Thursday, January 24, 2019

Mainstream media LIES against pro-life movement.

     Mainstream media are spreading fake news about the support to the pro-life movement in USA. Being the establishment (culture, information, academy, political, etc.) overwhelmingly evolutionary, Darwinist and deeply anti-Biblical, it reacts with increasing hostility against any expression of biblical support to the life. Lies ("fake news") are an expression of such hatred.
     As happened when the recent march for life in Washington DC, where a number of about 100,000 (one hundred thousand) people participated, but the CNN  - for example - gave for it a number of only 1,000 (one thousand). Isn't it the time to come back to the old right term, LIE, instead to use the deceiving veil of "fake"?
Count the people for yourself:

above video - March for Life 2019 - Timelapse

The news of the mainstream media lie was taken from the Answers in Genesis website at the URL (in the video embedded in the following AiG article page, you come to the knowledge of some tricks used by the CNN to give the false claim of "only 1,000" rally: they took pictures etc. before the rally began, when few people where approaching the meeting point. But hear it for yourself):
I suggest another video by the organization Answers in Genesis, in order you can have the real size and aspect of the crime perpetrated with the atrocious murder of millions of babies when they are in their mother's womb. One detail. If you give a look at the below screenshot of the video, you see that the abortions, after a sudden enormous rise immediately after the liberalization of it, started to decline and decrease. Why?

above image -  the graph shows when and why the abortion's rate in USA decreased. For details see the video below embedded in this post.

Surely one factor that led many mothers away from the path to become the murderers of their babies was the strong activity of the pro-life movement, together with documentaries, video, educational material, conferences etc. But, among the many tools which revealed themselves to be very useful into a larger genocide of unborn babies, the introduction of the ultrasound image technique was the best, which allowed to appreciate the complete humanity of the baby in the womb (even facial expression from the 12° month!!!) and destroy  the murderous evolutionary thinking of the human fetus as "repeating the evolutionary history of mankind, "from worm to fish to reptiles to mammal all-in-nine-months". Watch the video in the article:

A Tragic Anniversary: Remembering Roe v. Wade
by Ken Ham on January 22, 2019

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