Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Larkin & Scofield vs Charles Ryrie (Dallas Theological...): how to trace the origin of perversions in Dispensationalism (video)


"....... I remember in 2013 when on the way to know my future wife in the Philippines, I was reading on a 10 hour long air route, a KJV (Lumen edition, for prisoners or soldiers): Genesis and Exodus. I remember how I was struck by the difference of salvation between the OT and NT, even if I was a pure neophite without the least form of education or learning of the Bible. ...."

Think to this: if in Romans God says that there's nothing that can separate us from Him, why in the Tribulation there's the mark of the Beast able to separate us from Him? Reformed theologians says that the grace of God will enable us to resist the mark, but this is only a trick, a game of words. If God wants us to avoid to take the mark of the Beast, it means the mark of the Beast can affect His salvation - period.

Think also to this. The church is the body of Christ. The body of Christ is the temple of God, the born again Christian as well the whole church are the temple of God. When God will rebuild a physical temple in Jerusalem, will He have two temples on earth - the church and the stony building in Jerusalem? God has only one temple on the earth, or is it in stones in Israel, or in the flesh in the church. Therefore the church will cease to exist at the beginning of the Tribulation, and together with it, also the salvation by grace only. Because grace only, assurance of salvation, eternal security are the same as to say that after receiving the Holy Ghost you are 'baptized' (immersed) in the body (and I mean it as literal body of flesh) of Christ on earth. Can Christ loose a finger, the nose, a leg, an ear, hairs? No. Therefore once you have been incorporated in His body, there's no way you can be separated from Him (except death = you go to heaven).

The body of Christ is the central point to understand how and why God used different way of salvation in different ages:

Above video - History of Revelation's 6 Seals & Revised Christianity | Intermediate Discipleship #116


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

VIDEO: by Brandon Peterson "The 153 Fishes... Utterly Revealed by God ⛵️๐ŸŸ {NEW DISCOVERY 2023}"


Above video - by Brandon Peterson "The 153 Fishes... Utterly Revealed by God ⛵️๐ŸŸ {NEW DISCOVERY 2023}" URL: