Thursday, December 8, 2022

A correction on the previous post


I wrongly inserted only two videos, believing that the second was the one about the history of  the name "America" (Ameruca). But the second video, even being an important introduction to the history, was not yet directly related to the issue America/Ameruca, the "Land of the Serpent". I added the third video History of The Pilgrims and The First Baptists | Intermediate Discipleship #89 | Dr. Gene Kim, where you can hear on how the Ameruca and Land of the Serpent facts are confirming the Bible, at the bottom of the edited post:

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

How the Land of the Serpent Became the Land of the Bible


  1. The role of the christians of the USA in worldwide evangelism is undisputable, however the growth of liberalism has reached a critical stage and unfortunately the response of christians has been wrong altogether, so that the imminent clash is going to be tragic. I have been receiving news from there that their testimony is being destroyed by aligning themselves to the rebels of the south who seek to overthrow the government.

    On one hand one is tempted to agree with the movements of Trump and the rest, when you see the massive, blunt propaganda and threatening of the liberals that is aired 24/7 on TV. Two movies come to mind - "Emancipation" - the revenge fantasies of former slaves, and "Women talking" - a direct attack on anabaptism/mennonites. However we are warned that the enemy will never back down and stop plotting and conspiring against the truth, so seeking a sinful man to return us to "better times" seems contra the warnings of Ecclesiastes 4; 7:10 and the ones about trusting in princes/leaders. Not to mention such a violent response exposes christians to charges of being blood thirsty rebels.

    Maybe this is just mine old-continent/European pessimism but when you survey history and look at all the "christian" revolts like the peasant revolts and hussitism, you realize this will not end well and is rather a giant trap from Satan to throw dirt on the gospel.


    1. We are living in the age of the church of Laodicea. Laodicea is the last church, the backslidden church, lukewarm and entangled with the riches of this world.
      The previous church was the church of Philadelphia, the one of the Lord who "openeth and no can can close, and shutteth and no one can open". The church of Luther, the Great Awakening, of Whitefield, Edwards, Baptists, Anabaptists, and on and on. The period begun with the Reformation and ended at the dawn of the XX century.
      I believe this is inavoidable, we are approaching the Tribulation. 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
      God has to let the Devil to increase in power. God want to overcome Satan in its greatest power, because He is God and no one is like Him. This is why Christian America is dissolving in Serpent's America. Cold Protestants, Catholics, Warm Ecumenicals.

    2. Indeed. Satan wouldn't work throw so much effort in a place where he is not threatened. When the Jews were rebuilding Jerusalem he sent all kinds of trouble makers to meddle with the construction process.

    3. It is interesting that around 2014-2015 the "conspirology" climate changed tremendously. It wasn't occult symbols and anti christian religions anymore (alien deception, the New Age - all very important topics), it was the liberal politicians and their business - a very trivial field for a true truth seeker. God left many christians in the dark about these things because they were set to make an earthly kingdom or even RECOVER an earthly christian kingdom aka the good old times (which never existed) and stopped seeing the spiritual realities behind these last times. They also stopped inquiring about the true Bibles and the origin of ecumenism. Instead, they went after "flat earth" and "chemtrails" - conspiracies purposefully designed to make christians look crazy.

    4. I dont remember if you posted this in your posts about the gnostic "ecology":

    5. Thank you for this. No, I have not! In the past I have perhaps dwelled too much on gnostic numerology and not enough on the Egyptian connection.Considering the ancient Egyptian religion was all about saving the world and even saving their "gods" (the reverse of Biblical faith; old and new Catholicism are the same) there is no surprise that we are seeing the new Jannes and Jambres returning to the old place of defeat to stake a revenge. For Satan's first defeat wasn't in the Nile delta with the miracles or even in the Red Sea, it was at Sinai when God gave His word and condemned the universal enemy sin to create his own people. It is an astounding how christians use Egyptian Bibles and praise them as being the true word of God.


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