Monday, November 19, 2018

The Kremlin Cannot Continue to Ignore the Chaos in Chechnya [article]

This interesting article appeared on The National Interest shows how much Putin's rule in Chechnya, through his sub-contractor regime of Kadyrov, is pushing on the throttle of the full Islamization. An apparently paradoxical contradiction, as the Putin's regime is aimed to fight and counter the radical Islam and to defend globally the values of "Christendom" (i.e. a particular ideological and phylosophical interpretation of it).

But what is pursued globally through the religious ideology of the Eurasianism (Alexander Dugin among the fathers of it), can be perfectly denied at the door of the own home. Once you start to build a theocracy as the one regulated by the Yarovaya law in Russia, you cannot stop from the application of the same model to other cults.  Using religion for brutal needs of governance is a too much alluring sin. In Russia the weak orthodox church had to compete against many other Christian  denominations by the means of an alliance together with the former KGB power. In Chechnya the contractors of Putin, in order to wipe away ideological justification for their enemies, are pushing on the throttle of the full radical Islam-ization: polygamy, compulsory veil for women, and abundance of executions. Orthodox or Islamic, the end of the ages is near and that old Dragon, the Devil, is desperately busy in his attempt to stop the Gospel everywhere:

November 19, 2018 Topic: Security Region: Eurasia Tags: ChechnyaRussiaVladimir PutinWarPolitics
The Kremlin Cannot Continue to Ignore the Chaos in Chechnya

Ramzan Kadyrov is creating new problems for Vladimir Putin.
by Neil Hauer

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