Saturday, October 13, 2018

Italians crazy with rage, put children of immigrates to suffer hunger in school

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew, 24:12
One sign of the time. Secular people call it "de-humanization". I call the spirit of Satan and of the Anti-Christ.
The junta of the city of Lodi is governed by the Lega Nord party which at the moment is in cohabitation at the national government with the Movement 5 Star. About 31% of the Italians support the Lega Nord. The Lega Nord major of the city, Sara Casanova, signed a decree which modifies the previous legislation about the economic condition of the family in order to get financial aid for the children's meal  in the school. Until now the economic index was related to the Italian context, but let read an excerpt from an article appeared on the website Il Post:

It all started in the summer of 2017, when the mayor Sara Casanova - just elected with the Lega - signed a resolution that changed the rules to benefit from the reduced rates for the school canteen and the bus. Until then, the benefits were guaranteed on the basis of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE), an index that takes into account the movable and immovable assets and in extreme synthesis serves to establish the wealth of a family. For the 2018-2019 school year, which began a few weeks ago, the resolution provided that parents born outside the European Union should submit further documentation attesting their non-existence in the country of origin (the children involved are almost all born in Italy).

Such kind of document, when not impossible to get, is very difficult to get in most of the countries from where the immigrants come. And then just imagine the cost of the travel, document management, lawyers and attorneys, and on and on.  Practically they found a mean in order to expel immigrants from the city of Lodi: causing the children of immigrants to suffer hunger at school. Take in mind that the same Lega Nord party together with Movimento 5 Stelle party, the two stockholders of the Italian government and Parliament majority (over 60% national support), are going to put out a national budget law introducing a welfare salary for unemployed, named "Reddito di Cittadinanza" (basic income).  Today most of the social checks given by the welfare to poor people are illegally obtained. Just some weeks ago the local newspaper reported the case of a very rich man appearing in the tax office as a poor.

In Italy from day to day the spirit of Satan is conquering the heart of the people. After decades of relatively wealthy life where the materialism and the lust of the flesh became a national religion, the economical crack destroyed the dream of generations of Italian who sought to live away from God, against God. In times of economical prosperity God was seen as an useless concept in the best option, and in the worst and most common way as an enemy saboting the pleasure of the material life.
Jesus, the emblem of the sacrifice, has become a target of despise, hate and mocking by a nation proud to have the pride as "national character". Anti-Christianity is quickly become essential part of the socialization. Having been betrayed by their god, the prince of this world, the Italians now are crazy with rage for having been cheated by Satan, but the pride doesn't allow 'em to recognize that in order then to repent. Longing a revenge, they use the vote as a machete with which to launch shots with blind fury. Unable to recognize to themselves the participation to decades of banqueting and exaltation of the ones who are "smarter than the law" (dishonest ones), driven by a blind hate, now they "lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers" (Luke, 11:46). The requested impossible document stating the condition of poverty in the origin country, in this Italy turned upside down by the spirit of Satan, is the millstone that the Italian "Christian nation" is tying to the neck of the children, instead to put it at  the neck of the offender (Mark 9:42).
Sure, how could Satan be sad in this country? When "fundamentalist Christians" (Catholics) at the power are doing everything to avoid to share the Gospel with anyone, beside Islamic children and their family, filling their little mouth with water of gall and wormwood, isn't Jesus slandered?

27 Therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them; but they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt also call unto them; but they will not answer thee.

28 But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.

Jeremiah, ch. 7.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018
How God Deals With Nations # 3 

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