Monday, December 4, 2023

Vatican Blue Army


".......Salvini at the ultra-right summit: "Not a black construction site, but a blue wave. The government does not take risks for different alliances in the EU"

The leader of the League at the Identity and Democracy convention in Florence: "Gentiloni is already preparing the new mess between the People's Party and the Socialists. We are against it"

December 03, 2023 at 11:26 am"

Salvini is the leader of the radical right 'mainstream' political front in Italy. He is now  deputy minister of the council. He was always a staunch supporter of Putin. But he plays on both sides of the street, for example he gave solidarity with Israel. 

Now in Florence he will lead an European conference of far right wing European parties, based on CATHOLICISM first (Le Pen Front National) and the usual support to "Christian Russia". Salvini:

"...Proceed together, therefore, to express the next presidency of the European Commission, after the June elections. Yet, so far, he has only received no votes, because among his allies in Europe there are numerous parties with homophobic, pro-Nazi, anti-Euro, and above all pro-Russian positions. The proximity to Moscow of movements such as Afd or Konfederacja are a problem for the Conservatives and Popolari, not for Salvini: "Chatter", says the leader of the League, "I am more worried about the pro-Palestinians"..."

Yes I agree with him as pertain Israel. Even if he is faking his ideas, they are OK. See for example what happened to Russia, with the recent storm, which happened just after the visit of Hamas in Moscow. A warning of God to Russia,  don't touch the land of God:

Russia’s Harbor Defenses In Sevastopol In Disarray After Storm

Satellite imagery shows that much of Sevastopol’s harbor entry defenses, primarily set up to prevent sea drone attacks, have been damaged.



PUBLISHED NOV 28, 2023 3:47 PM EST

 Hamas thanks Putin for his support as it releases Russian hostage

Story by Our Foreign Staff  • 

1w[eek ago]

Hamas thanked Vladimir Putin for his support for the “Palestinian cause” as the terror group released a Russian hostage from the Gaza Strip on Sunday afternoon.

It said its release of a Russian citizen from the war-ravaged territory was made in appreciation of the position taken by Moscow’s position on the conflict with Israel.

Salvini and the Catholic church behind him, are thinking to fool good showing an apparent support to Israel. They hope to not anger God against them, but God knows their true heart. 

That "blue" of Salvini reminds me of the revelations of Alberto Romero Rivera:

Above image - page 24, a detail, from the third part of the Alberto series, Chick Publications

Is Mr Salvini talking about a "blue" wave or force as a reminder of the Vatican Blue Army? But the staunch support of Russia by Salvini prompted in my mind another historical detail of the WW2, which leads to the Catho-Orthodox empire restoration, the Vatican dream to ABSORBE several dozens of millions (200 millions) of Orthodox folks of Eurasia, to build the most large religious army of the world.

During WW2 in Slovenia the White Guard of CATHOLIC Slovenian supporters of Nazifascist forces were helped by the BLUE GUARD of ORTHODOX Serbian supporters of the same Nazifascist forces (Chetniks). 

A religious alliance between the church of Rome and the church of Moscow, is this what Salvini with his BLUE wave is alluding?

Above image - the "Plavogardisti", the Blue Guard boys from Orthodox Serbia, in Slovenia. They fought side by side with CATHOLIC White Guard

Well, we end here. Whatever the truth, the Roman Catholic church is known as the Harlot. An harlot joins with many 'husbands' and we see here the political attempts of Rome to find as much allies in the world, with the aim to subdue them in a future:

3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


Since Jesus Christ our Lord departed from this world to become our High Priest in heaven, the Devil has worked in order to create a world front to oppose His coming back on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. God knows, and for this reason He is allowing the Devil to build his world empire, on which he will rule directly the world when will possess the body of a particular person, known as "the Antichrist". 

 When Jesus will come back He wants to fight the evilness at the extreme development and power. God will demonstrate to be God when He will destroy the maximum wickedness ever seen in the world. He let Satan to increase in power because God wants to be sure and clear that no matter how much wickedness and evilness increases, He is the true sovereign Lord and He will destroy the evilness no matter how powerful.

As a born again Christian I await the Rapture before the Tribulation. I believe my God and my Saviour Jesus Christ will come back on earth to pick me up in heaven. He separated my soul from this world with His precious blood and He will never repent:

Revelation 1:5And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

6And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 

 *   *   *

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Pope asks theologians to help 'de-masculinize' the church | National Catholic Reporter (


".....Asking pardon for speaking plainly, Pope Francis told members of the International Theological Commission that "one of the great sins we have had is 'masculinizing' the church," which also can be seen by the fact that only five of the commission members are women........"

Pope asks theologians to help 'de-masculinize' the church | National Catholic Reporter (

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Video: Alberto Rivera Ex-Jesuit (Must-See)


Don't worry about the 7th D.A. origin of the video, you can yawn at it (7th D.A. are part of this game being an heresy developed to contrast earlier revivals, it is not updated for the days of Rapture and Tribulation/Second Coming).

I believe that Alberto Romero Rivera was sincere (a part some things he said I don't agree but are secondary), and the true reason of his appearing on the scene of Bible believing Christianity come from above.

It seems that God, in to release inside information using this former Jesuit priest, helped the Bible believing (AV 1611) born again Christians in to be aware of the many traps and deceptions which could deceive also them, in to approach the end of the Church Age. 

It is my deep belief that the "New Conspiracy Wave" born with the explosion of Internet (think to all the mainstream theories a-la Alex Jones, Unhived Mind, etc.) is a product of the Harlot and her daughters, elaborated in order to counter the Bible (AV 1611) based conspiracy theories which flourished in the US especially after Dr. Rivera revelations.

(OBSERVATION: Just think to the many disasters in the US in the nineties as consequences of God's wrath against the attempt by US politicians and agencies to force Israel to give away territories in exchange of peace - naturally, after Bible believers exposed hurricanes and earthquakes and stock exchange cracks as God's manifestation of His wrath, the varius agencies immedately used the newly born internet to counter the biblical interpretation with an agnostic, atheist or openly anti-Christian interpretation: think only to "HAAARP and Chemtrail" narratives wich tried to explain the same natural disasters but taking away the Bible from the awareness) 

Then final important point: the Harlot hates the AV 1611, not Russian, European, Asian etc. bibles. There's sufficient material and evidence that expose the Catholic church as obsessed with the 1611 AV (King James), reason for which I don't mention other information you can find it on the web. 

Just keep in mind English as universal language promoted by God and the most important Bible in English, the AV 1611. You didn't have 400 years of evangelization of the world in Russian or Greek language if not for God's will.

Cardinal Martini (Jesuit) was enthroned as head of the United Bible Societies which produces the majority of fakes, perversions, corruptions of the AV 1611.

Above video - Alberto Rivera Ex-Jesuit (Must-See)


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Video: Irrefutable Proof in 60 min: The KJB Superseded Hebrew and Greek


*   *   *

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Larkin & Scofield vs Charles Ryrie (Dallas Theological...): how to trace the origin of perversions in Dispensationalism (video)


"....... I remember in 2013 when on the way to know my future wife in the Philippines, I was reading on a 10 hour long air route, a KJV (Lumen edition, for prisoners or soldiers): Genesis and Exodus. I remember how I was struck by the difference of salvation between the OT and NT, even if I was a pure neophite without the least form of education or learning of the Bible. ...."

Think to this: if in Romans God says that there's nothing that can separate us from Him, why in the Tribulation there's the mark of the Beast able to separate us from Him? Reformed theologians says that the grace of God will enable us to resist the mark, but this is only a trick, a game of words. If God wants us to avoid to take the mark of the Beast, it means the mark of the Beast can affect His salvation - period.

Think also to this. The church is the body of Christ. The body of Christ is the temple of God, the born again Christian as well the whole church are the temple of God. When God will rebuild a physical temple in Jerusalem, will He have two temples on earth - the church and the stony building in Jerusalem? God has only one temple on the earth, or is it in stones in Israel, or in the flesh in the church. Therefore the church will cease to exist at the beginning of the Tribulation, and together with it, also the salvation by grace only. Because grace only, assurance of salvation, eternal security are the same as to say that after receiving the Holy Ghost you are 'baptized' (immersed) in the body (and I mean it as literal body of flesh) of Christ on earth. Can Christ loose a finger, the nose, a leg, an ear, hairs? No. Therefore once you have been incorporated in His body, there's no way you can be separated from Him (except death = you go to heaven).

The body of Christ is the central point to understand how and why God used different way of salvation in different ages:

Above video - History of Revelation's 6 Seals & Revised Christianity | Intermediate Discipleship #116


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

VIDEO: by Brandon Peterson "The 153 Fishes... Utterly Revealed by God ⛵️🐟 {NEW DISCOVERY 2023}"


Above video - by Brandon Peterson "The 153 Fishes... Utterly Revealed by God ⛵️🐟 {NEW DISCOVERY 2023}" URL:

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

An interesting analysis of the Marian temple of Trieste (on the Grisa hill) by the author of Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans -------> [plus a biblical view of the reasons for the linguistic oppression of the Russians of Donetsk by Kyiv government]


понеделник, 14 август 2023 г.

The Temple of Monte Grisa is a temple of Hathor-Sekhmet - part 1

I forgot my blogs for a long time cause very much busy with daily businness - work, family etc.; I didn't notice this interesting post about the temple in my area. I didn't investigate its interior content, I know only (a student told me, literature faculty Trieste university) that a proposed documentary about the origin construction etc. of the temple was shut down by the administration of the university, revealing that this Catholic shrine has much to hide....

(I am Italian by citizenship but of Slovenian origin I believe alive in me and one of the factors the Lord used to bring me out of this cursed world and translate me in the kingdom of His Son (for now only spiritual kingdom, so no-nationalistic defined, waiting for the material coming of Him)).

I noticed few things of this war of which I can express a solid biblical opinion. One is how NATO and the Western world are helping Ukraine but only to survive, to not collapse (you know, no Russian threat, no more sold out of F-35 & HIMARS in East Europe), just in order to coock Russia and make her soft, in order to get a nice transition in the Mother's hands (the Harlot). This is confirmed by something that an alleged Marxist told me about a conference in which the Jesuit pope intervened, in St. Petersburg, where Catholic (papists) of Russia were labelled as "true heirs of the Romanovs" or a similar concept, and doing this the pope of Rome absolutley DIDN'T arise ANY kind of anger by the Russian Orthodoxies, signaling that the end of the schism (1054 AD) is an emotional fact in their hearts. 

Then disputing with this person (in a very friendly and civil way), I was for the 100 nth time opposed by the alleged true legitimate reasons of the invasion of Ukraine, namely the claimed linguistic-ethnic oppression of Russian poeple living in the Ukraine. 

I didn't reply him immediately, and this was the Lord that shut my tongue down. Because I would have replied the usual secular, political, ideological LOST answer that 

1) many accounts of alleged Ukrainian crimes of war had to be proved by facts as Russia today produces a lot of fakes, 

2) that any pretense to bring the alleged Ukrainian crimes of war at the UN has been refused by the same UN and 

3) (the most heinous and trivial kind of answer) that Russia abundantly produced alleged crimes of war in 2014.

Well, this kind of argumentation is the best you can do to make the Devil happy. The Hegelian dialectic has been invented by him (the Devil, not Hegel  :-D  ), and this sort of polemic helps the adversary to enforce the Catho-Orthodox (& Reformed etc.) doctrine that the Kingdom of God already exists, or is in construction, of we are in the Tribulation etc....

In few words, I am NOT to improve the world, showing who is guilty and who is innocent. In the 17th chapter Jesus, my Lord, told that HE DOESN'T PRAY FOR THE WORLD, therefore I don't pray that the world makes justice in Ukraine, ONLY Jesus can do it. The world is also in this moment delivered in the hands of Satan. And for this reason I am on the side of Ukraine. But ONLY for this reason. As Ukraine still let the Christians to freely share the Gospel, but NOT Russia (see below). Therefore I can side with Ukraine even agreeing with Russia with certain blames on Ukraine as pertain the oppression of the linguistic Russian areas of Ukrain. You'll see it now how.

Well, let's go back to Ukraine war. To understand a biblical way to handle this conundrum, and avoid to support one front or another of this worldy conflict, just take an example, what I wrote about other sad, bloody, painful conflicts in Europe, involving the suppression of the ethno and overall LINGUISTIC rights of local populations:


How Satan Turned North Adriatic Regions Against God

"...With the end of WW1 God allowed the flood of the Fascist Assyrian to pour over the Slovenes. The same Slovenian language He allowed to be the teacher of His word among them, and that was - in the 1800s - transformed in a language of national pride, was painfully destroyed.... (.....)

After a bloody century, the Italians of Istria were rooted out by the Red Assyrian, the Marshal Tito. Deuteronomy 8th is doctrinally applied to the nation of Israel, but the spiritual application is universal, especially for the nations which knew the Lord but then they forsook Him...".

Now you know, and is not a mystery, the havoc that the Russian invasion created in Ukraine as pertain Baptist churches. But well BEFORE that, Russia, ORTHODOX "Christian defender" Russia, forced down to the throat of missionaries the Yarovaya law, making an offence punishable by the forces of the power the propagation of the Gospel, and the proselitization, in few words, openly declaring Matthew 28:19-20,Mark 16:15-16 as outlaw:

Mark 16:15

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

King James Version (KJV)

The Yarovaya law ( in the hearts of the Catholic sheep is the secret booty Rome wants from this war. A victimized and softened Russia, whose disgraces are lamented also by Catholics and heathen in the Western world "oppressed by the gays" (and those "evangelicals who harass us with their repentance") is one of the goal Rome wants to bring in Europe to begin to introduce locally (nationalistically) a legislation oppressing the evangelical activity. 

Of course God hates (what??? God is love??? yeah, but read also where it writes God is a consuming fire...) Russia now, which in her nationalistic pride believes that to be a member of a nation means to be "salvation", and suppresses the true word of God (suppresses Jesus). 

(Achtung: Don't think He loves USA. He begun to be angry long time ago. For example see the nearly defeat of the Korean war in time with the issue of the RSV bible, an Alexandrian anti-KJV bible which costed thousands of US military dead and a nearly military defeat of USA).... 

Russians in Ukraine are not allowed a linguistic autonomy? But as pertain myself this is a still compassionate warning that God sends to the average Russian patriot. As the Lord of hosts cut the tongue of the Slovenians before and during WW2 and little later erased the once predominantly Italian tongue and Venetian dialects of the most urbanized centers of Istria (still immediately after WW2), so today God is taking away the mother tongue of the Russians, as they take away His word(s) from Russia....

Don't mess with Him, He is mercyful, compassionate, and slowly to anger, but when you start to go beyond a limit, He will walk against you in fury, even.... (Leviticus, 26°)

16I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

17And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

18And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

D'you have still doubts? Do  you think that God today doesn't deal with the gentile nations? What kind of God or Bible are you???

Russian Orthodoxy, as other forms of Roman "Christianity" (Catholic, Reformed, etc., in a word: hyerarchical pseudo-churches), pretends to be the "new Israel".... Human hystory, in what happened to the Romanist "Christians" (Reforemation, 30 Years War, etc.), is simply what God thinks about this 'doctrine' ("supersessionism", amillenialism, post-millenialism, etc.)....  If you pretend to be the "new Israel", says God, (but you are NOT the new Israel, continues God). you have to accept also the burdens of the "old, dead Israel". 

Czarist Russia was among the most anti-semite nations and based that hatred on the doctrine of the "new Israel"...., God let 'em to know what He thinks about the doctrine of the "new Israel",  allowing the Germans (operation Barbarossa 1941-1945) to implement Leviticus 26:16-18 on 'em, just a taste (think: the same Holocaust was forecasted in the Pentateuch - this is why Russia is psychiatrically obsessed with the Nazis today, dont kid me pls.).

Proverbs 1:7

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

King James Version (KJV)

If you still cling on to the human opinions and ideologies putting your heart on things of this world (nationalism, patriottism etc.) you have not yet the fear of the LORD, but of man. 

*   *   *

Monday, September 4, 2023

Why are you so silly to go back on the old continent


Edoardo Roncelli

13m ago

"What’s on your mind?"

I hope I can freely express it.

In Finland a case against Christians put in doubt the freedom of expression in the Western world. Are we rather becoming like Putin's Russia, only in a specular opposite way? In Finland the Bible was put at the bar for inciting hatred:


I believe that the anti-gay and anti-abortion fronts, as the above mentioned clamorous suppression of the freedom of religious expression, are serving a true religious agenda themselves. As absurd it can appear, Gay pride events could be the "wolf" used by someone to push all the independent Christians of the world inside the sheepfold a "One World Church". You create a threat to force to accept your protection. 

[It continues below]

Edoardo Roncelli

14m ago

[It continues from above]

See the last declarations of the "Vicarious of Christ on earth", pope Francis SJ:

"...Pope Francis, quoting Buddha, urges religious dialogue to fight fundamentalism..."

"Fundamentalism" is the code word for "division", "separation", "independency". Since the American colonies independence from the European powers, Anglicanism and especially Catholicism have hated the American religious independence and tried to work out a way to abolish it.

Now, observe the American mainstream "Fundamentalists", (by someone nicknamed "Christofascist"). Have you ever seen or heard one of them express disdain for the frequent attacks against fundamentalism by the church of Rome?

Besides few independent pastors, the one "who counts" are already spotted sheeps in the sheepfold of Rome.

Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but

rather division:

[AV 1611, King

 James Bible]


Edoardo Roncelli

5m ago


Why the Lord expressed the same concept in two different ways? 

Because He knew that in the future the Devil would have created a single unified false Christian church. 

The "sword" (Matthew 10:34) or wars etc. would have prevented the Devil's church to submit to her all Christians (see the war for independence of the colonies), meanwhile the "division" (Luke 12:51) would have explained that the sword is NOT to be used for the unification, but against it. 

You have here some of the fundamentals of the American independence. Why are you so silly to go back on the old continent to find there a replacement for them?? 


Saturday, June 10, 2023

The twelves apostles minus Judas



"......Ukraine Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said they had learned from public statements by the Hungarian side that Russia has handed over 11 Ukrainians of Hungarian origin to Budapest.

While the release of Ukrainian prisoners of war "is always good news," Kyiv has not been informed about the negotiations between the Hungarian and Russian sides, Nikolenko said......"

The Jesuits' plan to Catholicize China & get rid of the Chinese "protestants"


"....Many pray that the pope increasingly uses his moral voice to assert the freedoms of religion, association and speech so cavalierly crushed by Xi’s communist regime...."

Is this the masterwork of the Jesuits? 

Read that article and think: are Jesuits trying to make the Catholic church the true oppressed church in China, not only by the Communists, but also by the Protestants grouped in the Communist Three Self church approved by the regime. The trick plays this way:

Meanwhile you throw one or two popish bishops in the Communist meat grinder, your controlled world media (see above article) is exposing the work of compromise of the Protestant churches which accept the "sinicization" inside their congregation, in order to present the Chinese not-Catholic churches as opportunistically using the regime in order to eliminate the Catholic competitor. 

In this way the "sinicization" can be presented by Satan and his Jesuits not as an infiltration of the Marxists inside the "Protestants", but the opposite, as a sort of infiltration of the Communist regime by the "devilish Protestants" who then will use it to destroy our "holy mother apostolic church of Rome".

Read the words of the the Jesuit soldier of the Devil in Vatican:

"...His words at the general audience may be slight, but many people hope they mark a reassessment of the failed policy of accommodation with the CCP. How the Vatican thought a belief system based on the inherent dignity and liberty of the individual could be compatible with one in which the individual is a mere instrument of the one-party state has confounded observers of this saga...."

FAILED policy. 

First they imitate the behaviour of the enemy, then they "repent" meanwhile the "protestant" enemy is presented as a greedy covetous heretic disposed to sell Jesus to the children-eating Communists ("sinicization") in order to get in exchange the secular power with which to destroy "holy mother church".

Meanwhile in the USA Catholic CIA & Army together with a Catholic White House are preparing the military demise of both Chinese Communists as well Chinese "Protestants".

I am a nullity, less than zero, yet God uses a nullity to warn the children of Satan, the fleshy ruler of darkness, the Jesuits (the ruler of darkness are spirits, this is why I put 'fleshy' as distinction). As the evil spirits are not telling to the Jesuits that God sees and knows all, God provides a nullity (myself, plus someone elso I don't want to name cause I don't want to offend him eventually, but he's a blogger...) to warn them that God knows and will act properly with a dustification of their plans. 

 God loves to blow apart the works of the Devil so the Jesuits, the happy bricklayers of him, are warned:

Job 5:13 He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.

Monday, May 15, 2023

These "new scientists" make me sick


Above image - in the second heaven (interstellar/ intergalactic space) there's plenty of creatures, namely fallen angels, unclean spirits, devils; but you will never find intelligent biological form of life. God created the universe to be inhabited by His most beloved creature, man. You have just to wait the end of  history and the White Throne Judgement, and you will see Jews and the saved nations to populate endlessly the universe (Isaiah 9:7, "of the increase of his government..."). 

"....Chaotically shifting planets could be a sign of advanced aliens

Simulations show planets that jockey for position around their star and appear to bounce off each other could survive in stable configurations - but it is unclear if they could occur naturally

By Alex Wilkins

12 May 2023 - Planets that orbit at very similar distances from their stars could jockey for position while still remaining in a broadly stable configuration for billions of years – long enough to be spotted by astronomers. Such star systems might be so unlikely that they could only be created artificially, by advanced alien civilisations.

Most planets have their orbits to themselves, but orbital mechanics allows for worlds to be close enough to effectively share an orbit, forcing them into a helter-skelter dance where they …....."

Taken (with pincers & gloves) from:

These evolutionists are such a liars that they deny facts in order to build monuments to their father, with the dirt of their imagination. Their hatred to God compels them to deny the most clear evidence of Creation. They admit that things cannot come out naturally, yet in order to anyway blaspheme God, they refuse to call Him "God", and represent Him as a created being:

Romans 1:20-23 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Romans 3:12-18 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:

Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:

Their feet are swift to shed blood:

Destruction and misery are in their ways:

And the way of peace have they not known:

There is no fear of God before their eyes.


Friday, May 12, 2023

May, 11th (Kiss the Son, NOT His mom)



Ukrainian president expected to meet pope on Saturday

By REUTERS Published: MAY 11, 2023 21:39


UK sending long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine, says defence minister

Britain donating arms capable of striking targets in occupied Crimea as Kyiv prepares counteroffensive against Russia

Dan Sabbagh and Luke Harding in Mykolaiv

Thu 11 May 2023 14.19 EDT


May 11, 330: Byzantium renamed Constantinople and assigned as the new capital of the Eastern Roman Empire



Above image - the Kerch bridge is the first target of the Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Until now Ukraine was denied of any weapon with such an operative range

THE KERCH "BRIDGE": true reason of why just now, 11th May, to announce its possible destruction (Storm Shadow)

This is highly symbolic, a Jesuit-masonic allegory.... The pope of Rome is the "builder of bridges", aka "pontifex" in LATIN.... The Kerch Bridge is an allegory of "another" builder of bridges, a Slavonic Orthodox one.... The pope of Rome is a jealous pope, he cannot stand another competitor... Only Rome has to be the "builder" of bridges between people, nations, sects, cults, etc....

This is the ALLEGORY and the essence of the tragic-farcical bloody theater of the Russo-Ukrainian war.... With a lot of unaware spectators shacking their bowels in the feelings commanded by the Roman emperor (the white guy in Rome)....

"...Again, the term "Pontiff," referring to the pope, means a bridge builder. It comes from pagan Rome, where the emperor, as the high priest of the heathen religion, was called "Pontifex Maximus." The title was lifted from paganism and applied to the head of the Roman Catholic church. Thus the pope claims to be the mediator between God and men, in flat contradiction to 1 Timothy 2:5. He claims to be the head, whereas Christ is clearly given this position in Colossians 2:9 and 1:18.

".....Regardless, which ever way it plays out, it [Storm Shadow cruise missile] is very bad news for Russia....."

Bad news come out on 11th May:

[check my previous comments]

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

STORM SHADOW cruise missile:

QUOTE: Operational range

Over 300 nmi (560 km; 350 mi) Lo-Lo profile [4][5][N 1][6]   Export version: over 135 nmi (250 km; 155 mi)[7] [Wikipedia on Storm Shadow] END OF QUOTE

Interestingly, A.D. 330, the year of the birth of imperial Eurasian Catholic church, is in the range of the Storm Shadow's range (not export version)....

Besides, Storm Shadow can be rendered in the acronym "SS", which is not only a (naive) remainder for "Schutz Staffeln", but both are LATIN acronym for "sanctissimus":

"....SS stands (as usual in Christian contexts) for sanctissimus, -a, -um, in this case sanctissimae:

To the principal lecturer of the most holy theology ...

Sharem Improve this answer

Follown aswered Apr 7 at 20:45 Sebastian Koppehel's user avatar"

"...In ancient Roman religion, Roma was a female deity who personified the city of Rome and more broadly, the Roman state.[1] She was created and promoted to represent and propagate certain of Rome's ideas about itself, and to justify its rule... (.....)... 

 Roma stands dominant, over piled weapons that represent her conquests, and promising protection to the obedient. Her "Amazonian" iconography shows her "manly virtue" (virtus) as fierce mother of a warrior race, augmenting rather than replacing local goddesses.... (....)...

She survived into the Christian period as a personification of the Roman state. Her depiction seated with a shield and spear later influenced that of Britannia, personification of Britain".,and%20to%20justify%20its%20rule.

Above image - original caption: "Roma in the Piazza del Campidoglio; adapted from a statue of Minerva by the addition of weapons, in the modern era'.

See again a quote from a linked news article above:

Britain donating arms capable of striking targets in occupied Crimea as Kyiv prepares counteroffensive against Russia (11th May)


"...She (goddess Roma) survived into the Christian period as a personification of the Roman state. Her depiction seated with a shield and spear later influenced that of Britannia, personification of Britain..." [Wikipedia]

Above image - Britannia, goddess protector of Great Britain 

Notice, secular powers, empires, etc., are given in Satan's hands as consequence of the curse, see Luke 4:5-6:

Luke 4:5-6 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

But it is God the one to decide what Satan is allowed to do or not to do with such worldly power in his hands:

Job 1:12 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.

In the case of British and U.S. empires, you can perceive as historical fact the presence of both spirits in them, the Spirit of Christ and the one of the Devil.

Above images - Putin & SJ Francis the pope kissing Roma ("holy Mary") icon???...  (Event happened just a week before Maidan square riots, November 2013)

The November of this year we'll have exactly TEN years (10 = number of the Gentile & of judgement) from those BLASPHEMOUS kisses at the feet of Roma:

Psalms 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Kiss the Son, NOT His mom... Of course, this is messianic, the Gentile's monarchs and heads of state will have to kiss the physical feet of the King of kings when He'll be seated on His throne in Jerusalem.

From Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans:

събота, 12 ноември 2022 г.

Putin is Apep/Apophis/"Jesus", part 2 - CASE CLOSED

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Russian yacht and the Marian temple (Eph 5:11 & Col 1:16)

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Sunday, April 16, 2023

Other lines from the city of Trieste


See related to the previous post:

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Other evidences of a pre-planned war in Ukraine, and especially of what it seems a betrayal of the West to Ukraine (don't worry, all in line with Rev 13:3)

Monday, April 16, 2012

13° 48' 15'' - 13° 24' [from Trieste to the sands of the mark of Brandenburg]

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Other evidences of a pre-planned war in Ukraine, and especially of what it seems a betrayal of the West to Ukraine (don't worry, all in line with Rev 13:3)


The battlefield situation in Ukraine is stationary. At the beginning of the war an over emphasis was thrown in the media about a supposed fragility of the Russian regime of Putin. After more than one year, it seems that all those expectations are to be refuted one by one. 

Personally, it seems to me that this was a calculated deception. Mixing with it a true occult BETRAYAL by NATO members, which could have delivered larger quantities and more effective weapons to Ukraine, without to satisfy the Kremlin threat of a nuclear tactical answer on the field (more HIMARS, Abrahams tanks, F-16, -18, -15 birds, even Typhoons and Gripens, and especially an effort to train many military of Ukraine on advanced Western weapons, without to deliver them in their hands, but to use such highly trained military personnel as a threat to Russia to force Putin on a peace talks table). 

The outcome, and I don't want to make out of it a fact, could be a psichological effect on the Western average citizen. The delusion for the scarce effectivity of all the efforts of the Western world to support Ukraine, could backfire against NATO.

Well, what do I see is a plain occult programming of a war which has the goal to present Russia anyway as a "victim" of "arrogant" N.A.T.O., and to join this common sentiment in the Western societies, together with the rebellious attitude against the Western governments, every day seen the more as puppets of "conspiratorial forces". 

The Whore, Rome, needs of the last remain of the Bizantine empire, Russia, as an useful character in whom the average Western citizen can easily empathize thanks to a very simple but effective similarity: "the same cabal which tries to prolong my working age and cut my salary, is now trying to destroy Russia, the only country which today stands firm against the globalists".

It nearly doesn't need to mention that the greatest beneficiary, the Catholic church, is also beneficiary of the most extreme sexually perverted policy in the West. Liberalization of sodomy, adultery, pederasty are liberalization of sins which are a natural fundamental component of the Catholicism.

But LGBTQ are a symptom, not the true disease. They are the opportunistic virus that infect a body with nearly zero immune system. The Western world especially Anglo-Saxon America, was the fulfillment of a prophecy:

Genesis 9:27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.  (AV 1611)

The same Bible says that the preeminence of America will cease. Indeed the West is in the description of the following verse:

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

As "pride goeth before destruction", the pride of apostasy is destroying the West. 

The betrayal of Israel and of the AV 1611, are the true causes for the decadence of the Anglo-Saxon world empire. The adoption of perverted, corrupted Vatican manuscripts as biblical text, caused the immediate start of the decadence of the British empire - not the "LGBTQ". The Britain of those times was full of sexual perversion, sodomy etc., but only when that abomination entered in the manipulation of the AV 1611, the falling away begun for real; Westcott & Vaughan, involved in the project of revision of the AV 1611, were two pederasts and sodomites of the Arrow School. 

The turning of the tide for the greatness of the British empire starts precisely in the same year when Westcott & Hort begun their successful project to replace the text of the KJV with the Catholic text of Sinaiticus & Vaticanus: 1871. 

As answer we had the apology of the Textus Receptus underlying the AV 1611's New Testament, also called "Bizantine text". But the Lord, to warn man that His words are in the AV 1611, not in other texts, didn't bless the Orthodox nations using bibles with the same text of the KJV as base of their translations. 

 Why? But every bible, whatever perverted translation, explains it to you: the Textus Receptus/Bizantine text, stands to the AV 1611, like the messenger, John the Baptist, stood to the true Light, Jesus. You cannot worship John and discard Jesus without to suffer damnation.

From these world events and their occult geometries it starts to appear the fulfillment of the words of God, as in Psalm 2:

Psalms 2:1-3 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

As they refuse the bands and cords of God, they build theirs. But they'll be brought in front of the White Throne by their the same bands and cords:

Revelation 20:11-12 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

The bands and cords are the works of their hands and mind in which they trusted. But everyone builds the proper cords and bands to tie himself to the altar of the proper mind:

Proverbs 3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

If you want that God recognizes your works, you need to deny all the wonderful geometries of your mind, and to ask for the blood of Jesus to wash your soul (Rom 3:25, Rev 1:5)  from not only the lust of the flesh and of the eyes, but also from the pride of the mind:

1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

I told you already: God allows all these kind of evil deeds also to tell you that, as you and them have the same right of existence in this world, that you are not better than them, than Rotschild, than Soros, than Bill Gates, than the Black pope, than Albert Pike, and on and on. Forgot already Luke 13:1-5?

The only difference is that you have been washed in the blood (at least I hope so for you), they not.

When you watch these perfect lines, and their connection with the darkness of this world, think this: you were only another angle of them, another piece of their perfect lines, another point of their drawings, and if it were not for the blood of Jesus, you were destined to be burned together with them.  If you trusted Jesus as personal saviour, you are tied by other bands & cords, which come from heaven and no human hand can cut asunder.

*   *   *

Where is pointing the straight line "st. Just cathedral --- seized Russian yacht"?

Follow the line:

Above image - in boldened red lines the squared triangle "Russian yacht - Mary's temple - st. Just cathedral". Mary's temple in the middle of the upper green coastline, the cathedral in the middle of the urban area of the city; now follow the continuation of the triangle's cathethus "cathedral-yacht" in the below following images. 

Above image - this is from a larger map, is a screenshot of the same area of the above image, taken from a zoomed detail of the final picture where the mystery is solved. I did this way, because it is important that the inclination of the line passing by the cathedral & Russian yacht has to be the same one of the following image. I think that even an empirical visual verification can confirm that the angles and geometry of such particular figures are not random, but the application of an (evil) intelligent design.

Above image - the line passing/starting from the st. Just/san Giusto cathedral of Trieste and passing by the Russian yacht, is pointing straight to the:
"....Aviano Air Base (IATA: AVB, ICAO: LIPA) (Italian: Base aerea di Aviano) is a base in northeastern Italy, in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. It is located in the Aviano municipality, at the foot of the Carnic Pre-Alps or Southern Carnic Alps, about 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) from Pordenone....(....).....The Italian Air Force has ownership, and administrative and military control of the base.[1] It hosts the U.S. Air Force's 31st Fighter Wing and is believed to host nuclear weapons.[4]" [Wikipedia]

Tuesday, January 24, 2023
The Russian yacht and the Marian temple (Eph 5:11 & Col 1:16)

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Many people will die in this war. No matter on which side or nationality or ethnic. Russian, Ukrainian, etc. When you are dead its done. You cannot go back and restart. You can face eternity in Hell. After 5 millions of year of roasting in Hell you'll realize that Ukraine or Russia will no more matter.... Are you ready now to die? Do you know where you'll go after your death? There's only a way to know. This one: Repent and admit who you are, that you deserve to burn in Hell forever because your good works, your good intentions, your self righteousness will never make you clean in order to be admitted in the presence of God. Trust ONLY the work of Jesus on the cross, the shedding of His blood, His death and resurrection, only this is able to clean you from your sinful nature and make you a children adopted by the Father. If you believe and confess all this to God the Father you are done. You are sealed for heaven for eternity and NOTHING in this world, no things of the past, present of future, can separate you from your salvation and from the love of the Lord. Romans 3:10, 25; Acts 17:30; Romans 10:9-10, 13; Titus 3:5; Ephesians 2:8-9; Isaiah 64:6; (AV 1611)

Friday, April 14, 2023

The queen of heaven of Jeremiah 7 and 44 is the SAME one of today's Catho-Orthodox religion

 > Edited: see link to Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans blog at the bottom.

Above image - screenshot of the page at the URL:
Notice the "mystery of the rosary", a despicable imitation of the Seven Mysteries of Christ given by the risen Lord to Paul. The counterfeit Jesus is crowning his mom as "queen of heaven", imitating Jewish human traditions. But Catholicism is a continuation of rigid Jewish priesthood, with a Christian face and with pagan, gnostic & masonic blood in its vein, where gentiles replace Israel and the restoration of Israel in the OT are "spiritualized" as promises to the church.

From the below verses we understand the hate of the Lord for the worship of the goddess named "the queen of heaven":

Jeremiah 7:17-19 Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?

Jeremiah 44:3-4 Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers.
Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate.

Catholicism tries to justify the adoration of this devil (in the Bizantine churches known as theotokos, mother of God) claiming that Jesus, being the King, must have a "queen mother" as the mortal kings of Israel had, see for example the queen mother of Solomon. 

But this seems to be rather a parasitical, opportunistic attempt to twist the Scripture in order to bend them to the worldly order. If the kings of Israel & Judah had a mother, why not to imagine ("...every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually") a "queen mother" for Jesus??...

No sooner said than done. 

As it is impossible to sit at two different tables at the same time (1 Cor 10:21), they believed to be clever enough unifying both tables in one. They took the OT queen of heaven and put her to sit around the same table together with the Lord. "See??... Even the Lord recognizes her as a part of the godhead!".  But you cannot claim it to be a new things. This abominable joining of tables in particular is what the Lord hates the most, and His anger witnessed by the Bible clearly testifies that the NT queen is the same of the OT:

Jeremiah 44:26  Therefore hear ye the word of the LORD, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by my great name, saith the LORD, that my name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, The Lord GOD liveth.

From this verse we can untwist the  deception of Catholicism in its pretence the queen of heaven to be mom of Jesus. As the today's popish queen is believed to sit on the same heavenly throne together with the godhead, at the same guise did the heavenly queen of the Old Testament. The indisputable proof comes from the strict cohabitation of the old queen together with the name of the Lord in the same mouths of those Jews escaped to Egypt, as Jeremiah 44:26 definitively demonstrates. 

If they shared the same mouths and hearts on earth, they shared the same heavenly throne in their religion.

Being impossible to expel the devilish queen usurper of the throne from heaven (for the simple reason that there is no queen mother in heaven except by the imagination of man), the Lord, anticipating the future total separation of 1 Corinthians 10:21, expelled Himself from the slobbering throne of those Jewish apostate mouths, leaving there alone the queen, sitting upon human vocal cords at the table of their brain:

"...that my name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, The Lord GOD liveth".

There's no other reason to ban the name of the Lord from those mouths, than to keep it clean from other names, namely "the queen of heaven". Those Jews were forcing the cohabitation of the devilish goddess with the true living God, and the only reason was to justify the worship of the "queen" with the name of the Lord, exactly as it happens today in the Catho-Orthodox religion.

As we are in the same anatomical area, we can also perceive another famous verse here, which will inspire Mark 7:6...

Isaiah 29:13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

Conclusion: we can be as sure that Jesus has a queen mother in heaven as much we can be sure that Lucifer is the spiritual brother of Jesus just because Mormons and the Watchtower tell us so. But then why to limit to mothers and brothers? Why not sisters, cousins, uncles and aunts of Jesus? All of them "of heaven", of course!

There're plenty of hierarchies of devils and families of unclean spirits waiting to be employed by the Devil.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Il tempio Mariano di monte Grisa a Trieste e Geremia 44:16-17, Efesini 5:11

Edited: very intriguing "usual" Egyptian gnostic connections in the new post at Jesus-partisans-on-the-balkans blog. I didn't read this post yet before finishing it, and didn't know about its core, astoundingly around the same matter of the present post:

"...Neith was the male-female creator and represented the flow of time, matter. She was called the Queen of Heaven in the same fashion as Isis, and represented wisdom....(...)....So one way for her to "enter" is to make her a part of the trinity. Well, that already has been done in Pentecostalism and liberal theology where the Holy Spirit has been described as feminine. Which makes God one third woman. It is curious that there is a strand of theology in Roman Catholicism that admits Mary as part of the godhead. But even within broader RCC thought one can't escape the thought that Mary is elevated to godhood and made a representative of the Holy Spirit. A poll taken at a parish in Ireland showed that the majority of catholics think Mary should be considered a part of the trinity. The only divine work she has not been fully admitted yet is redemption. For now, she is 'only' the house of the trinity, a dispenser or vessel of grace. But with the fifth dogma, she will be elevated as co-redemptrix etc... a title only applicable to Jesus, the God and Savior."

понеделник, 10 април 2023 г.
One third more or less (wedging in the Trinity)

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Saturday, March 25, 2023

“Catholicization of public morality.”


The take over of America is nearly complete. It must happen in order to fulfill Revelation 17 and 18. When the final Antichrist will reign, he will do that with a planet under the religious control of the Whore, the city on seven mountains, Rome:

"......Over the last few decades, there has been a dramatic “Catholicization of public morality.” Religion scholar Megan Goodwin introduced this phrase in her book Abusing Religion: Literary Persecution, Sex Scandals, and American Minority Religions to describe the adoption of historically Catholic positions on matters like abortion, as well as conservative evangelicals’ increasing willingness to support Catholic politicians whose religion they privately disparage. If DeSantis has benefitted from this process, he is also accelerating it....."

Abortion, LGBTQ, are the fronts of the Catholic infiltration in not Catholic Christian churches. Especially the anti-Abortion front. The Catholic church doesn't believe a child who dies goes in heaven, therefore the extreme importance to the anti-abortion stance when Catholicism is confronting not-Catholics as happens in the states. The Catholic anti-abortion ideology is an implicit jaccuse against the Baptists, who are blamed to help abortions because, believing that a child is saved without any kind of baptism, they are in this way allowing abortions with the excuse that the foetus doesn't need infant baptism to go to heaven, and therefore doesn't need to be born in order to be saved.

From here it descend that also the capital punishment is a no-no for the same anti-Baptist front. A man must be kept alive as long is possible, in order he could get the required amount of "good works" necessary to be weighed in the divine balances against his "bad works" in a successful way. Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS) is an horror in the eyes of the Catholic priests.

(But also the opposite. Ever been in a Catholic funeral, where the diacon or priest absolve in the speech the dead of any kind of sin calling him "dear brother" or "dear sister"?)

Conclusion: I believe that the next president will be the Catholic Ron DeSantis of Florida. The title of the article from which I took that excerpt says:

Audrey Clare Farley


January 30, 2023


Ron DeSantis and His Christian Crusaders Are Stealing Trump’s Religious Thunder

As the former president loses his edge with evangelicals, the man who might replace him is cashing in on the resurgence of right-wing Catholicism.

It remains to me to say only one thing: what do you pretend to receive, when you go in bed with a whore??...

1And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:


9And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

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Monday, March 6, 2023

Evidence about the Whore (Rome) using the anti-Christian regime in China for her benefit


Above image - the Jesuit pope with another useful "bad guy": how many not-Catholic churches have been disbanded from Ukraine thanks the war? Especially Baptist churches...

The public declarations of pope Francis SJ are only a facade hiding the true plan of the Whore: to fornicate with the Communists of China in order to use them as a sword to sweep away NOT submitted to Rome Christian churches. Being Catholics in Marxist China in minority respect the other Christian denomination, even if the persecution in China would erase the Catholic church, at least she could start again in a condition of parity with the "Protestants".

It is like a runner of a race who, being clearly a looser,  interrupts the race with an alibi (for example a friend throwing bottles in the path of the race). The race can start again but he is again at the same line with competitors and now has some chances to win.

Taken from:

"...Unbelievably, a tiny but vocal minority of American Catholic conservatives praise China and have been disturbingly silent on their persecution. They belong to a school of thought known by various names, the best known of which is integralism. That label has been used before: by fascists and other autocratic movements in 20th-century Europe that wanted to subordinate their national politics to the spiritual authority of the Catholic Church (or, at least, their understanding of it). Alarmingly, this revived American version of Catholic integralism is attracting the interest of some young orthodox Catholics. 

A handful of experts in political thought are trying to bring them back to clear thinking. In a commentary piece for The Washington Post, for example, University of Texas professor Justin Dyer observes that integralism is a “reaction to the illiberalism of the far left. As a political vision, it is monumentally imprudent.” 

Among the problems Dyer identifies are the very characteristics celebrated by its chief proponents — a return of confessional states, religion-based citizenship, and enforced orthodoxy. According to James Patterson, professor at Ave Maria University and scholar at the Catholic University of America’s Institute for Human Ecology, “neo-integralists,” as he calls them, “openly admire authoritarian regimes.” They have “embraced leaders of European parties with historical ties to fascism and contemporary ties to Russia’s government” — and some of them are mysteriously well disposed to the government of China, which is engaged in the largest-scale persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the world today. 

But then Beijing has its admirers in the Vatican, too. In 2018, Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, the Argentinian prelate who was then chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, announced: “Right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese.” Sordono astonishingly claimed that the Chinese government was “defending the dignity of the person” in its pursuit of “the common good.”...".