Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Isaiah the free-willer


    Isaiah speaks of this condition: "Why, O Lord, do you make us wander from your ways and harden our hearts so we do not revere you?" (Isa. 63:17) The hardening of the heart which precludes reverence of God is here described as a condition that has come upon these people, probably as a judgment for rebellion. But Calvinists tell us that this condition - an invincible anti-God bent - is the birth-condition of all human beings.


Was Isaiah a free-willer? Of course. Only a free-willer could ask such question to God. If you question God "why you hardened an heart", it is clear that you expect God could hear you and remove the hardening. You are worried, you expect something to change, you ask God hoping He changes.

Therefore you can expect that God hear your pray and satisfy your pray.

So let's translate that verse of Isaiah with another Isaiah, Isaiah 2, "the Predestinarian":

Isa 63:17 the Predestinarian Bible: "We thank you God for pushing us away from you because it is not our businness to ask 'why' and therefore do what you want with our hearts, anyway we are happy to not revere you if you decided so".

Calvinist always mislead the reader interpreting the "hardening" as a sort of predestination. But God when harden is not playing with toys. He didn't harden the Pharaoh's heart just to get a more exciting scenario for His storyboard. The heart of Pharaoh was hypocrite, in his most sincere depth he hated the Hebrews, but on the surface he could have been showed a sort of false appeasement and benevolence. Hardening the heart God let to show the true heart of the Pharaoh, without any kind of hypocrisy. Pharaoh was playing with the Hebrews hiding his intentions with hypocrisy. Like a baby in a womb, the wickedness of the Pharaoh was hidden and nurtured by his double faced hypocrisy, "hardening" his heart simply meant that God accelerated the delivery of the that baby in order to unleash the well known events of the Red Sea disaster and of the conquer of the Promise Land (all explained in a book called "the Bible").

The same but only in the opposite direction (softening the heart) can be told as pertain the 36° chapter of Ezekiel. No predestination, also because when God "hardens" or "soften" is in historical time, not "before the foundation of the world".

As last I leave you with these other excerpt taken from the above address. Calvinistic Predestination is really an heartless madness!!!

    The Calvinist, however, does need to temper his view of election with the clearly revealed truth in Ezekiel 18:23: "Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?" Too often, we hear Calvinists say that the damnation of the non-elect is "the good pleasure of His will." But here, God states explicitly that He takes no pleasure in damning anyone but prefers that they turn from sin and live. How this idea fits into the Calvinist scheme is not at all clear.
    Nor is it clear, from a Calvinistic standpoint, why Jesus should weep over Jerusalem in Matthew 23:37: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing."

    This poses a thorny difficulty for the Calvinist. First of all, he must assume that the reprobation of Jerusalem was "the good pleasure" of the Father. If that is so, why was it so displeasing and heart-rending to Jesus, who was always in agreement with the divine will? Shouldn't Jesus have also been "pleased" with the Father's reprobation of these people?....."
You are not an insect, without awareness and will,  you have been created in the image of God.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017
The "God" of Calvin is the Unknown God


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