Sunday, November 25, 2018

today's secular cosmology: a continuing "Weekend at Bernie's" [article from]

 (picture taken from

Or "Weekend at Big Bang's" - you could rename it.
For the italian theaters the movie has been adapted in a (in english back translated) "weekend with the dead". So, how a better death certificate you can hope to achieve, than the one completed by the alleged sons and daughter of the beloved deceased?
Evolutionist phylosophy is continuing to drag around the scene the corpse of their dead creature, which has written on its forehead "born from nothing". With it they try to entice the children of this world in believing he is still alive - despite any rational evidence.
But can human philosophy move the arms and legs of a dead cult without to be discovered soon or later?

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Cosmology Is in Crisis Over How to Measure the Universe
by Sarah Scoles
science 11.20.18 10:58 am
Quote: "...Those are the boring options, though. “The other,” says Scolnic, “is that our standard model of cosmology isn’t correct.” In other words, the way humans think about the early years, maturation, and fate of the universe might be wrong somehow."
Taken from, URL:

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See also the CMB anomaly called "Axis of Evil". She got this nickname because she refuted the  secular and evolutionist cosmological models. The CMB, the so loudly acclaimed "birth certificate" of the Big Bang itself, revealed to be only a document "written in the earth" (at the bottom of this Creation Ministries International article you can find a list of other very useful articles exposing the blunder of CMB' supported "inflation" & "Big Bang"):

Recent Cosmic Microwave Background data supports creationist cosmologies
by John G. Hartnett

On Answers in Genesis and Institute for Creation Research you can have other plain expositions of the fundamental reasons why CMB is a serious misunderstanding:

The Axis of Evil and the Cold Spot—Sear-ious Problems for the Big Bang?
by Dr. Danny R. Faulkner on October 20, 2018

The Planck Data and the Big Bang

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:...., Romans, 1:20, KJB

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