Tuesday, August 15, 2017

They will track you down by IP [article]

[note: against sodomy, pornography and pedophilia and fornication plus related sins the necessity of an authoritative strong arm of the government is not questionable. It is the use that the Yarovaya law does of the alibi of the war on the moral degeneracy and crimes and terrorism in general in order to justify the war on the Gospel - and this for the sake of the Orthodox state-church,  to be devilish. Beside this, Yarovaya censorship with its absurd requests, is transforming many anti-Christian, anti-Biblical and Christian haters' groups in "heroes" of the Putin's oppression: think only to the Sodomite Front (LGBT) in Russia, in search of 'martyrs' to use them as a banner for their anti-Christian persecution.]

 14:58 / 14.08.2017 To russian version

They will track you down by IP

url: https://en.crimerussia.com/gromkie-dela/they-will-track-you-down-by-ip/

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media and security officials waive Article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation before our very eyes. Where is this going?

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media has prepared a resolution with a list of Internet users’ details, which the ‘information dissemination organizers’ (hereinafter – IDO) should store for a year in accordance with the Yarovaya law and which they will be obliged to submit to law enforcement authorities. The list is impressive; it includes user login, date of birth, real name and full passport details, address, list of languages spoken by the user, and even the list of his relatives. The Yarovaya package is to enter into force on July 1, 2018.

Thus, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media and siloviki supervising this law directly waive Article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which protects the secrecy of correspondence and makes exceptions only for cases where law enforcement agencies have a court order. The fact that Russian social media cooperate with intelligence agencies and are transparent to them is no news, but now everything will be greatly simplified — any excuse is enough to let a secret service representative automatically get all your personal information.


List of information the state wants to receive from instant messengers and social networks:

    full name

    user name

    date of birth and other passport details

    contact details: telephone, IP, email


    list of languages spoken by the user

    list of relatives

    social circle

    files transmitted online

    audio and video recording of conversations

    information on internet payments

In this context, the senseless (at first glance) efforts of Roskomnadzor to include large social networks and instant messengers in the IDO register – it currently includes 89 items – become clear. The requirements for total surveillance of users in the interests of special services, formulated by the Ministry of Communications, do not apply to the entire Internet, but only to the companies officially included in the register. Therefore, you first enter Telegram in the register, and then require it to provide users’ passport details.

A similar tragicomic story currently surrounds the world's largest instant messenger Snapchat, targeted at adolescents. Roskomnadzor had demanded Snapchat to register in the IDO registry, but the messenger ignored the Russian officials. Then, Roskomnadzor asked to clarify whether they had the correct contact information of Snapchat owners. The company confirmed that the details were correct, and Roskomnadzor immediately published a release on the great victory, i.e. the messenger placement on the registry. The law on the prohibition of VPNs, which do not cooperate with the Russian authorities, is also appropriate.

But there will not be a total disaster. The number of criminal cases over extremism will increase, there will be cases of prosecution of opposition for information transmitted in the network. At the same time, such large Western players as Facebook will not comply with the demands of the Russian authorities, as they already do (Law on the storage of personal data on the territory of the Russian Federation). Some sites will be blocked, as it happened with LinkedIn and Zello, while others, like Wikipedia and Telegram, will be threatened with blocking.

Citizens willing to continue to use the free Internet will find a way to do this – although it is unlikely to be cheap or simple.

The cybernetic civil war unleashed by Russian officials will become tougher. At the same time, for some IT companies, the fight against Russian censorship will become a new market niche.

The following two things are, perhaps, are the worst in the current situation.

First, the Russian social networks leaving their users out to dry with the Big Brother will gradually lose market – in such a way, the officials will once again ‘support’ the domestic producer. Second, the interests of privacy and the human dignity of Russian citizens online will best be protected by American companies, not Russian, which is a shame.

Tags: Moscow Roskomnadzor


Wednesday, August 9, 2017
RUSSIA: One year of "anti-missionary" punishments [article]

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