and parties (they are already at the power in Italy and some other countries in the world, Russia, Ungary, etc.) whose goal shall be the restoration, step by step and protected by the moral shield of the "necessity to put aside our differences in order to defeat Satan", and material application of the 'good old' political Catholicism of the past: One People, One Natione, ONE CHURCH.

God in the Bible warned us that we should not be ignorant of the Devil's devices put in motion to trick and allure us and separate us from our Lord in order to follow apostasies and heresies:

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corithians 2:11 KJV
You can also have a confirmation of this when you observe the landscape of the Conspiracy-sphere and what do you see there? A Stalinist uniform One Thought shaped around the ideological needs of this Global Religious Front.

So you are served my friends. You can be KJV-onlyst, this makes honor to you because God promised to preserve forever His words and there has to be only ONE Bible, which is His word in the KJV 1611 AV. But that doesn't prevent you to fall in the Devil's devices, the KJV is not an amulet, nor a talisman. The figure of King James may be blamed for many things, but pls, don't offend his historical figure comparing him with the nationalistic political little children of Herods raising today and promising to the masses a re-built nationalist Eden garden. God created the nations, but soon Satan invented the 'nationalism' to get the pawn on them. Let's the  guys in the monastery of Steve Bannon in Italy, to tell you the truth - (remember, "catholicisms" means "universalism", this means YOU are already in the "catholicism"):

"....Steve Bannon's plan for the Catholic Church
According to Benjamin Harnwell, director of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is working on a project to create a "populist" orientation current within the Catholic Church
According to statements issued to Reuters by Benjamin Harnwell, director of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute in Rome, the former chief strategist of the White House would in fact collaborate with the latter to create a series of training courses for young activists and political leaders conservatives of Catholic extraction, with the aim of encouraging the emergence of a current of populist and nationalist thought within the Church of Rome that could influence in a decisive manner the policies of the Holy See. In the intentions of Bannon, which in the meantime is raising funds in Europe and the United States for the activation of the project, the courses would be held in the medieval complex of Certosa di Trisulti, located in the municipality of Collepardo - in the province of Frosinone - and 2018 one of the headquarters of the Istituto Dignitatis Humanae."

Taken and translated from il, url:

The words of Psalm 109:6 are appropriated for these parties and their followers, God allows this evil  to put  under trial His church and His sheep in this world:

 6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.

7 When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin.

Psalm, 109:6-7, KJV

Don't be afraid of the coming trials. Resist the Devil, don't be allured by his enticing ideologies of "national paradises" in this world (he is the prince of it): you shall be crowned with a crown of glory for eternity.

Saturday, November 17, 2018
Down with Jesus in Bulgaria:  

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