".........Ismael Khoufaify, Director of Advocacy of the Governance Council of
Minority & Marginalized Students at New York University, recently
had a rough week. Swastikas had again been discovered in a campus
building; someone in the dining halls marked Black History Month by
serving watermelon kool-aid; some pro-Israel students expressed polite
disagreement at a Jewish Voice for Peace anti-Israel hatefest. Khoufaify
wrote on Facebook:
“The last few days have sent me spiraling into a deep state of
reflection. In the last week our NYU community has gone through hell and
back. From swastikas, to kool-aid, to Zionism.” For Mr. Khoufaify,
Nazism, racism, and Zionism were equally egregious.
Campus anti-Israel activists like to claim there is a “Palestine
exception” to free speech, but from where we stand, Khoufaify’s
flippant, arguably antisemitic, remark reflects what is really occurring
on campuses all over the globe. Here are just a few more examples. Last
week a University of Virginia panel featuring Israeli military
reservists was forcefully disrupted,
apparently violating multiple campus rules. Several days earlier, at
the University of California at Berkeley, there was an antisemitic death threat
against a Jewish professor. A week prior to that, students wishing to
hear the moderate Israeli former minister Dan Meridor at London’s Kings
College were confronted with a menacing mob of screaming demonstrators. At Princeton University in November the local Hillel chapter cancelled
at the last minute a talk by Israel’s deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi
Hotovely in response to pressure from “pro-peace” students. In January
2017 the School of Oriental and African Studies student union passed a resolution banning anyone affiliated with Zionist ideology from speaking on campus on any topic whatsoever.
Other veritable mob scenes have also occurred in recent years, in some
cases (the University of California at Irvine, University College
London) requiring police intervention to escort audience members or
speakers out of the venue."
Continue to read the integral article at:
The Silencing of Pro-Israel Students on Campus
By Andrew Pessin and Doron Ben-Atar
See also Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis boycotted by atheopat groups:
University Denies Free Speech to Ken Ham and Boots Him from Speaking
AiG President Gets Tossed from Speaking in Ironically Named Constitution Hall
by Patrick Kanewske and Mark Looy on February 6, 2018
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Under New Persecution, Faith Groups in Russia Turn to Human Rights Court [Yarovaya's law]
Note: Bible-believers are persecuted just because their
final authority is God and His word, not human word, which is the final
authority of the secular evolutionist 'human rights' civilizations. But,
beside this, whatever could be the label attached to them, it is good and right to
appeal also to human powers who claim to defend the human rights. The human powers exist for God's will, it is Satan who fills 'em
with his guys. Appealing to such powers to then suffer their unrighteousness is a duty of the Bible believer: in this God will judge and sentence them! Because God created the nations, but Satan the nationalism.
* * *
Under New Persecution, Faith Groups in Russia Turn to Human Rights Court
Jennifer Lea / Andreas Thonhauser / @andy_ADFintl / March 16, 2018 / comments
Russia and the European Court of Human Rights have not always enjoyed an easy relationship.
Though the court dates back to 1959, Russia only accepted its jurisdiction 37 years later in 1996. Even so, according to the court’s records, Russia has continuously ranked as the second-most notorious human rights offender over the years.
With its new “extremism” law targeting religious minorities, Russia is on the fast track to becoming first on the list.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed this controversial piece of legislation into law in June 2016. In Russia, it is known as the “Yarovaya law” and is named after its leading co-author, Irina Yarovaya, a prominent member of Putin’s United Russia party.
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Russian authorities defend the law as a necessary security measure in the fight against radical, fundamentalist groups. While the law’s stated aim is to enable authorities to crack down on militant terrorists and extremist threats, the law has so far primarily been a threat to religious minorities that are anything but militant.
Just recently, ADF International, the global partner of Alliance Defending Freedom, intervened at the European Court of Human Rights in a landmark case concerning religious freedom in Russia. In this case, Jehovah’s Witnesses turned to Europe’s highest court in a desperate attempt to avoid a complete shutdown in Russia.
In 2017, the Russian law was used to label the group as “extremist.” The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ administrative center and 395 local congregations were subsequently closed.
Though a complete shutdown is drastic, the penalties could have been even worse. Under the new law, engaging in “extremist” activities can be punished with up to six years’ imprisonment and heavy fines. Foreigners face deportation.
But what exactly is considered “extremist” in Russia? Yarovaya and her fellow legislators are rather generous with their definition.
All “missionary activities” have become off-limits without prior government approval. They are defined broadly as “sharing one’s beliefs with persons of another faith or nonbeliever with the aim of involving these individuals in the ‘structure’ or the religious association.”
Any faith group could potentially become an offender. This concern must have crossed the minds of Russian legislators as well, as they exempted certain registered religious groups, namely the Orthodox Church.
Still, even those belonging to a registered group must carry permits showing that they belong to a state-approved group. Unsurprisingly, religious minority groups have a hard time obtaining such permits.
Though very few Russian government officials seem to disagree with the implementation of the new law, the Russian Constitution stands in clear opposition.
Article 28 of the constitution guarantees freedom of conscience and religion, as well as the freedom to profess no religion at all. Everyone should be allowed to freely choose, posses, and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act according to them.
The constitution does not impose registrations, permits, or specific geographic restrictions. It clearly protects religious liberty.
Before the new Yarovaya law, people like Pastor Donald Ossewaarde lived for decades in Russia under constitutional protections. A Baptist minister originally from the United States, Ossewaarde moved to a small town south of Moscow and for over 20 years built and shepherded the Christian community.
In summer 2016, his life’s efforts to spread the gospel in Russia came to a halt. During a gathering in his home, four policemen entered and sat down. They took notes during the meeting. Afterward, they escorted Ossewaarde to the police station where they charged him with a criminal act of “extremism.”
Ossewaarde’s case is only one among many others. To cite but a few, a Russian court recently fined an African Pentecostal pastor for conducting religious ceremonies while not having the necessary permit. Russian prosecutors pursued a pastor of the Church of Free Christians of Seventh-Day Adventists for delivering religious books. Local law enforcement interrogated American tourists for merely standing up to greet and congratulate the Word of Life Church in its own buildings during a Sunday service. Two of them were fined.
Like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ossewaarde has appealed to the European court. If the judges find that the recent extremism law has indeed compromised the right to religious freedom, indicted pastors and entire faith groups might be able to take up their work again.
The court’s judgment will affect the rest of the court’s 47 member
* * *
Under New Persecution, Faith Groups in Russia Turn to Human Rights Court
Jennifer Lea / Andreas Thonhauser / @andy_ADFintl / March 16, 2018 / comments
Russia and the European Court of Human Rights have not always enjoyed an easy relationship.
Though the court dates back to 1959, Russia only accepted its jurisdiction 37 years later in 1996. Even so, according to the court’s records, Russia has continuously ranked as the second-most notorious human rights offender over the years.
With its new “extremism” law targeting religious minorities, Russia is on the fast track to becoming first on the list.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed this controversial piece of legislation into law in June 2016. In Russia, it is known as the “Yarovaya law” and is named after its leading co-author, Irina Yarovaya, a prominent member of Putin’s United Russia party.
Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. But this can't be done alone. Find out more >>
Russian authorities defend the law as a necessary security measure in the fight against radical, fundamentalist groups. While the law’s stated aim is to enable authorities to crack down on militant terrorists and extremist threats, the law has so far primarily been a threat to religious minorities that are anything but militant.
Just recently, ADF International, the global partner of Alliance Defending Freedom, intervened at the European Court of Human Rights in a landmark case concerning religious freedom in Russia. In this case, Jehovah’s Witnesses turned to Europe’s highest court in a desperate attempt to avoid a complete shutdown in Russia.
In 2017, the Russian law was used to label the group as “extremist.” The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ administrative center and 395 local congregations were subsequently closed.
Though a complete shutdown is drastic, the penalties could have been even worse. Under the new law, engaging in “extremist” activities can be punished with up to six years’ imprisonment and heavy fines. Foreigners face deportation.
But what exactly is considered “extremist” in Russia? Yarovaya and her fellow legislators are rather generous with their definition.
All “missionary activities” have become off-limits without prior government approval. They are defined broadly as “sharing one’s beliefs with persons of another faith or nonbeliever with the aim of involving these individuals in the ‘structure’ or the religious association.”
Any faith group could potentially become an offender. This concern must have crossed the minds of Russian legislators as well, as they exempted certain registered religious groups, namely the Orthodox Church.
Still, even those belonging to a registered group must carry permits showing that they belong to a state-approved group. Unsurprisingly, religious minority groups have a hard time obtaining such permits.
Though very few Russian government officials seem to disagree with the implementation of the new law, the Russian Constitution stands in clear opposition.
Article 28 of the constitution guarantees freedom of conscience and religion, as well as the freedom to profess no religion at all. Everyone should be allowed to freely choose, posses, and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act according to them.
The constitution does not impose registrations, permits, or specific geographic restrictions. It clearly protects religious liberty.
Before the new Yarovaya law, people like Pastor Donald Ossewaarde lived for decades in Russia under constitutional protections. A Baptist minister originally from the United States, Ossewaarde moved to a small town south of Moscow and for over 20 years built and shepherded the Christian community.
In summer 2016, his life’s efforts to spread the gospel in Russia came to a halt. During a gathering in his home, four policemen entered and sat down. They took notes during the meeting. Afterward, they escorted Ossewaarde to the police station where they charged him with a criminal act of “extremism.”
Ossewaarde’s case is only one among many others. To cite but a few, a Russian court recently fined an African Pentecostal pastor for conducting religious ceremonies while not having the necessary permit. Russian prosecutors pursued a pastor of the Church of Free Christians of Seventh-Day Adventists for delivering religious books. Local law enforcement interrogated American tourists for merely standing up to greet and congratulate the Word of Life Church in its own buildings during a Sunday service. Two of them were fined.
Like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ossewaarde has appealed to the European court. If the judges find that the recent extremism law has indeed compromised the right to religious freedom, indicted pastors and entire faith groups might be able to take up their work again.
The court’s judgment will affect the rest of the court’s 47 member
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Will Satan plan the next Tien An Man massacre in Cina targeting Bible believers with a Catho- Communist alliance?
The Pope Bows to Beijing
The Vatican's plan to recognize Chinese-government appointed bishops feels like a betrayal to Catholics.
By Adam Summers and Lawrence McQuillan March 2, 2018, at 4:15 p.m.
The problem for Satan is the enormous increase of the Biblica Protestants at the expenses of the Catholics. The ratio Protestants/Catholics in Communist China is about 10/1. The same Jesuits confirm it:
China had an estimated 58 million Protestants and 9 million Catholics in 2010, according to the 2011 Report of Global Christianity by the Pew Research Centre. Based on these figures, Professor Yang Fenggang, director of the Centre on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University, estimated that there are now more than 100 million Protestants and nearly 12 million Catholics in China. He projected that by 2030, the total Christian population, including both Protestants and Catholics, could exceed 247 million, making it one of the largest in the world. (Author Ian Johnson estimates the number of Catholics as closer to 10 million in a recent report in America magazine, the Jesuit.)
----> http://www.heraldmalaysia.com/news/chinese-christian-churches-face-new-threats-as-state-religious-code-is-revised/41128/14
Interesting to note that recently the Communist Parliament of China approved the modification of the constitution in order to have a president for life in China, recalling a certain fashion in use in the ancient, heathen Roman Empire:
It’s Official: China Paves Way for Xi Jinping to be President for Life
By Daniel Politi
March 11, 201812:37 PM
A great allegory: The Pope of Rome, the today's Pharaoh, together with his Emperor of China/military liutenant , the life-President Xi Jinping, are seeking to murder the bride of the Lord, the Biblical churches of China, keeping the people of God an eternal spiritual labor slave of a God-less nation. Shall they have success in their evil plan?
“Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures,
The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?” Matthew 21:42
Communist China today is a very clear witness of the marvellous God's intervention in the life of the nations. The Allmighty God helps the sowing and growth of His churches allowing a fitted social and economical environment in Communist China and to this divine purpose one has to thank for the astounding economic growth of the economy of Communist China, surely not to human efforts. The flower of the God's people growing in the most powerful allegory of ancient Egypt, namely the most powerful atheist and anti-Christian country in this world, is a terrible warning to the rest of the world, especially to the Evolutionist, Darwinist and philosophical "free" world of the decayed Western civilization. Of course the Devil is trying to counter the God's plan, but we know, that guy and his spirits and human servants are already defeated. The Holy Clock is inexorably advancing to Time Zero, when our Lord will come and we'll join Him among the clouds. Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet (perhaps one of the popes of Rome) shall be swallowed by the flames of the eternal Lake of Fire. Beware, God never ceases to judge the nations! Amen!
Friday, February 23, 2018
The "paradise" of Darwinism, Evolutionism and apostasy: Sweden [on How God Deals With The Blasphemous Nations Today]
The "paradise" of Darwinism, Evolutionism and apostasy: Sweden [on How God Deals With The Blasphemous Nations Today]
Monday, March 5, 2018
"anti" Replacement theology of the Catholic church - a new branch or a parasite grass?
"......Senior Catholic clergy who espouse replacement theology are actually denying the official teaching of the Catholic Church clearly expressed in the Declaration Nostra Aetate, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and in numerous declarations by John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. The official RC position on replacement theology is very clear. Senior Vatican Cardinal Walter Kasper set it out in 2003 in a major paper on “Anti-Semitism: A wound to be healed” that: 1. The Church does not replace Israel, but is grafted onto it."
18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
19 Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?
20 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched. Jeremiah, 7:18-20, KJV
.......For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Romans, 11:21 KJV
Friday, March 2, 2018
LIKE IN RUSSIA: Thanks to "ISIS' violence against Christians", everyone else can persecute Christians UNDER THE RADAR
New law in Bolivia threatens preaching and ‘witnessing’
Christians in Bolivia are warning they could be about to see the end of religious freedom in their country under a new law which brackets criminal groups with religious organisations.The law bans people trying to ‘recruit’ others to take part in ‘armed conflicts or religious or worship organisations’. This could mean that street preaching is banned, even inviting someone to a Christian event could count as an offence.Evangelical representatives are warning it could mean the end of religious freedom in the country.
“Will they denounce us if we bring a group of people to a Christian camp? Will I no longer be able to preach the Gospel on the streets?” asked pastor Miguel Machaca Monroy, President of the coalition of evangelical churches in the capital city.
The National Association of Evangelicals in Bolivia also criticised the new Penal Code and a statement said: “It is deplorable that Bolivia becomes the first Latin American country to persecute the rights of freedom of conscience and of religion, which are protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the declaration of San José de Costa Rica, and our Constitution.
“Christian evangelical churches in our country are institutions aiming to rehabilitate the human being, improve the moral, spiritual, ethical and social conditions of our citizens.
It added: “Now, we have been put in a situation in which practising the Gospel has been criminalised.”
The new law, found in Article 88.11 of the Penal Code, reads: “Whoever recruits, transports, deprives of freedom or hosts people with the aim of recruiting them to take part in armed conflicts or religious or worship organizations will be penalised five to 12 years of imprisonment.”
Global Christian News http://www.globalchristiannews.org/article/new-law-in-bolivia-threatens-preaching-and-witnessing/
See source:
UZBEKISTAN: No books allowed, Bible ordered destroyed
By Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18Uzbekistan still searches homes and fines people for meeting and having religious literature, claiming in one case to look for a gun. After one person admitted to reading Christian books at home, their home was raided and Bible confiscated. Elsewhere, a Bible was destroyed.
On 10 November police in Andijan in eastern Uzbekistan raided the private flat of Irina Stepanova, a member of the local state-registered Baptist Church. Police claimed that they were looking for an allegedly illegally stored gun, but concentrated on confiscating Christian books. She now faces charges for possessing Christian books and other Christian material (see below).
On 19 November, 14 officials from various agencies, including the local police Struggle with Extremism and Terrorism Department, raided the private home of Stanislav Kim in Urgench in Khorezm Region in north-western Uzbekistan. People meeting for Sunday morning worship were arrested, interrogated for two hours and threatened at a police station. Christian books were confiscated. After one person admitted under interrogation to reading Christian books their home was also also raided and books including their personal Bible were confiscated (see below)........
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Two Iranian Christians were sentenced to a total of eight years in prison by a revolutionary court in December 2017, after being convicted of national security-related crimes.Suroush Saraie and Eskandar Rezaie, who are both members of the Church of Iran denomination, each received seven-year sentences for “creating a group that works against national security” and an additional year for “propaganda against the state.” Both men are appealing the verdict, which was handed down on 28 December 2017 by the 4th Chamber of the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz.
During the same court hearing, a Christian woman named Zahra Norouzi Kashkouli was sentenced to a year in prison for “being a member of a group working against the system.” She too is appealing the sentence.
Article 23 of the Iranian constitution states that “the investigation of individuals’ beliefs is forbidden, and no one may be molested or taken to task simply for holding a certain belief.” Nevertheless, there has been a rise in arrests of members of minority faith communities since the advent of the Rouhani presidency, and Christians have routinely been charged with national security-related crimes in order to justify excessive sentences......
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