Sunday, July 28, 2024

the "alt-right" and Luke 16:10


Paris 2024 Olympics: Organisers respond to offended reactions to opening ceremony

One scene viewed as an interpretation of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, featuring drag artists, has drawn criticism from some Christians - including Italy's deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini who branded it insulting and "sleazy".

Rob Harris

Sports correspondent @RobHarris

Sunday 28 July 2024 06:58, UK

Topless in beach with tanga? Are they not offending a Christian? I remember on a beach a group of refugee from Ukraine, young mothers, scandalized from to see allowed the topless. (If they were Russians I don't think they reacted differently).

Tattoes? Aren't they offending Christians? Also the body of an infidel is a property of the almighty God. You have no right to modify it (except for medical reasons of course!). Surely not for your vanity and pride.

All this is allowed by the "alt-right", even encouraged. They are devilish.

Luke 16:10

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”

King James Version (KJV) 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

America governed by a Trimurti?


Its very easy to say: "Democrats stay with China, Republicans with India". Et-voilà!, no more mysteries and strange things. "Let's go back to our conspiracy homework, boys!"....

APPARENTLY, things works in this way, but look below, America lead by Hinduism:

1) Kamala Harris, DEMOCRAT, mother from India

2) Trump's VP's wife: REPUBLICAN, from India, Hinduist.

3) Trump: a friend of Modi, (the avenger of Hinduism in India against Muslims and Christians), and protector of Hindu temples in the USA.


Not bad, heh?!

Kamala Harris, also received some lessons on Hinduism:

 A neighbor regularly took the Harris girls to an African American church in Oakland where they sang in the children's choir,[35][36] and the girls and their mother also frequently visited a nearby African American cultural center.[37] Their mother introduced them to Hinduism and took them to a nearby Hindu temple, where Shyamala occasionally sang.[38] As children, she and her sister visited their mother's family in Madras (now Chennai) on occasion.[39]

I see this. The world is divided in principalities and governments of Satan, the ones mentioned in Ephesians 6:12. We have here two great countries, India and China, pitted one against the other and both against the blood of Christ, and each of them ruled and directed by a satanic principality. The average American Christian is fundamentally apostatized, first because he abandoned the AV 1611, welcoming back every sort of apostasy and gullible faith in a carnal messiah. And the USA are now used by Satan to direct, control and calibrate (geo-politically) this nationalistic and genocidal spirit of war against the Gospel in South and East Asia (meanwhile neo-czarist Russia and her Panslavism, are busy in to erase biblical Christianity from East Europe where the Western apostate liberalism encounter still great resistence, especially in rural areas). 

This, I believe, the spiritual truth of this spiritual warfare, behind the apparent geopolitic of this continental and global warfare. At the same time God allows all this movement to unify the world under the government of the Devil's 'son', the final Antichrist. The evil ones of this world have to be gathered all together to be then destroyed, like Pharaoh's army, as in Zephanaiah 3:8. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Who is behind those lines? Easy answer, in Ephesians and Daniel.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wife of chosen VP of candidate President Trump, JD Vance, is an HINDUIST.....

Wife of chosen VP of candidate President Trump, JD Vance, is an HINDUIST.....


"....Trump, defender of Christianity & blessed by Jesus".......?????????

Read, read,.... 

‘We bless her’: Indian village prays for Usha Vance’s historic role as US first non-white second lady

Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 3:18 PM MYT

VADLURU, July 24 — Every day in a simple temple in an Indian village, Hindu priest Subhramanya Sharma prays to his god for JD Vance to become vice-president of the United States.

Bowing before a silver cloth-wrapped idol of Sai Baba, a 19th-century guru revered as a deity by his followers, the priest seeks blessings for the Republican politician and his wife, Usha.

Vadluru, a quiet village on the banks of a canal deep in the verdant countryside of Andhra Pradesh, is the ancestral home of Vance’s wife, who will become the US Second Lady — and the first who is not white — if Donald Trump is elected again.

“We bless her,” said the priest, whose temple is in a building once owned by Usha’s family, the Chilukuris.

“She should get higher positions in her life. We priests offer special prayers for Usha and her husband.”

Usha’s great-grandfather moved out of Vadluru, but her ancestors are respected in the village as academic highflyers and well-versed in Hindu scriptures.

Her father Chilukuri Radhakrishnan — a PhD holder — was brought up in Chennai and went on to study in the United States. He returned to India before the couple moved back across the Pacific, and Usha was brought up in suburban San Diego.

She met Vance at Yale Law School and the couple married in 2014. They have three children.

Hillbilly Elegy

Usha Vance has never visited the village, but the priest said her father last came around three years ago and checked on temple’s condition.

Little is known about Radhakrishnan’s initial years in the United States, but the film of Vance’s memoirs, Hillbilly Elegy, refers to him coming to the country with “nothing”.

Usha’s character, played by Indian actor Freida Pinto, says in the 2020 movie now streaming on Netflix that her father had to “find his way”.

Usha is a practising Hindu and told Fox News in a recent interview that the faith made her mother and father “good parents... really good people”.

Houses in Vadluru have “Jai Sri Ram” — “Victory to Lord Ram” written in red on their walls.

Villagers now follow the couple’s campaign on YouTube and Facebook, said resident Venkata Ramanayya, 70.

“We feel very happy and proud,” he said.

US migration

Millions of Indians have made similar journeys as the Chilukuris, and according to the most recent US census, Indians have become the country’s second-largest Asian ethnicity, growing 50 per cent to 4.8 million in the decade to 2020.

Trump’s opponent in the November election is Kamala Harris, whose maternal grandfather hailed from Thulasendrapuram, a village surrounded by paddy fields deep in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

Harris’ maternal grandfather PV Gopalan left the village decades ago, but residents say the family has maintained close links and has regularly donated to the village temple’s upkeep.

Around 600 kilometres away from Vadluru, Usha’s great-grandaunt Chilukuri Santhamma sat hunched over a pile of papers as she called on her relative to urge others not to follow in her family’s footsteps.

Another of the family academics, at 96 she is hailed in local media as the country’s oldest active professor.

She is related to Usha through her husband, an academic himself who was associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a far-right Hindu nationalist group.

Usha should use her position and legal knowledge to stop the “drain” of Indians into the United States, Santhamma said.

“They can go for education, they can go for training, all this they can do but there is a limitation. They have to stay there for known time and come back,” she said.

She believes Usha has a tough life, despite being married to a “great person”.

“To become the wife of a great person is the fortune,” she said, but has “taken politics as her subject”.

“That is a very tough one,” she said. — AFP

Apparently the "Hinduization" of America seems to be a counter-move to oppose the "sinicization" of America; Chinese agents entered - in the last decade, in the most delicate sectors of the US government and military industrial complex (see for example the alleged theft of technical data of the F-35 then used to build the Chinese counter-part, the J-20). 

But on this in the next post. 

Let's see the complexity of the spiritual warfare to erase the blood of Christ from India. I claim that the Devil uses also the Laodicean Christianity for this purpose, to arise hate then to be used against churches which are fundamentally based on the true Scripture, the KJV (and we are in India, where English is the second common language of the nation!): 

In the state of Andhra Pradesh the most widely professed religion is Hinduism, with significant Muslim communities. According to 2011 Census of India figures, Hindus (~90.89%), Muslims (~7.30%) and Christians (1.34%) form the three largest religious groups in the total population of the state. Jains (0.06%) and Buddhists (0.04%) are the minority religious groups of the state.,total%20population%20of%20the%20state.

Below, two very interesting articles about the attitude of the right wing nationalist party of MODI, (the 'friend' of Trump), towards Christians - surely there's something of a truth inside, because we are in the Laodicean age and Christianity is at the utmost corruption, especially with money. 

But soon you arrive at a point, where you have to decide: at the table of the Lord or of the Devil? Pastor Praveen has chosen, kicking the idols from out of the Hindu's villages - he doesn't hide his preaching at least. But the Devil's wrath is strong and fierce and is stirring the Hindus against Christians. 

QUESTION: Will Mr Trump and his VP's wife help the Devil in India? (rethorical question):

It’s a bit of an open secret now that a vast majority of SC/STs in Andhra Pradesh have converted to Christianity in the last couple of decades. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Andhra Pradesh lists its membership on its website as 3,000,000. That’s over 6% of the entire population of the state, listed as members of a single church. CM Jagan’s recent extending of monetary help to pastors in AP showed that there were nearly 30,000 pastors in AP, which seems to corroborate the suspicion that there are many more Christians in the state than official estimates might have us believe.


A popular evangelical in AP, one “Pastor Praveen” (who has been arrested recently) was seen in a video boasting about having converted 600,000 people to Christianity in 2015 alone and claimed to have destroyed “tree” and “rock” images as “false gods” with the approval of locals. In a bid to raise funding abroad, he also admitted to having created 700 “Christ Villages”, where the entire village has been converted to Christianity. A frightening example of Christian intolerance to idolatry, which at least on the surface, seems to be manifesting itself today in the attacks on Hindu dharmasthalas across Andhra.


"A frightening example of Christian intolerance to idolatry, which at least on the surface, seems to be manifesting itself today in the attacks on Hindu dharmasthalas across Andhra."

I am very curious how the political stand of a future "pro-Christian" Trump presidency & vice-presidency, will behave in front of the rage of the Hindus, who are facing God's wrath for their idolatry.... Will be the "annointed by the biblical God" Pres. Trump, help those idolaters of India to to crush biblical and messianic Christians???.... [rethorical question]

Pastor Praveen's church (I noticed a KJV verse quoted on the header of it):

Therefore the Christians in Andra Pradesh are more much more than the number quoted in Wikipedia (which has an anti-Christian bias and is interested to present Christianity in a false, defeated, weak light).

I was telling about my idea, how the Devil uses the corrupted by money (1 Tim 6:10) churches. The above mentioned church seemed to me an 'healty' church, but below we maybe have an example of a church using the MONEY, not the Gospel, to get 'converts', not born again Christians. Is it true? To you the decision:

Last month, the Jagan government hiked the financial assistance, which was being given to Christian pilgrims going to Jerusalem, from Rs 40,000 to Rs 60,000 for those with an annual income up to Rs 3 lakh. While the assistance money for those earning over Rs 3 lakh per annum has been kept at Rs 30,000, previously, the assistance money for this group was Rs 20,000. Earlier this year in August, Jagan’s government announced that they would provide an honorarium of Rs 5,000 per month to pastors. As per sources, his government is also working to launch housing schemes and financial assistance for the poorer sections of the Christian community.

Chandra Mohan, a BJP leader from Andhra Pradesh, alleged that the freebies given by the Jagan government would give rise to conversion activities in Andhra. “Most of the decisions of the Jagan government are proving to be anti-Hindu and his spree of freebies is nothing but promotional programmes for encouraging conversion. If this is not checked soon, the issue may turn the state into clash zones between the majority and minority communities,” Chandra Mohan added.


17Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

18I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 


Conclusion: I believe this is the Laodicean Christianity, based on money. Satan uses it in order to stir the envy of the poor Hindu heathen who then sees the Christians as "economic oppressors" from abroad (like in Russia and former Warsaw Pact countries today), envy transformed in rage and then used to create a theocratic nationalist governmnet (Baratja Janata party) who will wipe away the blood of Jesus and true churche from India. 

Trump, his VP (+ wife), the Jesuitical democrats, are further pieces of the chess in his hands (wait for the next post, I hope in 30 minutes is ready).

Above article quoted from:

Saturday, July 27, 2024

" Trump was attacked, and [the god] Jagannath returned the favour by saving him" (article)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

An illustration of the previous post: Trump & India of Modi (both on the line of "God has sent me for a purpose", just read if you don't believe)

" Trump was attacked, and [the god] Jagannath returned the favour by saving him" (article)


48 years ago China was absolutely NOT the super-power of today, and even in the eighties, US military corporations (Don't remember, Grumman or Northorp) helped Marxist China to build a fighter aircraft for the Air Force. 

I think Trump has been chosen for his friendship with India, 48 years later. 


ISKCON and Donald Trump: How the first Jagannath Rath Yatra in 1976 was organised with the help of the former US President in New York City

When all other land owners refused permission to built the chariots on their plots, Donald Trump allowed ISKCON to use his newly purchased land at Pennsylvania Rail Yard for the purpose

14 July, 2024


Vice President and spokesperson for the Kolkata ISKCON, Radharamn Das, concurred with him and related a fascinating story of how Donal Trump was able to gain spiritual merit by helping followers of Lord Krishna organize the Rath Yatra in New York. He stated in an elaborate post, “Exactly 48 years ago, Donald Trump saved the Jagannath Rathayatra festival. Today, as the world celebrates the Jagannath Rathayatra festival again, Trump was attacked, and Jagannath returned the favour by saving him”.


The devotees brought a presentation package and a large basket of Maha Prasadam to his office. While accepting, his secretary forewarned them and declared, “He never agrees to this kind of thing. You can ask, but he will most likely say no.” Nevertheless, the devotees maintained their faith in Mahaprabhu and the miracle materialized. Surprisingly, Donald Trump appeared as a beacon of hope for followers of Lord Krishna as his secretary called up the devotees after three days and informed, “I don’t know what happened but he read your letter, took a bit of the food you left, and immediately said Sure, why not? Come on down and get his signed letter of permission.” 

What is ISKCON

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), known colloquially as the Hare Krishna movement is a Gaudiya Vaishnava Hindu religious organization. It was founded on 13th July 1966 in New York City by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Its main headquarters is located in Mayapur, West Bengal, India. Its unique form of monotheistic core beliefs is based on Hindu scriptures, particularly Prabhupada’s commentaries and translations of the Bhagavad Gita and the Bhagavata Purana.

ISKCON is “the largest and, arguably, most important branch” of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition which has had adherents in India since the early 16th century and its American and European devotees since the mid and late 20th century. It has around 10 million followers worldwide. The religious organization practices vegetarianism and was initially formed to spread the practice of Bhakti yoga. Its followers, called bhaktas, dedicate both their thoughts and actions towards pleasing Krishna, whom they consider the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Its most rapid expansion in registered membership has been within India and (after the collapse of the Soviet Union) in Russia and other formerly Soviet-aligned states of Eastern Europe. [from Wikipedia]


Who’s First: Vishnu or Krishna?

By Satyaraja Dasa

A discussion of the relative positions of the creator and the playful, ever-youthful cowherd boy of Vrindavan.

When I speak to college students or professors, a particular question often arises: Who is prior, Vishnu or Krishna? Most of my educated friends know that Vishnu and Krishna are names for two distinct manifestations of the same Personality of Godhead. They further know that Vishnu is generally seen as God while Krishna is considered His incarnation. Most dictionaries refer to Them in that way, with Vishnu taking the prior position. Consequently, the tradition that considers Krishna and Vishnu supreme is usually referred to as Vaishnavism, as opposed to the less common Krishnaism.

Remember Alexander Hislop's THE TWO BABYLONS: the Vishnu name is of a caldean origin, Ish Nuh, which means THE MAN NOAH, the man of rest.


Trump and Modi exchange hugs, herald stronger US-India tiesBY  MATTHEW PENNINGTON AND JILL COLVIN

Updated 5:16 AM CEST, June 27, 2017


WASHINGTON (AP) — Hugging outside the White House Monday, President Donald Trump and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi heralded an increasingly close strategic partnership as the U.S. branded a top militant from neighboring Pakistan as a “global terrorist.”


Sunday, July 21, 2024

An illustration of the previous post: Trump & India of Modi (both on the line of "God has sent me for a purpose", just read if you don't believe)

"Faith Under Siege: Russians Destroyed All Protestant Churches in Melitopol, Ukraine" (video)


"Protestants are targeted disproportionately. American missionaries have been coming to Ukraine for decades. As a result, Protestants make up about 4% of the Ukrainian population. However, they comprise more than a third of the documented incidents of Russian persecution. At least 26 Christian leaders have been killed for their faith.

Among Protestants, Baptists are particularly hard hit. The Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary reports the loss of some 400 Baptist congregations since the beginning of the full scale Russian invasion."

Above video -  "Faith Under Siege: Russians Destroyed All Protestant Churches in Melitopol, Ukraine"


Video taken from the article:

Russia Tortures Christians

The story the news media is not telling you about Ukraine is that Russians are torturing and murdering Ukrainian Christians in occupied territories for their faith.

Who knows? Seeing how things are turning in the US, maybe God will repent and allow the Democrats to win... or let them go to restore the Costantinian empire and fulfil Reveletion 17, then the Rapture and the Tribulation start:

Monday, July 15, 2024

OPEN LETTER TO DONALD TRUMP (from above, intergalactic mail service of God)

An illustration of the previous post: Trump & India of Modi (both on the line of "God has sent me for a purpose", just read if you don't believe)


Notice: The body of Christ are all the Christians saved in Christ. Once you receive His Spirit your flesh become His flesh (you are the "temple of the Holy Ghost, of God"). Therefore you are part of His body on earth. This collective body is also called "the church", or "the bride" (why is called in the Bible "bride" if not because it has to be taken by the bridegroom?). The Devil tries to dismember this body. Religious nationalism is the machete he uses to this purpose. Russia, India, Islamic countries, Communist regimes are on the the most advanced front of this attempt of a spiritual butchery.

It is symptomatic but natural that in order to make America "Great Again", Mr Trump will bring his country in spiritual communion with the Hinduist theocracy.

‘My friend Donald Trump’

On Saturday, after a sniper positioned on a roof outside a Trump rally in Pennsylvania struck the former president with a bullet, killing another person and wounding two others, a volley of reactions tumbled in from around the world.

Among them was an X post by Modi, who condemned the attack, describing Trump as “my friend”. The two leaders had a few years ago held joint public events in Houston and the Indian city of Ahmedabad, and a senior Indian government official told this writer the Modi administration was increasingly convinced that Trump might return to power in November.

In every state under the dominance of Modi's party, there are anti-conversion laws which persecute Christians stirring legally violent and often deadly attacks on pastors and church members.

(There the police is a "little bit" more passive than the secret service which was criticized by Mr Trump)

We are now in the phase of nationalistic persecution of Christians. The Devil wants to break the bones and the flesh of the body of Christ cutting it with many nationalistic theocracies: Russia, India, China, etc. When you read the following excerpts, keep in mind the word of Mr Trump I quoted in the previous post:

"...Trump has relaunched his message in favor of an authoritarian turn. Speaking of Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping, the tycoon defined them as "intelligent and tough", leaders with an "iron fist", men who "love their country". Of the Chinese president he said, showing great consideration: "He controls 1.4 billion people using an iron fist." Xi, he added, "makes people like Biden look like children." Trump explained what, in his opinion, the secret of authoritarianism is: "We need someone to protect us. Orban was right, we need someone to protect us." [by Mr Donald Trump - see previous post]

"....Modi’s latest campaign message to supporters: ‘God has sent me’

Rhea Mogul

By Rhea Mogul, CNN

 3 minute read 

Updated 1:46 AM EDT, Tue May 28, 2024

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a new message for supporters on the campaign trail: God has chosen him.

“I’m convinced that God has sent me for a purpose, and when that purpose is finished, my work will be done,” he told local news channel NDTV in an interview last week. “This is why I have dedicated myself to God.”

Modi continued: “God doesn’t reveal his cards. He just keeps making me do things.”

Here some of the "things" done by Modi after he listened to his "God": 

‘Our partners in India report pastors beaten, churches attacked and prayer meetings disrupted at the hands of ultra-right wing Hindu militants. At the same time, a number of states in India have passed anti-conversion laws which prevent Christians from sharing their faith with Hindus.’

Release International’s partner in India provides legal assistance to many pastors. It says that in Uttar Pradesh alone more than 130 church leaders are now under arrest and facing trial, many having been refused bail. The Evangelical Fellowship of India reports a total of 440 pastors arrested over the course of 2023.

Violence has erupted in Manipur, in Northeast India, claiming 60 lives, burning and destroying 50 churches, and displacing tens of thousands of people. Most of the dead are believed to be Christians.

According to Indian media, 10,000 troops have been brought in to restore order. At the same time a hearing of India’s Supreme Court claims there is no persecution against Christians in the country.

Christians Imprisoned under Indian Anti-Conversion Law Languish Behind Bars

5/24/2024 India (International Christian Concern) — Nearly 70 Christians arrested under the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance of 2020 are languishing in jails in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) as authorities delay or deny their bail applications on flimsy grounds.

The god of this world? The pope of Rome is very happy.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Do you think I was joking when I said that the bullet was a warning of God against Trump???.... Alt-right, Trumpian fundamentalist 'Christians' in the USA are worst than the LGBTQ. At least a gay doesn't hide himself behind a "Christian value", and is not so hypocrite.


Do you think I was joking when I said that the bullet was a warning of God against Trump???.... Alt-right, Trumpian fundamentalist 'Christians' in the USA are worst than the LGBTQ. At least a gay doesn't hide himself behind a "Christian value", and is not so hypocrite.

 > [Post has been edited with a section about the intrinsic satanicity of "nationalism", as exposed by God's word, the AV 1611]

Trump compliments 'fierce' and 'smart' Putin and applauds Xi Jinping for ruling China with an 'iron fist'

Joshua Nelken-Zitser Sep 4, 2022, 12:17 PM CEST


This was 2 years ago. Did he change? Of course not. Here, a day or two ago:

"...Trump has relaunched his message in favor of an authoritarian turn. Speaking of Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping, the tycoon defined them as "intelligent and tough", leaders with an "iron fist", men who "love their country". Of the Chinese president he said, showing great consideration: "He controls 1.4 billion people using an iron fist." Xi, he added, "makes people like Biden look like children." Trump explained what, in his opinion, the secret of authoritarianism is: "We need someone to protect us. Orban was right, we need someone to protect us."

*   *   *

"....We need someone to protect us." 

What if the one you pretend he protected you,  like he were just one among your bodyguards, is the One who allows the Devil to beat you hard???... (Never given a look to that old book called "Old Testament", heh?... buddy?)

"Intelligent and tough", leaders with an "iron fist", men who "love their country". 

Yes, they love their country, except God.

See?... How nationalism is satanic?... Nationalism is the cult of a created thing, an idolatry:

Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

 This is a reference to Matthew 22,

[37] Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. [38] This is the first and great commandment.   [39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  [40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Nationalism, like socialism, humanism, fascism, etc. means to replace God with the creature in Matthew 22:37-40.

Nations are God's creation, nationalism is  the Devil's counter- creation. 



Therefore a nation can be blessed if submitted to God in fear and used to proclaim His word in the world. The history of the rise and fall of both British and then US empires is clear. 

A nationalism, at the opposite, pretend to be served by God. 

Until now American flags stand inside Baptist churches as sign that the nation, a reminder of man's sinful nature,  has to be consecrated to God.... With MAGA  will the flags return, to show that God must serve the nation?... Like in China?

From to be a reminder of man's sinful nature and God's mercy, to a brainwash of the Devil, to make you believe that you, a 'patriot', are "elected & anointed" in His sight just for being member of a nation. Nothing is changed since Jesus' first advent:

Matthew 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

Do you have a nation for your father or your mother?

".....Officials reiterated that church leaders must make President Xi Jinping’s teachings on socialism and other communist teachings central to any preaching and sermons in Chinese churches. Communist officials urged TSPM church leaders to surrender more control over church affairs, including preaching."

[the Three-Self Patriotic Movement churches are the only one admitted in China]

I have only a spiritual Father, in heaven. My "motherland" or "fatherland" are less important to me than if I am born in a town on the sea or in a mountain village.

*   *   *

".....Russia Keeps Punishing Evangelicals in Crimea

Last year, there was an uptick in fines to Protestants and fellow religious minorities in the region annexed from Ukraine.


FEBRUARY 23, 2022 01:35 PM

After they beat Azat Azatyan so bad blood came out of his ears; after they sent electric shocks up his genitals; after they wacked him with pipes and truncheons, the Russians began to interrogate him about his faith. “When did you become a Baptist? When did you become an American spy?” Azat tried to explain that in Ukraine there was freedom of religion, you could just choose your faith. But his torturers saw the world the same way as their predecessors at the KGB did: an American church is just a front for the American state.

Azat was dragged back to the makeshift cell in the occupied city of Berdiansk, in southern Ukraine, where he was held with six others in a cellar that had a bucket for a toilet and hard mattresses on the floor. The other inmates wondered how he could be religious when the punishments meted out to him were so much worse than to them. Azat answered he felt God was always with him. He prayed for the other inmates to be spared. When the torturers returned they left the others alone but told him to come with them: “This time we will kill you.”

" American church is just a front for the American state".  Trump agrees: no more churches in Russia & China.

Sickening, ain't it? THERE'S NO DIFFERENCE: Trump, Putin, Xi, etc. are the devils preparing the way of the final Antichrist and they are great friends of Rome. 

But these horrible news hide also a great joy. Soon you are gonna see Him as He is!!!! ... 

1 John 3:2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

For this reason get as soon as possible the blood of Jesus, calling upon Him, to be saved.: admit who you are, a sinner who deserves Hell, and that only Jesus, who is God Himself, paid for your righteously deserved punishment, and accept His sacrifice:

1 Peter 3:18For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

 When all these little devils will be in Hell, you'll reign with Christ on earth for 1000 years and then for the eternity in the whole universe. The Lord is coming soon and will destroy them:

2 Thessalonians 1:7And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

9Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;


....and establish His justice on earth for 1000 years from Jerusalem:

Ezekiel 43:4And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.

5So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house.

6And I heard him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man stood by me.

7And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.


Monday, July 15, 2024

OPEN LETTER TO DONALD TRUMP (from above, intergalactic mail service of God)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

MAGA: Make Ancient (Regime) Great Again?


Above image - (Getty image;) I believe they choose this image because he is overcome by something he cannot defeat, but also because it seems he's like praying, asking mercy. At least I think this is the reason of the editorial choice. See the source below with link.

I and my wife had several very heavy difficulties in to get married. The most serious came from the Italian embassy in Manila. But then in life and also now we still have problems and troubles. Don't worry, these are the ways your Father in heaven shows He loves you. If you were not hit by the Devil, you ought to ask yourself if maybe the Devil is your true "Father".... (The Father corrects whom He loves, the Devil spoils whom he loves....)

Mr (soon to be) President Trump wasted a great opportunity offered by the Lord. In the seconds after he was wounded he had in mind only the own proper survival... But as soon as possible, if he really wanted to resuscitate the "Great America", he had to PRAY.

How many times I and my wife prayed after something that could really do a great harm to us, overcome the danger?... and sometime in presence of others?... But Trump?

“It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.”

That sentiment is one Trump has truly internalized, according to some of those who have spoken to him in recent days, and one Trump, who is not an especially religious or spiritual man, has reiterated during the aftermath of Saturday’s traumatic event.

“I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead,” Trump said during an interview with the New York Post Sunday. “By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God, I’m still here.”

It’s a conviction that will certainly reinforce the messianic imagery of Trump long promoted by his most ardent supporters and the evangelical communities that have stood by him for years. Indeed, outside the venue Saturday, as rallygoers were evacuated, they passed a truck emblazoned with images of Trump seated in front of Jesus, whose hands rested on the former president’s shoulders.

“God Bless President Trump,” the billboard said.

"We will fear not".

America is already dead. You can see it from the reaction of Mr Trump after the failed attempt. The first thing he had to do, from his heart, as soon he was in a safe place, was to kneel down and pray fervently, blood still on his face, together with his assistant, remembering that only in fear of God we can approach Him and plead for His mercy.

First His glory. Second: His glory.

Instead he thanked God like he was awarding a special Navy Seal member with a medal for his service.

"OUR faith".

I don't live by MY faith. My faith has been perfected - and I live by it only because has been perfected by the faith of Christ:

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

Salvation in the Old Testament was not by faith only, but by faith and works. Jesus was not yet died and the righteous (their righteousness) went to the Abraham's bosom, near Hell, not in heaven. The righteous lived by his faith, not Christ's, and had to wait Him to come there to justify him.

This is why Paul omitted, under inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the "his" when he quoted:

Habakkuk 2:4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

But let's for a moment put aside this doctrinal corrections. Can I  pretend that Mr Trump could be also a perfect Bible teacher and instructor? Of course not. It is understandable that in the moments of great stress a man is not able to speak correctly or remembering correctly. But at least, in an imperfect way, do the right thing!.... Instead, he didn't do what he was called to do, a simple, short, but intense prayer. See? Biden shows more (Catholic) faith than Mr Trump. A faith which is personal, and placed on the wrong object, the pope of Rome. But apparently stronger.

Therefore you cannot anymore make America great again. This is already announced in the book or Revelation. After the Philadelphia age, now we are in the Laodicea age. The message to those churches, in the first chapter of the book, were with double, even triple applications. Historically those letters were addressed to real, material churches in Asia Minor. Spiritually they are applied to every church in the church age. And doctrinally they set historical boundaries among sub-ages of the churches. This should be the last sub-age, the age of the maximum apostasy, general apostasy and communion with seducing spirits and devils' doctrines. Get the book commentary on Revelation of Dr. Ruckman. I show you an extract about this age:

Before we leave the Laodicean Period, let us review what happened

historically during this period. This is the period of the great “falling away”

mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2. It begins around 1900. It begins with the

publication of the American Standard Version in 1901. This blasphemous,

dishonest book is still recommended by the Greek department of every

fundamental seminary in the United States, including the best ones. If you were

to write letters to the Greek Department at Bob Jones University, Dallas

Theological Seminary, Tennessee Temple, and the best Bible institutes in

America, you would find the Greek faculties of these colleges recommending the

ASV above the AV 1611. The ASV is the official Jehovah Witness Bible; it has

the word “Jehovah” in the Old Testament, and the word is not mentioned one

time in the New Testament, thus making a distinguishing between “Jesus” and

“Jehovah.” (If this sounds like I am picking a fight or being “radical,” let the

gullible reader turn to John 9 and look in the margin of an ASV, and he will find

that it says that Jesus Christ was a creature and not the Creator! If this seems a

little hard, read Luke 2:33, and if this seems hard, turn to 1 Tim. 3 and find the

word “God” left out of the statement in vs. 16. Then let the reader turn to Titus,

where the reader of the ASV is left to wait for the glory of God instead of the

appearing of Jesus Christ in 2:13. If this isn’t enough to make a real Christian

sick at his stomach, then maybe he had better go ahead and adopt it as his Bible.)

I would have published the entire section on the Laodicean letter, but better not to exaggerate. Get this commentary by yourself, e-book is not expensive.

What is the danger if you don't recognize this sub-division in ages? That you don't realize that you can be part of that apostasy. See the many Pentecostal, apostate Baptist, Charismatic, Evangelical, etc. churches following Trump's MAGA, how they have apostatized?

They are not dispensational. They don't believe the KJV is the final word of God. They believe to be a church of Philadelphia, but if you don't apply ALL the applications of the verses, you fail. You think to keep the commandments but you apostatize. You think to be OK and to be different from those other apostates, but you are one of them. No worry, as soon you abandon the AV 1611 you start to fall. In 1901 the ASV was published: in the same year, January 1, the first recorded event of "speaking in tongue" in the USA. See how the Devil works? Dr. Ruckman was right. The root of American destruction is the abandonment of the AV 1611. God quitted the British empire because it betrayed the Jews and the AV 1611. He gave the mission to another world empire, the USA. Are the USA abandoning the assigned mission : they will end inomignously exactly like the British empire.

Above image - URL:

Let's focus now on JD Vance, the vice of Mr Trump. I read from his bio on Wikipedia:

During his time in the Senate, Vance has been called a national conservative, neoreactionary, and a right-wing populist. He has cited Curtis Yarvin, Rod Dreher, and Patrick Deneen as influences on his political and religious views and describes himself as a member of the postliberal right. On social issues, he has promoted strongly conservative policies, opposing abortion and same-sex marriage and favoring a ban on transgender healthcare for minors. Vance differs from mainstream Republican economic orthodoxy on taxes, minimum wage, unionization, tariffs, and antitrust policy, and opposes American military aid to Ukraine. 

"...Opposing abortion and same-sex marriage and favoring a ban on transgender healthcare for minors.": don't be impressed by these very highly "Christian" sounding battle-cries. It is a feature of the LAODICEAN age to exalt good works. Delimiting and stigmatizing a particular class of sins, is a way to make people believe that they have a free pass to sin elsewhere. Of course homosexuality is of the Devil, but it is of the Devil also the deception that the alt-right accepted from him, to make you believe that salvation, national and individual, comes from the good "heterosexual" works.

In particular national salvation: as nationalism is a sin (another form of the cult of the society, socialism), the abominable bargain is evident: "we trade our good 'heterosexual' works and anti-abortion works against a God's charte blanche which will allow us to build only one national church declaring us "kingdom of God" in order to suppress the prophets (missionary and Bible believing evangelists) as in Zachariah 13:3".

But Zachariah 13:3 is still in the future. Rome deceives and makes it happen in the present. Then she attacks those who correctly put it in the future and calls 'em with despise: "futurists!".

I think to have demonstrated above that the alt-right is the secular arm of the Amillenialist/Postmillenialist doctrine, whose roots are.... in Rome. Both, from Catho-Orthodox to the Protestants, are sworn enemies of the Premillenialism, which correctly sees a rapture of the church before seven years if Tribulation, the second advent and a 1,000 years of military dictatorship on the whole planet by the physical Christ Jesus, seated in the temple of Jerusalem (last chapters of Ezekiel, this is NOT the heavenly Jerusalem, to come at the end of the Millenium).

Let's now turn on one of the spiritual influencers of the life of JD Vance. Read Curtis Yarvin's intellectual and ideological (spiritual) bio:

Curtis Guy Yarvin (born 1973), also known by the pen name Mencius Moldbug, is an American blogger. He is known, along with philosopher Nick Land, for founding the anti-egalitarian and anti-democratic philosophical movement known as the Dark Enlightenment or neo-reactionary movement (NRx).[1][2][3][4]

 (.....).....he argues that American democracy is a failed experiment[7] that should be replaced by an accountable monarchy, similar to the governance structure of corporations.[8] Yarvin has been described as a "neo-reactionary" and "neo-monarchist" who "sees liberalism as creating a Matrix-like totalitarian system and who wants to replace American democracy with a sort of techno-monarchy".[9][10][11]

"Accountable Monarchism", "Dark Enlightenment or neo-reactionary movement", etc. does it recall something?

Page 6781
25 April 1916
I wish to put in the RECORD the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this
ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of
the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe
doctrine. It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchial government and
government by the people. The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of
Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document :
[American Diplomatic Code, 1778 - 1884, vol. 2 ; Elliott, p. 179.]
The undersigned, specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy
Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows :
ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system
of representative govern- ment is egually as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the
maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the high devine right, engage mutually in the
most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative
governments, in whatever country it may exhist in Europe, and to prevent its being
introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.
.........etcetera [you can download it as PDF file]

Notice on how today the Secret Treaty of Verona 1822 - 2024 is working using the cursed democracy (could we care less if they tell us that " was a fake, never existed such a treaty!"?... Real of fake, the hate of "good old Eurasia" for the newborn USA was and is REAL). 
The version 1.0 was directly opposed to the democracy in America FIRST, then in Europe, because at those times democracy was not "sexual freedom", BUT synonimous of freedom of religion/of sharing the Gospel and opposition against the secular and religius oppressive establishment of Rome and her daughters (Anglican, Reformed, Protestant, Oriental Orthodox etcetera churches). Today the spirit of the Verona Treaty, the version 2.0, has crawled inside the old enemy, democracy, and uses it as weapon against the freedom of religion and independence of the churches.

Alt-right MAGA and the liberal democracy of the Freedom of Fornication (LGBTQ etc.) are the best masterworks of the Verona Treaty 2.0

The spirit of JD Vance is exactly the spirit of those ancient monarchies in Europe who fought against the American Independence because they saw the religious freedom of the new born nation as a deadly enemy to their life. The spirit of the old Eurasia poures again and this time it will win, because it is the spirit of the final Antichrist and we are in the last age of the church age. You cannot do anything to stop it. Buying AR 15, munitions, food, gasoline and build bunkers, will only fasten your demise. 

They only don't know that as they win, they are defeated. Not only they are raised up in order to be smashed down, but 

Psalms 9:17

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

Isaiah 40:17

“All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.”

King James Version AV 1611

Monday, July 15, 2024

The opening of the ears of Donald Trump

Monday, July 15, 2024

Elon Trump and the tree of life of Mars (just food for thought)


Musk is donating $45 million a month to pro-Trump PAC in shooting’s aftermath

The full-throaded support marks a new milestone in the tech billionaire’s years-long journey from ‘centrist’ to red-pilled crusader

San Francisco

3 hours ago


Neural Implants: Should We Become One with AI?

As Christians, we must prioritize thinking theologically about emerging technologies.


JANUARY 3, 2024

Elon Musk, owner of Tesla and SpaceX, is working with his new startup, Neuralink, to develop neuroprosthetic devices—tiny electrodes implanted into human brains that can connect us to computers and artificial intelligence (AI).

SpaceX Mars colonization program (also referred to as Occupy Mars) is an ambition of the company SpaceX and particularly of its founder Elon Musk to colonize Mars. The main element of this is the plan to establish a self-sustained large scale settlement on Mars and claim political self-determination on Mars.[1] Musk believes settlement of Mars is important for the long-term survival of the human species.[2]

Food or "neural implants" for thought: A plain simple, not involving even deep dispensationalist doctrine, shows that the AI has the goal to dismantle God as creator of life and free will. If man can create 'consciousness' with silicon devices or quantum computing, it will demonstrate that God is not the author of man. But it will demonstrate that man is still a creation of someone anyway. If not God, maybe the Devil?

Of course rebranded with other names. "Ancient Astronaut"? "Universal Consciousness"?

It is interesting that atheism and materialism are not intended as plain denial of any kind of super-natural world. Often believed to be such, atheism is only the "zero point" in a process. From believing in a super-natural world as exposed by the Bible (AV 1611, sorry if you don't share my KJV Onlyism, you have many other Alexandrian blogs & sources if you want), you first need to destroy the concept of "super-natural" in its entirety, before to introduce the Devil's super-natural world. Therefore atheism is only an instant, a passage, from the super-natural of the Bible, to the super-natural of the Devil. 

Indeed soon the void of a super-natural idea in the minds of man attract, exactly like the void of a vessel, the 'spiritual air' from around, and the void, once filled by cultural at least, references to the super natural of the Bible, is filled now with the super natural of the anti-God: Oriental phylosophies, spiritism, pantheism, mediums, visitors and abductors from outer space/universe, and on and on and on.

On another side, the space colonization rises intriguing thoughts from a biblical perspective. Of course NASA exists first to show that Genesis chapters 1° and 2° are only balooney and life comes from chaos as per Charles Darwin and Evolutionism. 

BUT the Bible says that the Universe is void of biological intelligent life (of course full of spirits, able to create wonders to be then rebranded as "UFOs" etc. Wait for Genesis 12° to see them land on earth....). The purpose of the Universe is to be inhabited by man. Only the fall of man in sin stopped momentarily the divine project. Sinful man, being rebellious, is rebelling to God and wants anyway to take possession of the God's possessions: star and galaxies. But there's another interesting side of the matter: why to colonize another planet, and to live from food there grown and cultivated?

17And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

I think they are unaware. But I heard somewhere that we die in consequence of the decree of God as punishment for the fall of Adam and Eve (but also as a form of deliverance from the world of sin), and the decree of God is executed by eating things from the dust of this world. Cursing the ground, He cursed our body: didn't we came from the dust and our body go back to the dust together with the unsaved, un-reborn soul???....

Maybe someone believe that God cursed only the ground of the earth, and if one could be able to eat lattuce or chicken born from the dust of Mars, he could live forever.

 (Just food for thought).