Sunday, December 25, 2022

Dr. Ruckman on Hebrew 2:5-8


Above image - James Webb Space Telescope, “Pillars of Creation.” All images courtesy of NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI, URL:

Thou madest him a little lower than the angels...” (vs. 7). So that puts

he angels in pretty rough shape according to some irreverent thinkers. Others

have said: “He was made a little lower than angels and has been getting lower

ever since.” “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst

him with glory and honour,” (All right, there is old Adam with his original

commission: Gen. 1:28) “and didst set him over the works of thy hands.”

Again the reference is to Adam (see Gen. 1:26). “Thou hast put all things in

subjection under his feet...” (That is Adam again, and the commission is

repeated to Noah: Gen. 9:1–2.) “For in that he put all in subjection under

him, he left nothing that is not put under him...” (v . 8). That is, everything on

this earth up to the flight of the eagle (Psa. 115:16) was given to man to conquer

and run “...But now we see not yet all things put under him” (vs. 8). Then all

things are not in subjection to man because Adam fell and fallen man is under

the DEVIL. The kingdoms of this world are not “man’s”; they are the Devil’s

(see the exact Biblical statement in Luke 4:6). What God promised, Adam didn’t

get. The Lord told Adam to “be fruitful” and to “multiply, and replenish the

earth” with painless childbirth. Eve didn’t get painless childbirth. God told

Adam to have dominion over the earth, and he wound up being buried in it.

Observe how all of this matches Luke 1:30–33 where God promised the “last

Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45) THE THRONE OF DAVID. Did He get it? He got a

wooden cross and a crown of thorns. “...But NOW we see not yet all things

put under him” (vs. 8).

Something interrupted the original conunission. If God told Adam to

“multiply, and replenish the earth,” where would all of his descendants have

gone to find a place to sit down? Eve could have had as many children as she

wanted (one a year if she wanted them) without any pain. No pain, no

discomfort, no hospital bills! Why, if she had had only one child every five

years, and each of her descendants had had one for five years, there would have

been over 500,000,000,000 people on this earth before Noah was born! If there

had been no universal flood to wipe out such a population explosion, there

would now be on this earth (after all the wars, pestilences, floods, earthquakes,

and famines had taken their toll) more than 500,000,000,000,000 people. You

wouldn’t have room to lie down.

One of the very strongest scientific arguments against evolution is a

computerized, mathematical argument which all evolutionists simply refuse to

discuss. If “man” has been here more than 500,000 years—and Leakey has now

run it back to 2,000,000—where are all the people? If each “man” had had only

two children in his family since 500,000 B.C., and there was no flood to wipe

them out in 2300 B.C., where are the 500,000,000,000 people that should have

been here, before Christopher Columbus?

What did God mean by telling Adam to do such a thing? Obviously, there

are some more “worlds” available (see the correct reading of the AV in Heb.

11:3 and 1:2!!) to populate.

A fellow said to me one time: “You mean to tell me that all that salvation

stuff happened here on earth with just one Saviour? I’m sure there are other

saviors and other gods on other planets to populate.”

I said, “Yeah, man, it all happened right down here.”

He said, “Well, what about that out there?” (He pointed up to the galaxies.)

I said, “That’s exactly why God let it happen down here. He didn’t want to

stink up the whole mess.”

You see, there is “power in NEGATIVE thinking” where you can get some

truths much quicker than with “Positive” thinking. In positive thinking you think:

“Well, man is good, and everything is alright. It’s meant for us to go up there

and populate those galaxies, now, in our present condition. After all, I’m all

right, and you’re all right!”

That is the way you can’t get the truth.

Look at it this way: “That whole thing out there is to be populated someday,

and God is not going to let us do it because we are no good, and all we would do

would get some interplanetary wars started.” That way things begin to make

sense, because you see why God let the whole drama of sin and death be worked

out in the smallest place he could find; He got an old peanut of an earth back

here in the back end of an S shaped nebula at the rear end of a solar system.

What would be the point in populating outer space with a pack of sex crazy,

moneymad, Bible rejecting, self righteous, God defying sinners? Wouldn’t that

be rather stupid? A killer is a killer no matter where you put him. Men say, “ Oh,

no, we wouldn’t do that,” and then spend over $20,000,000 watching Star Wars,

Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica. People are weird, aren’t they? You tell them

what they will do with outer space, they deny it, and then go ahead and do it

anyway. Some incredible idiot at a state university is always babbling about

“new frontiers,” and the superstitious nut (all evolutionists are superstitious nuts)

says, “Well, what if Columbus had taken that attitude and not discovered

America?” I suppose that you would still have just intracontinental wars instead

of two world wars. I also suppose that the American Indians would still be

enjoying nature. They would have all of the fresh food and meat they wanted all

year round, and their women would do the cooking and the work while the men

were fighting, hunting, and fishing. Do you know of a better way to live? No

carbon monoxide, no taxes, no telephones, no hospital insurance, no integration,

no inflation, and no electric bills. I don’t understand things. If I had been in

Spain, and Columbus had come back and said, “I found it,” I would have said,....

*   *    *

Ok, you can also freely download the book:


By Peter S. Ruckman

B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D.

President and Founder of Pensacola Bible Institute

Copyright © 1986 by Peter S. Ruckman

All rights reserved

(PRINT) ISBN 1-58026-058-6


P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534

Other works available on Kindle


The Scripture quotations found herein are from the

text of the Authorized King James Version of the

Bible. Any deviations therefrom are not intentional.

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