....anti-globalists, nationalists, neo-fascists from the right; pro-abortionists, liberals, pro-LGBT etc. from left, both marching divided on the sexual issue, but targeting with the same violence Bible believers all around the world. BUT don't think this is a "sign of the End Time". This is the daily work of Devil, a work which intensified after the resurrection of Jesus. Don't fall in the trap to interpret the today's or past events as fulfillment of Bible prophecies. This is the goal of the Devil, who wants people to relax from the immanency of His second coming. The king may come in any moment in the last 2,000 years. To historicize the prophecies is a way to defuse immanency.
Demographic impact of Christian Missionaries: India needs the equivalent of Russia’s Yarovaya law
It would be appropriate if the Government of India recognized forced and deceptive religious conversions as a real social issue and brought laws banning proselytizing similar to the parts of Yarovaya law in Russia.
Shashank Goyal
June 15, 2019
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Friday, June 7, 2019
Is China the rod of God to correct the Christian hypocrite of the Western world?
Above image - a collage present on many posts in Avles Beluskes Exposed with China as tag.
About nine or eight years ago I was writing in my ABE blog about the "Jesuitical" expansion of Red China in Africa. At the time I was spiritually not much far away from the spiritual awareness of the most influent world leader of the s.c. "International Right", of which Trump in USA and Salvini in Europe are today the most spoken exponents.
Nearly ten years of hard spiritual trials in my life turned me to seriously take in consideration the word of God and the fact that I am in danger of eternal damnation. That brought me to a completely different view of the same geo-political facts. No more an hallucinated theater filled with many dark conspirations by human power groups. Only one cospiration, the one of Satan. And only one sovereign power, the one of God, my God and redeemer, Jesus the Messiah.
Instead of secret groups of power, I can see now only poor men shacked by a thin sensation from their sinful hearts, about the presence of God and about the very dangerous consequences of their actions leading them straight to Hell. Their mind, not yet changed by Jesus, refuses to understand what's going on. They are the today's Pharaoh, the one of Exodus 9:16, whom God raised up to show in him His power, to all the world.
Many right wing oriented Christians, be they Catholic, Orthodox, fundamentalist Baptist, even KJV-onlyst, and on and on, believe that God is now 'going to correct' the world for the sin of Sodomy and abortion, so widespread in the Western world. But is this the true biblical lecture of these facts?
How could an average Christian 'born-again' bear the cross of Christ, when he or she believes that mr Trump has been sent by God, to protect the "greatest Christian nation of the world", rising up walls against the most poor population of the South America? With the aim to "restore America again", to fight abortion meanwhile leaving maybe millions of children to the euthanasia of the poverty?
Hypocrites usually read the lesson from the facts of the world in a reverse way. Maybe the Sodomy and abortion is not a sort of 'trial' for the "good, biblical" Christian in the western world, but the opposite, a consequence of his hypocrisy. "And I'll bereave you of children" said God in Jeremiah ch. 15, to the religious hypocrites who followed other gods and offered their children to them in sacrifice. Maybe God is trying to awake some Western Christians from their coldness in front of the continue sacrifice of millions of children on the economic altar of the geo-political economy. It is not a case that the NT contains no open direct remark about abortion, but rather on the question of the poverty and of the vulnerability of the childhood. Communists wants to erase poverty because they know it could lead to a spiritual awakening. Like Communists, Christians too erase it, keeping it away from their daily missionary work and under the carpet of the doctrinal purity. I realized that the book of Job is not welcomed in the Western world of Christians: if the tarbernacle of the robbers prosper (Job ch. 12) , could it be that the prosperity of the greatest Christian nations in the world is due not to their much acclaimed righteousness,but to something else, as the prosperity of the most atheist and anti-God country in the world, Communist China, every day show it in their eyes???
I suspect that it is not a case that now a sort of silence fell down on the Venezuelan question. It is my thought, that mr Trump let fail the attempt to overthrow Maduro in order to have a stronger Russian presence in Venezuela. I know that the Russian are controlling the export of the Venezuelan oil. And that they will not leave it in the hands of Chinese. Because the Chinese are the true scary monster. Their atheism, I believe, is a sort of Assyria or Babylon at the eyes of the two today's hypocrite Israel, the Northern Kingdom of Russia, and the Southern Kingdom of USA and their religious zealotry. The Russian are full of the nationalistic pride and believe this is their righeousness approved by God. Americans, being richer, believe that their pride in their wealth and advanced nation is the sign of God's approval of their righteousness. Both could be deeply, deeply wrong, because once again, China, the atheist, materialist, anti-God China is too a very strong nation, and day after day richer. China is everything except to be a Christian nation. How did God say to the stiffnecked people? "It is not for righteousness that I have given you this land, but for the wickedness of these nations" (Deuteronomy ch. 9). It seems that many Christians of Russia and America have not awareness of the word of God.
In Africa it is happening a very interesting fact: the Chinese are every day more present. Increasing financial, economical and cultural collaboration with many African countries. But all starts from Europe.
As happens there's a reason for which God raises His pharaohs here and there in the world. God raised that pharaoh in order to show His divine power when the Egyptian army and the whole country were put on their knees. And to complete the formation of His people. In the furnace of oppression God shapes His people.
The Italian soon-to-be Pharaoh, Matteo Salvini, is not an exception. He works in order to transform Italy in an Egypt for many people. First the immigrates. Then maybe the ones who will not accept his belief that God elected the Europe of white, Arian, Caucasian people as "His nation". But at the moment he is the champion of the warriors against the immigration from Africa. He ordered to close the ports and harbors to not allow rescue boats to land Africans on the continent. He wants to introduce an heavy fine for everyone who will save an immigrant in the Mediterranean sea and will put it in safe in the Italian territory. Practically mr Salvini wants to persecute the rescue service of many ONG boats. Talk about 5,000 Euro of fine you have to pay for every African you rescue from the shipwrecked rubber boats in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.
As happens there's a reason for which God raises His pharaohs here and there in the world. God raised that pharaoh in order to show His divine power when the Egyptian army and the whole country were put on their knees. And to complete the formation of His people. In the furnace of oppression God shapes His people.
The Italian soon-to-be Pharaoh, Matteo Salvini, is not an exception. He works in order to transform Italy in an Egypt for many people. First the immigrates. Then maybe the ones who will not accept his belief that God elected the Europe of white, Arian, Caucasian people as "His nation". But at the moment he is the champion of the warriors against the immigration from Africa. He ordered to close the ports and harbors to not allow rescue boats to land Africans on the continent. He wants to introduce an heavy fine for everyone who will save an immigrant in the Mediterranean sea and will put it in safe in the Italian territory. Practically mr Salvini wants to persecute the rescue service of many ONG boats. Talk about 5,000 Euro of fine you have to pay for every African you rescue from the shipwrecked rubber boats in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.
Salvini is directly backed by more than one third of Italians. And many others support his "war on African shipwrecked people". Therefore Africans are despised and not wanted in Italy. Salvini wants to introduce a system of awards and punishment for the African countries, depending on their will to stop the immigration or not, in Europe.
If the European Christians despise them, African people have no other alternative than to go today in the hands of the atheist Chinese. Chinese are welcomed by the desperate wretched of the Black Continent. They don't feel despised, repelled, harrassed and exploited by the Chinese. Chinese will educate, order, and give a reason to live and fight to the Africans. They will slowly transform that continent in an army of friends. And maybe a day the despised "negroes" will try to come back in Europe. Not on board of old rubber boats, with babies in their hands and half drowned. They could come back as pilots of fighter bomber jets or sailors onboard Chinese aircraft careers, across the Mediterranean sea, and landing as million-men troops on the coasts of South Europe.
The reason why mr Trump and Salvini are much scared by China. Without to understand with their mind, could it be that it is the Holy Ghost to disturb them in their sleep?
The reason why mr Trump and Salvini are much scared by China. Without to understand with their mind, could it be that it is the Holy Ghost to disturb them in their sleep?
In the Bible God says: "Isn't marvellous the God's doing in your eyes?"; in the Psalm 118. And, in Deuteronomy, ch. 32, He also said: "They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation."